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Everything posted by Jipay

  1. Well you must remember that we all grew up with star wars and lego. Who never tried to create a stormi with white futuron minifigs ? So now because of privation, we just can't get enough of those *devil*
  2. Well they can move ! This is a great improvement from the last version ! I just love them ! *satis* Hope they come in many colors :-D
  3. Well i discovered ebay recently aznd I will definitly continue to buy from ebay.com and ebay.ca while in France. this is so cheap comparred to the european market. i only have about 40 stormies, but I should place a new order soon. I have the biggest tie pilot collection I know though :-D (and biggest tie collection aswell) I also wish i could have bought many other imperial shuttle (as you I only have one). they were so great... Not to mention the unique guards. I never have enough of imperial troops :$
  4. erm LOTR :^D
  5. The dragons looks cool IMO... Come on Jon, be creative... Dragons... LORT... MOCS... ;)
  6. yes for now we are 15/20 depending on the date (and cost). So I dunno
  7. toyfair is taking place this week so we should see more. As usual we don't have anybody there so we will just steal pics from other boards :-D (after all they've stole ours *devil* )
  8. I think he actually has all ther stormies on this pics. I red a topic about this on fbtb :) But in the US it is quite easy to build a stormi army :)
  9. The dragons look sooo coooool :)
  10. AHHH. I asked a friend about MisterX thing... apparently its when Homer gets the Internet and starts making up a bunch of fake stuff on the net but eventually makes up something that is actually true... Does this mean that the confirmation of the Dino Sets is true and reliable. Sorry, I need a straight forward answer LoL. No MisterX stuff! :oD The dino line has been confirmed to lego retailers... Are you american ? i mean you should be able to read between the lines :/
  11. Well we had the exclusivity once again... It was close this time... :/
  12. Well there is still hope... This is a retail catalogue so who knows...
  13. no bearbs :'(
  14. I think some lego mangers are having a heart attack right now *satis*
  15. Thanks to an anymous informator :-D
  16. Then you should browse the frontpage in 5 minutes :-D
  17. It also means that vikings are already produced while we have to deal with bad pics :)
  18. Well I do like the dragons ! But they could be imporoved a lot with a simple thing : make the legs move !!! They could also improve the horses (waiting for CC fans to scream). I mean look at them, those poor things can only move their heads ! how cruel !!!
  19. Like a dancing Jesus ? :| I thought all the noises would be anoying but they're not :-D
  20. Je ne vois vraiment pas pourquoi ? Well I think it's confusing because you are used to see only one language. I find it interresting. All those languages are so cool ! beside Swedsih of course, since it is trying to steal the french place for the *language of love*
  21. I don't have enough space also. I got 40 m
  22. have you seen the misterX simpson episode ? it is my favorite episode ever
  23. To stop the questions : yes I know all the flags are not represented here ! they will come, don't worry !
  24. Damn, I wish I edited my post before anyone red it ! :^D
  25. The dino is alived. Get a confirmation from a generous informator. The mail says i'm not supposed to say more so i respect it |:|
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