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I have been lied to, and misled, now 4 times this year about the same recurring problem. I want 1/2 of my money back. The executives who signed the danged letter can manage the problem. Why the heck should a CUSTOMER like me do their Quality Control, time after time? It's pitiful.

David you've definitely earned that 1/2 money back based on how much you HAVE given to TLG...and not just your own purchases man.

Edited by Dannnohhh

David. the bigger the company the more mistakes happens. they will fix it in time


42006 is in the latest January UK Lego Magazine. £49.99 seems very reasonable. Available from January 1st in the UK.

David. the bigger the company the more mistakes happens. they will fix it in time.

Yeah, that was one of the excuses The Lego Group told me. I work for the US Government (far larger, and with more bureaucracy, than The Lego Group). We have checklists that we follow to fly aircraft. When The Lego Group "launches" a new set for sale, they obviously don't use a checklist because the SAME, systemic problem keeps happening. It's happened now 4 times this year (as documented with the 9397 Logging Truck on this Eurobricks topic), the 9468 set in this topic,the 42010+42011 Dragster in this topic, and now the 42006 Excavator in this topic).

I have filled out ~10 Customer Feedback surveys (that pop up automatically when I visit Lego websites), telephoned them, wrote e-mails to company execs, got a signed letter that appeared above, etc. Does anything change? No. I must have wasted 10 hours chasing their problem, to no avail. They can waste my time, but they're not going to waste my money. If I'm going to pay USD $80+ for a 2-for-1 set, and the PDF Building Instructions for the B-Model are only available online, those instructions better be there. When they're not, it's called "False Advertising" & "Fraud".

I downloaded the A-model instruction and the way the model is designed make me think that Jeppe Juul Jensen made it. Michael Jeppesen designed it.

Edited by Anio

I downloaded the A-model instruction and the way the model is designed make me think that Jeppe Juul Jensen made it. :)

Then Jeppe Juul Jensen can see to it that HIS model has ALL of the Building Instructions posted on Lego.com/Technic, as advertised. His signed letter said he would see that situations like this would not happen again:


Is this not the march set or is the f1 car the march set?

Also has anyone got a built 42006 yet?

Edited by davidmull

Yeah, that was one of the excuses The Lego Group told me. I work for the US Government (far larger, and with more bureaucracy, than The Lego Group). We have checklists that we follow to fly aircraft. When The Lego Group "launches" a new set for sale, they obviously don't use a checklist because the SAME, systemic problem keeps happening. It's happened now 4 times this year (as documented with the 9397 Logging Truck on this Eurobricks topic), the 9468 set in this topic,the 42010+42011 Dragster in this topic, and now the 42006 Excavator in this topic).

I have filled out ~10 Customer Feedback surveys (that pop up automatically when I visit Lego websites), telephoned them, wrote e-mails to company execs, got a signed letter that appeared above, etc. Does anything change? No. I must have wasted 10 hours chasing their problem, to no avail. They can waste my time, but they're not going to waste my money. If I'm going to pay USD $80+ for a 2-for-1 set, and the PDF Building Instructions for the B-Model are only available online, those instructions better be there. When they're not, it's called "False Advertising" & "Fraud".

Yeah, that was one of the excuses The Lego Group told me. I work for the US Government (far larger, and with more bureaucracy, than The Lego Group). We have checklists that we follow to fly aircraft. When The Lego Group "launches" a new set for sale, they obviously don't use a checklist because the SAME, systemic problem keeps happening. It's happened now 4 times this year (as documented with the 9397 Logging Truck on this Eurobricks topic), the 9468 set in this topic,the 42010+42011 Dragster in this topic, and now the 42006 Excavator in this topic).

I have filled out ~10 Customer Feedback surveys (that pop up automatically when I visit Lego websites), telephoned them, wrote e-mails to company execs, got a signed letter that appeared above, etc. Does anything change? No. I must have wasted 10 hours chasing their problem, to no avail. They can waste my time, but they're not going to waste my money. If I'm going to pay USD $80+ for a 2-for-1 set, and the PDF Building Instructions for the B-Model are only available online, those instructions better be there. When they're not, it's called "False Advertising" & "Fraud".

David - you seem to get action with TLG, I applaud you for that. You got us the 9397 b model instructions. They may mess with you, but your e-mails seem to get their attention. All of us thank you for persevernance, I got the same run-around when I called myself when I inquired about the 42006. Nobody seems to have their stories straight at TLG Cust Svc. Surprisingly, TRU does not have it in stock, which is unusual because they usually release sets even before TLG does, they had all the 1H sets in stock way before Lego had them on their website, and the 42006 isn't a large set, more on par with 2008's 8294 Excavator. I called one of the stores and they have no information on the 42006 , and I have a gift card for $100, it sucks...thumbs up for your action with TLG.

After looking at the instructions for this one I'm really impressed with it. This year is shaping up to be another great one for Technic! I hope to find one today or order it from Lego.

Now this is messed up...on the Technic site of Lego it gives you only the first book of instructions, not the 2nd book..what's up with that? And the b model comes up but only page 1 of 1...

My thought was to modify the 3rd part of the boom of the 8043 with the grabber, though I don't have those specialized grabber parts I thought I could use bent liftarms instead...but it doesn't give enough detail without the 2nd book of instructions in the pdf form... :sceptic:

Edited by TechnicFreak

When I telephoned Lego Customer Service this morning at their Enfield, Connecticut USA office (near where I grew up), I explained the situation with the incomplete 42006 A-Model PDF Building Instructions and the missing B-Model instructions. I was told (after a few minutes of waiting) that this set "was released early", and that the instructions would probably be available in a week or so. I replied that I'm writing a personal letter to the two Lego executives (who signed that letter above) to get this persistent problem resolved, once and for all. I want to know what THEY think of the four different incidents I've experienced over the last 9 months.

Please can somebody explain, what problem are there solving?If I understand corectly, problem is only bad online quality of instructions?

I downloaded the A-model instruction and the way the model is designed make me think that Jeppe Juul Jensen made it. :)

How did you download the main model instructions? All that is available on the official Technic website for download is the 1st book for the 42006, it ends there.

When I telephoned Lego Customer Service this morning at their Enfield, Connecticut USA office (near where I grew up), I explained the situation with the incomplete 42006 A-Model PDF Building Instructions and the missing B-Model instructions. I was told (after a few minutes of waiting) that this set "was released early", and that the instructions would probably be available in a week or so. I replied that I'm writing a personal letter to the two Lego executives (who signed that letter above) to get this persistent problem resolved, once and for all. I want to know what THEY think of the four different incidents I've experienced over the last 9 months.

Agreed DLuders, you are definitely a great advocate for the forum. Why would they stupidly offer download of the just the first book of the 42006's main model instructions, and not the whole thing? And they offer download for the b model, but its only 1 page, just a picture of the model...real dumb move on their part. If there aren't going to offer the whole download, why post just one of two booklets? I swear TLG has their brains scrambled. One would think they would learn from their past mistakes, such as the botch job on the 9397 last winter.

Edited by TechnicFreak

David G. Luders

7430 N. Prairie Crest Road

Spokane, Washington 99224-8966 December 29, 2012


Jeppe Juul Jensen and Niels Henrik Horsted

LEGO System A/S

Åstvej 1

7190 Billund


Dear Sirs,

You may recall signing the attached March 2012 letter concerning the tardy posting of PDF Building Instructions for the alternate, B-Model LEGO Technic sets. Unfortunately, the problem still persists. Even when sets are offered for sale at the official Shop.Lego.com website, the B-Model instructions were not posted until I personally alerted Lego Customer Service through multiple e-mails and telephone calls.

Specifically, here are the three incidents involving LEGO Technic sets during the last 9 months:

  1. In March 2012, the 9397 Logging Truck B-Model -- http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=66348&hl=9397 .
  2. In early Dec 2012, the 42010+42011 Dragster combination -- http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=76837entry1454320 .
  3. In late Dec 2012, the 42006 Excavator B-Model – http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=76891&st=25#entry1468731 .

In your letter, you stated that you “…were committed to preventing building instruction delays and are taking action to make sure that this does not happen with future set releases.” Alas, those steps have not prevented this recurring, systemic problem. You also wrote to me to “Please continue to voice your thoughts, so we can work together in making TECHNIC the best it can be.” I’m hoping that you can both find out why new 2-in-1 Technic sets cannot have their B-Model PDF Building Instructions posted in a prompt manner, without having a customer (like me) acting as your LEGO website Quality Control person.

I have completed at least 10 of those pop-up Customer Surveys that I see when visiting LEGO websites, to outline the problems noted above. Nothing has changed. There could be hundreds of disappointed customers who also seek the advertised B-Model instructions, but do not find them. Surely there are some additional steps that you could take to solve this problem, once and for all.


David G. Luders, P.E., Licensed Professional Engineer

If I am not mistaken, didn't this same issue happen way back with the online instructions for the 8297 offroader B-Model?

I assume that offering online instructions really isn't their top priority and they get them out there when they can.

How did you download the main model instructions? All that is available on the official Technic website for download is the 1st book for the 42006, it ends there.

And that's enough. :)

I really like the gearbox design. Placing the driving rings inline with each other is clever and simple. However, I'm not a fan of the boom design. The 1x13 beam on page 74 appears to be forced in place. I'm surprised this got past the design team.

I bought this a couple of days ago, it's a 1 x 11 with a 1 x 3 on one and and a thin 1 x 5 on the other end both adding one stud length to each side. The thin 1 x 5 is attached through a 5L axle that let's it act as a pivot point. It's not forced at all.

The 1x13 beam on page 74 appears to be forced in place.

It doesn't.

It is not attached with pin with friction but an axle.

Please can somebody explain, what problem are there solving?If I understand corectly, problem is only bad online quality of instructions?

In my honest opinion the only people who could complain if any are the ones that have just bought the 42006 set and want to build the B-model whose instructions should be on the LEGO website.

For the rest of us that didn't buy the set (yet) there is no reason to complain at all.

Free instructions for a great design that can probably be built with parts of 8043 I consider as a gift!

just my $0,02

Is this not the march set or is the f1 car the march set?

Also has anyone got a built 42006 yet?

I do!


It doesn't.

It is not attached with pin with friction but an axle.

I know, I was replying to an earlier quote (my explanation is the second paragraph) and accidentally removed they're name from the quote...as you can see I don't post much to forums....yet!

Surely there is a better location for the PF switch. :classic:

I'm looking forward to seeing the instructions for this set - hope they get it straightened out soon!

I added wireless receiver with muffler :grin:


Edited by WR3KL3SS

Free instructions for a great design that can probably be built with parts of 8043 I consider as a gift!

That's what I'm thinking! :thumbup:

They will get it sorted out soon I'm sure, although it does seem to happen a lot.

David G. Luders

7430 N. Prairie Crest Road

Spokane, Washington 99224-8966 December 29, 2012


Jeppe Juul Jensen and Niels Henrik Horsted

LEGO System A/S

Åstvej 1

7190 Billund


Dear Sirs,

You may recall signing the attached March 2012 letter concerning the tardy posting of PDF Building Instructions for the alternate, B-Model LEGO Technic sets. Unfortunately, the problem still persists. Even when sets are offered for sale at the official Shop.Lego.com website, the B-Model instructions were not posted until I personally alerted Lego Customer Service through multiple e-mails and telephone calls.

Specifically, here are the three incidents involving LEGO Technic sets during the last 9 months:

  1. In March 2012, the 9397 Logging Truck B-Model -- http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=66348&hl=9397 .
  2. In early Dec 2012, the 42010+42011 Dragster combination -- http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=76837entry1454320 .
  3. In late Dec 2012, the 42006 Excavator B-Model – http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=76891&st=25#entry1468731 .

In your letter, you stated that you “…were committed to preventing building instruction delays and are taking action to make sure that this does not happen with future set releases.” Alas, those steps have not prevented this recurring, systemic problem. You also wrote to me to “Please continue to voice your thoughts, so we can work together in making TECHNIC the best it can be.” I’m hoping that you can both find out why new 2-in-1 Technic sets cannot have their B-Model PDF Building Instructions posted in a prompt manner, without having a customer (like me) acting as your LEGO website Quality Control person.

I have completed at least 10 of those pop-up Customer Surveys that I see when visiting LEGO websites, to outline the problems noted above. Nothing has changed. There could be hundreds of disappointed customers who also seek the advertised B-Model instructions, but do not find them. Surely there are some additional steps that you could take to solve this problem, once and for all.


David G. Luders, P.E., Licensed Professional Engineer

If you really want to make a point, stop buying their products.....just a thought. We weren't expecting this until sometime in January, so the fact that we have it early makes this oversight easier to digest. I built the first model and will enjoy for a while, then I will look for instructions for B model...not a big deal. What would be really nice is if they would include printed instructions for B models like they used to.....one can dream!


Any chance you can take a picture side by side with another model just to evaluate his size?

Here you go....will also take this opp to show off some of the ol' collection....lol

Father & Son

Edited by WR3KL3SS

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