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Imperial Star Destroyer Avenger - in hyperspace, en route to classified location.


This isn't what I signed on for. There's a reason I chose the Stormtrooper Corps over the officer's academy. Unfortunately, in war time, we don't have the luxury of choosing our duty.


We're meeting in one of the TIE wing briefing rooms; the pilots are already boarding their fighters, ready to launch the moment we leave hyperspace.


“We don't have much time, so I'll keep this brief."


"The rebels have attacked an Imperial freighter, hoping to steal data from the supercomputer it's carrying. Our mission today is simple: we're going to stop them. You'll be riding over to the Suprosa on assault transports."


"Artizan, you're lead pilot. We have several hanger bays to choose from – the main hanger is ideal, but we want the assault team to arrive in one piece so you drop them off at whichever site looks best."


"Kodan – I need you and your team to secure the bridge. If the rebels can't escape with the information, they'll probably try to take the entire ship. We cannot let that happen."


"Tyrus – Your team needs to take the engine room so that we can cut power to the bridge, if necessary. You'll also be able to remotely close blast doors from there, so we can cut the rebels off from the computer rooms."


"Tariq and Dwarf, you two link up with our Quick Reaction Force. Tariq – your job is to secure any of the computer rooms that the rebels might try to breach. Dwarf– we expect rebel slicers might try to steal the data via remote uplinks. If that's detected, your job is to track them down and take them out."


"Beltar – You'll be boarding with the other troops. Link up with the Suprosa's crew and treat any casualties you find. We'll dispatch you and the medical team to other locations as needed."


"ZW - Ayt et res be'Sarge na sharee tze mal'meni."

It means 'Listen to the Sarge, and don't screw up,' but I'm willing to bet hard credits no one else here speaks Zabraki. I don't speak it either, but I figured if I learned a phrase it might help his standing with the other troops. It's not easy for an alien in the Stormtrooper Corps, but the fact that he's here tells me he must have talent. I'll have to figure out what to do with him if he survives this mission.


"Everyone – check your targets; we'll have multiple teams operating and I don't want any blue-on-blue. Use cover, but don't allow yourselves to be pinned down. Above all, do not let the rebels escape with the data."


"The rebels seem to think that they can strike us with impunity. We're going to show them how very mistaken that belief is. General Brickdoctor will be watching … make him proud. Move out!"

Total build is 48x48. I did the best I could with my fleshie-headed teammates, but unfortunately my matches for Tariq and LEGO Dwarf weren't great.

Edit: Forgot to mention, I got the Zabraki words from the Zabrak HoloNet Online Dictionary because, unlike George "midichlorian" Lucas, I'm not just making this sh*t up. :devil: Here's the literal translation:

Ayt et res be' Sarge na sharee tze mal' meni.

Listen to the [prefix for general superior] Sarge and you no [prefix for bad] be.

Overall build:


The "ceiling" of the briefing room was built using clear baseplates to let the light shine in from above.


Back view of the small "lights" in the wall:


Edited by LucasLaughing

That first picture is really attention grabbing! I love how you even included a ceiling. So many incredible details to this and quite impressive you were able to match so many of us up! What an amazing build. And based on that one overhead shot you have a lot of CMF!


I really like how you do the shots with "all LEGO" backgrounds. And there's a very nice ceiling technique you have there.

Thanks! I'm a big fan of "in-universe" shots, so I try to get those as much as possible.

That first picture is really attention grabbing! I love how you even included a ceiling. So many incredible details to this and quite impressive you were able to match so many of us up! What an amazing build. And based on that one overhead shot you have a lot of CMF!

Thank you! I do have a ridiculous number of CMF's :look:

That's a very nice ceiling, smashing build!


Your lighting adds a fantastic touch, I really like the different wall patterns you used throughout the build! Oh, and the orders/story are really great, especially ZW's :laugh:

Thank you! I was lucky as far as the lighting - we actually had a sunny day when I was doing photos... also, I added an edit under the 'spoiler' tag re: ZW's orders.

The detail on the ceiling is fantastic! :wub:


I must... be... impartial.



That first shot!! What an awesome build! If I had a vote, yours would get the top spot, but you're Imperial and I don't have a vote... :devil:

Well done!! :thumbup:


I was blown away by the first shot alone, this very well may be the bast SoNE MOC to date (which is saying a lot!). The photography is beautiful and the focus really makes your build look bigger and more realistic.

Your usual low angle shots look great and you displayed that ceiling perfectly, which is well greebled but simple and smooth.

The individual focus on each trooper is great and your attention to ZW was very cool. I didn't even know there was a Zabraki language out there, but it was a good way to "give orders" to such a low level stormtrooper in a hurried meeting among more important characters.

I'm really having to nitpick to find criticisms here. I don't like seeing dark gray in the first shot (mainly because that color is just so substandard compared to dbg and I hate coming across it mixed in with my bricks), The hallway floors may have looked better SNOT'd instead of plated. all of those studs are a little strange. although I don't know of a solution to it, seeing the bottoms of the minifigure's feet is always weird and makes them look like toddlers. And, of course, I hate yellows, but that's your thing and I'm glad somebody is buying up all of those worthless heads.


And, of course, I hate yellows, but that's your thing and I'm glad somebody is buying up all of those worthless heads.


Absolutely gorgeous build! Everything from the familiar wall stripes to the angled walls is beautify executed, well done sir!


How?! :wacko: My side of Seattle is nothing but clouds. Clouds and frost. :angry: Not ideal for photos. :thumbdown:

It's weird how localized the weather can be around here - I blame the mountains! I'm in North Seattle (Ballard) - we had morning fog this weekend but it was sunny in the afternoons. Now, of course, it's raining.

That first shot!! What an awesome build! If I had a vote, yours would get the top spot, but you're Imperial and I don't have a vote... :devil:

Well done!! :thumbup:

Thank you!

I was blown away by the first shot alone, this very well may be the bast SoNE MOC to date (which is saying a lot!). The photography is beautiful and the focus really makes your build look bigger and more realistic.

Your usual low angle shots look great and you displayed that ceiling perfectly, which is well greebled but simple and smooth.

The individual focus on each trooper is great and your attention to ZW was very cool. I didn't even know there was a Zabraki language out there, but it was a good way to "give orders" to such a low level stormtrooper in a hurried meeting among more important characters.

I'm really having to nitpick to find criticisms here. I don't like seeing dark gray in the first shot (mainly because that color is just so substandard compared to dbg and I hate coming across it mixed in with my bricks), The hallway floors may have looked better SNOT'd instead of plated. all of those studs are a little strange. although I don't know of a solution to it, seeing the bottoms of the minifigure's feet is always weird and makes them look like toddlers. And, of course, I hate yellows, but that's your thing and I'm glad somebody is buying up all of those worthless heads.

Thanks again - it's definitely been feedback from you and other builders that keeps me pushing myself and trying new things.

I started out with yellow just because I had a lot more heads to choose from ... perhaps someday all of our heads can coexist in harmony, regardless of color :grin:


Absolutely gorgeous build! Everything from the familiar wall stripes to the angled walls is beautify executed, well done sir!


Your pictures are great! All the different focus shots for the different characters, amazing! And I love the number on the floor!

Thank you! I used GIMP to fine tune the focus, and I had to do some sketches on graph paper to get the number '2' right; I've never been very good at brick-built fonts.

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