Ohh so he's pretending to be Bush.
I don't want you to reply this way. To have a part of your army that is taking care of Law is normal. This is called the police and police is more than usefull to protect citizens. You shouldn't mix political opinions with this...
Please do not let your dissappointment because of Bush victory appear here. AT least not in this forum. The community forum is made for this. Political opinions can be discussed there.
And don't mix Apophys with Bush... This is the kind of comments that are getting on my nerves |:|
yeah the pic is a picture of episode III with the fighter in action. I have clearer pics of the fighter in the last lucasfilm magasine but it's at my parent's house. The new fighter for anakin in Episode 3 is the one you see on the picture but in yellow
Hehe, that's why he sais "I Whopper" instead of "Hi Whopper", the french dudes can't pronounce the "H".... :D :P
and it's not "sais" but "says" *devil*
loool, I never noticed byou replaced the forum logo by teetee head ! this is just so funny ! it reminds me those guy who are running nacked on the stadiums in UK
No, I never started mindstorm because I used to frequent freelug where everybody is playing those and people are talking all the day long about problems and how to solve those *wacko* It sounds nice, but I think I prefer simply putting bricks together (at least for now). If I were you, I would ask to someone from freelug (www.freelug.org), some people there are real mindstorm geeks :-D
I don't think beeing forced here is the worst thing that could happen to you ;) fbtb policy has not the same policy as we do. Now maybe they should let you the choice of seeing the pics or not :/
Hehe, that's why he sais "I Whopper" instead of "Hi Whopper", the french dudes can't pronounce the "H".... :D :P
Well let him the time to discover every country particularities... Of cause... :-D