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Welcome to the Eurobricks FAQ, including the Forum Information and Help Index.

New and long time members alike will find here answers to most of the common forum-related questions, as well as links to relevant discussion threads. Please have a look here before creating a new topic as your question may have been answered before or could belong to an existing thread. This FAQ is meant to complement but not replace the site guidelines – please read them carefully for the final word on EB policy.

Quick reference

HELP!!! - Ask any membership and forum-related questions here.

New members

Was I too young to register?
Why can’t I see my profile, or other members’ profiles?
Why can’t I use my Personal Messenger?
Why am I unable to post in specific forums?
Can I reach the staff using the Eurobricks e-mail address?
Where can I find help with the new board features?
What does AFOL mean? MOC? SNOT?
Where can I get more advice?

Posting tips and etiquette

Why should I watch my spelling or avoid short posts full of emoticons?
Is it allowed to revisit (bump) old topics?
How can I upload pictures of my creations to the forums?
Can I also upload videos to Eurobricks?
In which forum should I post my MOC?
Why can’t I make a poll?
Can I edit the title of my topic?

Member profile

Is my signature too big?
Can I change my user name?
What are the different ranks? How am I promoted to a different rank?
What do the tiny icons under a member's avatar represent?
Can I have a country flag as a tag?
What is the short caption under a member’s avatar?
Why can’t I upload a new avatar?

Technical issues

Why does Eurobricks keeps logging me out?
I couldn’t access Eurobricks, what happened?
Why can’t I find the topic I’m looking for using the Search function?
Why does the forum clock run one hour late?
Where can I ask for assistance with other technical problems?

Other features

Where are the set reviews?
What is the Eurobricks Reviewers Academy?
Other common requests

Eurobricks Master Indices

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New members

Welcome to Eurobricks! Before anything else please familiarise yourself with the site guidelines. Rules are few but their observance helps this community stand out as a friendly place for all members.


gallery_8966_235_728.png Was I too young to register?

Eurobricks is targeted at mature adults. Immature posting behaviour will be investigated by the staff.


gallery_8966_235_728.png Why can’t I see my profile, or other members’ profiles?

New members’ accounts have a few restrictions in place to keep spammers and bots from abusing the site. Most noticeably, members can’t view personal profiles (including their own) until they have achieved 10 posts. This restriction is lifted automatically when your post count reaches 10.

I can’t view member profiles – this is where all such queries end up.


gallery_8966_235_728.png Why can’t I use my Personal Messenger?

New members can’t use the Personal Messenger to send or receive messages until they have reached 10 posts. Members with the rank of Knight (500 posts) and above can start group PM conversations. The specifics can be found in the User groups and tags reference thread.


gallery_8966_235_728.png Why can’t I add links to my signature?

New members can’t add links to their signature until they have reached 10 posts. The actual number of links allowed increases with the rank.


gallery_8966_235_728.png Why am I unable to post in specific forums?

As an anti-spam measure, new members are denied posting rights in selected forums until they have reached a number of posts.

Can't post until reaching 10 posts:
Can't start a topic until reaching 10 posts:
Can't start a topic until reaching 100 posts:


gallery_8966_235_728.png Can I reach the staff using the Eurobricks e-mail address?

Please only use this address if you are unable to contact the staff via the board (Personal Messenger). If you do please be patient as this mailbox is not currently monitored on a frequent basis. There will be no reply to questions already answered in this FAQ.


gallery_8966_235_728.png Where can I find help with the new board features?

If you have trouble finding your way around the new board, head to the EB Visual User Guide for help with all the new (and old) features. Alternatively, you can also have a look at the integrated board help feature.


gallery_8966_235_728.png What does AFOL mean? MOC? SNOT?

Find explanations of the various LEGO acronyms used in these forums in the Eurobricks Glossary.


gallery_8966_235_728.png Where can I get more advice?

Many useful tutorials can be found throughout the Eurobricks forums. If you have questions, ask away in the pinned HELP!!! topic.

HELP!!! - Ask any membership and forum-related questions here.
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Posting tips and etiquette


gallery_8966_241_958.png Why should I watch my spelling or avoid short posts full of emoticons?

Because you are a mature member, and that you take pride in writing posts that other members will want to read and will be able to!

Posting standards – a word from the Staff
How to write an effective post – useful tips from a member

gallery_8966_241_958.png Is it allowed to revisit (bump) old topics?

The short answer is… it depends! If you have a meaningful comment or precision to add to a long buried topic, do it. If in doubt, follow the link below to a more nuanced explanation of the dos and don’ts of topic bumping.


gallery_8966_241_958.png How can I upload pictures of my creations to the forums?

Eurobricks does not host pictures. Your pictures should first be uploaded to an image hosting service such as Brickshelf or Flickr.

Then you can embed (deeplink) pictures in your posts on Eurobricks following the instructions in one of the tutorials below.

Please also make sure that the images you are posting are not oversized: at most 1024x768 pixels, ideally no larger than 800x600.

Creating clickable thumbnails (a Pirate forum tutorial)

For any other questions regarding picture uploading, use this thread:


gallery_8966_241_958.png Can I also upload videos to Eurobricks?

To embed videos from YouTube use the code below, replacing ‘ObLSt0DGZDs’ by your video’s YouTube ID.


gallery_8966_241_958.png In which forum should I post my MOC?

If in doubt, ask in this topic:

Alternatively, post away and a member of Staff will move your thread to the most appropriate forum.


gallery_8966_241_958.png Why can’t I make a poll?

Members are only allowed to create polls in their threads once they reach 500 posts. Until then a member of the Staff can create a poll for you if they deem it appropriate.


gallery_8966_241_958.png Can I edit the title of my topic?

Members can't edit topic titles. If you need to do so, either PM a member of Staff or post a request in the following thread.

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Member profile


gallery_8966_241_1060.png Is my signature too big?

The site guidelines suggest as a rough rule that a signature should not contain more than 200 words and four pictures each with a maximum pixel height of 200 and a file size of 250k. Instead of building up a huge signature, we recommend using the ‘About me’ section of your user profile where there are no restrictions on picture and text usage.


gallery_8966_241_1060.png Can I change my user name?

Members are allowed to change their user name once they reach 500 posts. There is a limit of one user name change every 365 days. There is no option for the members to perform user name changes themselves in the current version of the board -- changes must be requested from a member of Staff via PM.


gallery_8966_241_1060.png What are the different ranks? How am I promoted to a different rank?

Most member user groups (or ranks) are automatically reached by achieving a determined number of posts. Staff members are promoted through an Administrator. The details can be found in the user groups and tags reference topic.

Ranks discussion – for all questions

If you are a Female Fan of LEGO and would like to be identified as such with a 'Lady' user group tag, head to this thread to request your tag and access to the exclusive Ladies Lounge!


gallery_8966_241_1060.png What do the tiny icons under a member's avatar represent?

Special tags are given to chosen members on special occasions. There is no exhaustive list of what every tag stands for, although many are awarded for significant contributions or as contest awards.


gallery_8966_241_1060.png Can I have a country flag as a tag?

Country flags are awarded to Fellows and Staff.


gallery_8966_241_1060.png What is the short caption under a member’s avatar?

Just like tags, personalised titles are awarded to chosen members for noteworthy contributions. Please don’t ask for one, they are given at Staff’s discretion.


gallery_8966_241_1060.png Why can’t I upload a new avatar?

Make sure your avatar is no bigger than 100x100 pixels and 5 kb. After uploading, reload/refresh your settings page if your new avatar doesn’t show up.


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Technical issues


gallery_8966_241_1125.png Why does Eurobricks keeps logging me out?


gallery_8966_241_1125.png I couldn’t access Eurobricks, what happened?

Report your problem in one of the following threads, or look for server maintenance announcements in this forum.


gallery_8966_241_1125.png Why can’t I find the topic I’m looking for using the Search function?

Look for search tips in this thread:

Alternatively, use an external search engine such as Google with ‘site:eurobricks.com’ and your keywords in the search box. If all else fails, post a request in the Search Assistance Centre thread and the staff will attempt to locate the thread you are looking for.

Forum Indices are frequently updated and are useful search tools. A complete list of Master Indices can be found below.


gallery_8966_241_1125.png Why does the forum clock run one hour early?

This is a long-standing glitch that can't be easily fixed. We decided to live with it instead!


gallery_8966_241_1125.png Where can I ask for assistance with other technical problems?

For other technical questions and troubleshooting, use the following threads. Remember that technical issues encountered while using other websites (Brickshelf, Bricklink, Flickr, etc.) are best raised with the respective staff of those sites.

Bricklink down? (in the LEGO General Discussion and News forum)
Brickshelf up, down… who knows! (in the LEGO General Discussion and News forum)
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Other features


gallery_8966_241_164.png Where are the set reviews?

While every themed forum used to have its own Review Index, we now have a central database for set reviews, the EB LEGO Set Index. It is still a work in progress, so for themes that haven’t yet been included you can start your search in the set reviews Master Index.


gallery_8966_241_164.png What is the Eurobricks Reviewers Academy?

Led by the some of EB's finest LEGO set reviewers, this program aims at teaching participating members how to write and photograph superior reviews. More details and sign-ups in this thread:


gallery_8966_241_164.png Other common requests

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