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Everything posted by Jipay

  1. Jipay

    fbtb, anyone ?

    Honestly fbtb is our fun subject here... Mostly because this is the website we are all coming from. And without fbtb we would never have been here . I must say that if we speak sooo much about fbtb and if we make sooo many bad jokes, it
  2. damn, I better anderstand now. So bad i already bought the set (full european price :'( ). I start to seriously think that there is absolutely no needs to worry in this hobby because if you wait enough, prices drop incredibly :/ Like the tie fighter is already for less than 20$ on ebay. the same goes for the JSF
  3. We will surely display some of our models in billund so... I'm just wondering if we should bring models from only one theme or building various stuff. I think concentrating on one theme could be good because it has much more impact ! What do you think ? Any thoughts ?
  4. because members doesnt start at 0 ? I didn't gave the name by the way so don't ask me
  5. As weird as it sounds, there is a story behind everything that happened here...
  6. Jipay

    fbtb, anyone ?

    I see Sam added the member number on the people here lol ! orlego is number 100 !! :oo And I'm number one :') On fbtb my account has been activated... Dunno why but who knows what is behind their minds :-D Glad you liked it :-D
  7. I just wanted to know why they are so cheap ! It's like 20 dollars each *wacko*
  8. Definitly an expensive day ! I stoped buying stuff just to save for those days. but I'm still more into the OT.
  9. Jipay

    fbtb, anyone ?

    manament ? do you mean Management ? :) Well you are a bog bear (how is the gut doing bud ? ;) Don't forget your good resolution for this year)
  10. They are members because they registered... There's no debate. Now take a look at fbtb and count the people who registered but never posted. Believe me, it won't be only 20%. This is of the reason why we welcome our members individually. if people are comfortable here, they will post. We want them to know that their opinions are important for us *satis*
  11. believe me, thats nothing... The price of the hotel is REALLY expensive, aswell as the meals, transportation, visit tickets and so... it would costs much more if you buy everything separately :'(
  12. I have the same problem. In fact my "problem" is that I still play lego, I don't collect them and will never be able to keep on box misb. I love the models for some parts also and i always try to find all what I could do with some new element from a set :)
  13. walkthrough *satis*
  14. Jipay

    fbtb, anyone ?

    Well yesterday I insulted a 1X2 slope because it didn't fit on my model :/
  15. Well I anderstood many people in UK are opposed to the currency, but I don't get the "why not". it"s not about launching a debat, its about anderstanding the why.
  16. The Holy Grail is not MISB. It is still the greatest collectible on earth ;)
  17. Well having a strong euro is great, but it sucks for exports. Bush economical policy is good (by this I mean it can be justifyed logically), but dangerous if it continues like this too long. Fortunatly, european market is big so we can still exchange between our countries. Except UK and Danemark of cause *satis* Im just curious to know the position of UK people here. Would you mind switching from pound to euros ? :o
  18. Jipay

    fbtb, anyone ?

    My account has been activated. I think they made it in the big wig order :/ anyway I registered with hotmail, so I succeed in breaking one rule already :D
  19. Damn, why do you buy so many ? It's just so easy to seat back and wait for the redisign to come :-D
  20. Lol, I see we have an old republic fan here :-D This game is great, I enjoyed playing it a lot ! And your minifig are really really close to the original models :oD
  21. Jipay

    fbtb, anyone ?

    Beware little scum, Big Management is watching you :P
  22. Well we have a lot more. This is an interresting idea. Maybe we should start to writte the story of our board so people could immediatly get the jokes and the spirit, and anderstand why there is usch and such rules (even if we have none :-D )
  23. I happy they lowered the price. This is a promess they've made years ago and nothing has been done... until now... I think that they realized that when one set is 30 people buy one and when it's 20, they buy two... *satis*
  24. I remember your decals on fbtb ! It was fantastic ! Welcome here ! :)
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