January 13, 201213 yr Why did the Empire use AT-ATs instead of AT-TEs? AT-Tes are so much more practical and can't be brought down by some rope? AT-ATs are far more intimidating, and they only had one weak point in the armor. Remember that by the time OT-era AT-ATs were introduced, the Empire wasn't in a true war anymore. The Republic needed the practicality of the AT-TE facing droids that knew no fear and an enemy that vastly outnumbered it, but, thanks to both resources and the situation, the Empire could afford to field vehicles that were focused on intimidating before engaging.
January 13, 201213 yr The AT-AT was a huge psychological weapon, even more then a tactical weapon I think.
January 13, 201213 yr The AT-AT was a huge psychological weapon, even more then a tactical weapon I think. The Stormtroopers were used in very much the same way.
January 14, 201213 yr Does anyone know where i can get instructions for the alternative build listed at the end of the instructions for ARC-170 Fighter 7259? (top right in the pic) http://www.google.com/imgres?hl=en&biw=1366&bih=605&tbm=isch&tbnid=O-YfqdK3n-poEM:&imgrefurl=http://www.onetwobrick.net/2009/11/set-database-7259-arc-170-starfighter.html&docid=vJuDbGHETgERMM&itg=1&imgurl=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_hGcT2AIJg4k/Svf2gKfaNFI/AAAAAAAAL9E/CVPBjWMzmQU/s400/arc170_02.jpg&w=400&h=300&ei=8NAQT8LGOcTX0QH50pGuAw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=1060&vpy=130&dur=62&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=214&ty=97&sig=104125227046408017065&page=1&tbnh=124&tbnw=162&start=0&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:13,s:0 Thanks, Edited January 14, 201213 yr by bricklayer
January 14, 201213 yr Next time, post your questions here: http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=53620&st=1890 It's probably the same set number. Just search for an alternate model on google.
January 14, 201213 yr Does anyone know where i can get instructions for the alternative build listed at the end of the instructions for ARC-170 Fighter 7259? (top right in the pic) http://www.google.com/imgres?hl=en&biw=1366&bih=605&tbm=isch&tbnid=O-YfqdK3n-poEM:&imgrefurl=http://www.onetwobrick.net/2009/11/set-database-7259-arc-170-starfighter.html&docid=vJuDbGHETgERMM&itg=1&imgurl=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_hGcT2AIJg4k/Svf2gKfaNFI/AAAAAAAAL9E/CVPBjWMzmQU/s400/arc170_02.jpg&w=400&h=300&ei=8NAQT8LGOcTX0QH50pGuAw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=1060&vpy=130&dur=62&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=214&ty=97&sig=104125227046408017065&page=1&tbnh=124&tbnw=162&start=0&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:13,s:0 Thanks, No go...google doesnt find anything. I just want to know if its has instrucructions or its more for "creative people" + im not star wars crazy so i dont actually know what those vehicles are called...i just want to build them.
January 14, 201213 yr Does anyone know where i can get instructions for the alternative build listed at the end of the instructions for ARC-170 Fighter 7259? (top right in the pic) http://www.google.com/imgres?hl=en&biw=1366&bih=605&tbm=isch&tbnid=O-YfqdK3n-poEM:&imgrefurl=http://www.onetwobrick.net/2009/11/set-database-7259-arc-170-starfighter.html&docid=vJuDbGHETgERMM&itg=1&imgurl=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_hGcT2AIJg4k/Svf2gKfaNFI/AAAAAAAAL9E/CVPBjWMzmQU/s400/arc170_02.jpg&w=400&h=300&ei=8NAQT8LGOcTX0QH50pGuAw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=1060&vpy=130&dur=62&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=214&ty=97&sig=104125227046408017065&page=1&tbnh=124&tbnw=162&start=0&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:13,s:0 Thanks, Well some old sets had simple instructions at the back for alternate builds, others just want you to imagine, try TLG website for a digital copy of the original instructions and see if they are in there.
January 14, 201213 yr No go...google doesnt find anything. I just want to know if its has instrucructions or its more for "creative people" + im not star wars crazy so i dont actually know what those vehicles are called...i just want to build them. To my knowledge, most of them do not. The only alternate models I know of for which instructions do exist are the 6211 alternate models, the instructions of which can be found in the Eurobricks Q's & A's.
January 14, 201213 yr To my knowledge, most of them do not. The only alternate models I know of for which instructions do exist are the 6211 alternate models, the instructions of which can be found in the Eurobricks Q's & A's. Thanks, It just weird why they would advertise without giving any instructions....i mean someone has built it for them to have a picture of it. I will ask lego and see if i can get a response.
January 14, 201213 yr I am intrigued, what is that vehicle supposed to be? It looks almost like a Republic version of a Magnaguard Starfighter.
January 14, 201213 yr To my knowledge, it's simply something else that can be built from the parts. If it exists in the canon, I haven't seen it (though it does bear a passing resemblance to the AT-XT).
January 14, 201213 yr To my knowledge, it's simply something else that can be built from the parts. If it exists in the canon, I haven't seen it (though it does bear a passing resemblance to the AT-XT). Are you sure about the AT-XT? It appears to be more of a starship, at least to my eyes. I agree it does not look like canon, but then again, that wouldn't be the first time LEGO tried to introduce a ship into the canon.
January 14, 201213 yr Perhaps it is intended to be able to serve as both. It appears to be a walker from which the legs can be easily removed (after which it becomes a starship).
January 14, 201213 yr Yeah, I think it's just a random mech/transformer/whatever. It may have been inspired by the AT-XT, but I don't think it's supposed to be it, simply judging by the transformation feature.
January 15, 201213 yr Now, as all the sets are being remade, what's the point of having the old sets? For example, I have a Wookiee Catamaran and a Luminara that comes with it. I was very glad I bought it in 2005 because I had Luminara and most of the people didn't. Now, there is a 100 times better Luminara out with printed legs, double head and in a non-light up version. So now I have to buy that new Luminara if I want her to fit in my other high detailed jedi. The same goes for Anakin's jedi interceptor. It was cool to have it and the ep 3 Anakin, but now they made one that is better by everything(minfigs, model, details). So now, if I want a ep3 minifg collection I would have to buy the new figs. If this continues I think I will just collect the Clone Wars Jedi and non-CW other figs. It' impossible to have all the awesome figs. They already made 2 Barriss Offees and I have a feeling that the new Palpatine's arrest will have a new Kit Fisto fig. So wich one to put in my collection? thoughts?
January 16, 201213 yr Now, as all the sets are being remade, what's the point of having the old sets? For example, I have a Wookiee Catamaran and a Luminara that comes with it. I was very glad I bought it in 2005 because I had Luminara and most of the people didn't. Now, there is a 100 times better Luminara out with printed legs, double head and in a non-light up version. So now I have to buy that new Luminara if I want her to fit in my other high detailed jedi. The same goes for Anakin's jedi interceptor. It was cool to have it and the ep 3 Anakin, but now they made one that is better by everything(minfigs, model, details). So now, if I want a ep3 minifg collection I would have to buy the new figs. If this continues I think I will just collect the Clone Wars Jedi and non-CW other figs. It' impossible to have all the awesome figs. They already made 2 Barriss Offees and I have a feeling that the new Palpatine's arrest will have a new Kit Fisto fig. So wich one to put in my collection? thoughts? Depends on what your goal is. Do you just want to have the best looking minifigures? Or are you a collector who wants every single one of them (or only of a specific theme for instance)? If you're the first, I would just go for the new Luminara and hope they don't bring out a even better one in the future, which they probably won't though. However, if I was you, I would keep the old Luminara (and other older figures you own) and make sure they don't get damaged or get a used look. Just put them in plastic bags or something, that's what I do at least.
January 18, 201213 yr Hey everyone, I was wondering if anyone has bought these in the past? Are they good quality, do they look good in the hands of the clone trooper minifigs? http://www.ebay.com/itm/10-X-Star-Wars-Rifle-Fuer-LEGO-Clone-Trooper-schwarz-guns-7655-7674-8019-7679-/260920719272?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cc01637a8
January 18, 201213 yr Depends on what your goal is. Do you just want to have the best looking minifigures? Or are you a collector who wants every single one of them (or only of a specific theme for instance)? If you're the first, I would just go for the new Luminara and hope they don't bring out a even better one in the future, which they probably won't though. However, if I was you, I would keep the old Luminara (and other older figures you own) and make sure they don't get damaged or get a used look. Just put them in plastic bags or something, that's what I do at least. If you're only interested in the minifigure, I agree with what Hollander says here. But the best thing about Lego in general is that an older set doesn't necessarily become obsolete once a newer version is released. You can just disassemble it and add the pieces to your collection! Death Star 10188 or other LEGO sets? You're question is pretty vague. Are you trying to ask whether you should save money and buy 10188, or buy other, smaller Lego sets instead? As someone who owns 10188, I can say that it's well worth every penny I paid for it. If you're willing to sacrifice other Lego purchases for what is guaranteed to be a collection centerpiece, I'd say go for it.
January 18, 201213 yr Hey everyone, I was wondering if anyone has bought these in the past? Are they good quality, do they look good in the hands of the clone trooper minifigs? http://www.ebay.com/itm/10-X-Star-Wars-Rifle-Fuer-LEGO-Clone-Trooper-schwarz-guns-7655-7674-8019-7679-/260920719272?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cc01637a8 I bought a selection of SW weapons off eBay in the UK and this rifle was included. I don't own any Clones but it looks good enough in the hands of an old style Sandtrooper . I think these originate from The Little Arms Shop, the design has a nice simplistic, Lego-ish look and the quality is good. However, if you want something with a little more detail it might be worth holding out for possible future SW releases from Brickarms, check out Darth Yogi's review here.
January 19, 201213 yr Personally, I believe the LAS ones are really nice, however, Brickarms' have a good chance of being good (if they are mass-produced) Though there is one other seller. Clone Army Customs. CACustom Weapons by CloneArmyCustoms, on Flickr He just recently announced a release of new weapons, and this is the first batch, though he will have more coming!
January 19, 201213 yr I really can't wait for the Brickarms ones. I've never tried Little Arms Shop, but they just don't seem to have the same quality.
January 20, 201213 yr Okay, I'm thinking about purchasing some Phase II clone troopers, and I can't decide whether to buy Arealight helmets and CW torsos or official LEGO Phase II troopers. Does anyone have any comparisons between the two? Also, I would like to buy some DC-15as for my troops. Is the Little Arms Shop or Clone Army Customs cheaper? Which looks better?
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