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Everything posted by Jipay

  1. I was torn between sky lane and the castle girl, so I used the boob factor as a final judge. Go castle !
  2. Glad you liked those of last year. I'm sure the new Xtras team will do a great job. I'll pass on the job and hope to see nice stuff !
  3. Welcome in here, hope you'll feel like being at home :-)
  4. This thread is for contest requests, not for ideas...
  5. I'll kick your butt if you don't watch out your language. Clear ?
  6. Half a minifig ? What kind of substance did you have before looking at the pic 8-| ?
  7. A kick in the megablocks also would. May I suggest to think a bit before posting contest threads ?
  8. FFVI magitek armors
  9. Well that was a great match. I think Hinckley and I made some good leveled entries. I guess mine just didn't match enough what people refer to as "steampunk". I took my inspiration from final fantasy and the megatech armors, so it had nothing to do with a mech, really. Anyway, I think we'll rematch this one day or another.
  10. Like holodoc, 4 days are too much for me. I could attend 3 days max (and the date seems a little bit summerish for me : close to exams, holidays and such)
  11. I don't see the point of closing it (beside the first post being of a really low level).
  12. Did have a blast reading it as every time. How could I miss this thread ? When will the princesss come back btw X-O
  13. What UFO sets do you have ?
  14. That's a different issue we're adressing. We're talking rentability and crapy com here. That doesn't mean we don't know that some programs have shown their potential (ambassadors we love you).
  15. Well said, I wouldn't have put it in a better way. I don't mind TLC reasoning in term of profitability, but they should say it, for god's sake. That's normal to do what will sustain your company, but there's no need for crappy/hypocrite communication. Everybody knew 9V would go because it was more expensive to produce. Was it necessary to make the most candid AFOLs believe it would remain forever ? (I shall add I'm a big fan of your comics, and never made the connection between your avatar + nickname = unlikely society until today)
  16. Jipay

    Impulse !

    from aayla-secura : Here are the new "mini" sets , The impulse line , one set will cost 2,99 ;-) Mini Roboter and Alien Jet The Knight and the good Magician: Police Man - Building worker - streetcleaner - fireman
  17. Je ne vois pas trop le rapport entre anglais = am
  18. I knew this line wasn't a total waste ! Awesome little creations :-D
  19. Ahah that comic is excellent :-D Be prepared Hinckley >:-) As for steampunk it was an obvious choice since none of us ever tried that theme :-X
  20. Actually I already did chambered him :-/
  21. *Invoquing the chamber power*
  22. Amen brother, gimme five
  23. Yeepee ! Yeah, one of them is so going to make this contest a non event :-| I concure with Hinckley and Chuck. The idea is obscure, the motive not clear...
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