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Everything posted by Jipay

  1. is ready to go to the theater :rolleyes: Damn I'm at work... Men work is hard and the first day is one of the hardest... It's completely off-topic, but I wanted to say that people shouldn't give you all the informations for your job at the same time. I will need 2 work to "digest" everything Let's hope I'll succeed -_- Back on topic : I absolutely love this minifig ! It looks nice and innovative to me !
  2. It is the legendary classic set I already have ! Forget about it :D My precious monorail, where are you ? :rolleyes:
  3. You are both really cool. In fact I decided to op Jon as he was having many more post at that time than you had. The fact is that if we reach 50 members, you will all have the same power. We will have something like 7-8 admins and no moderators, so if thre is a problem, anybody could take care about it
  4. Legends are exact re-release and are not a part of the licence. To answer you jon, we were choosing some of the legends,, but as jake said on I dont know which chat : the process to choose and release a legend set is really complex. So there is no real rule for this specific kind of sets
  5. Don't forget it takes time to set up this kind of things. We will try to get the lower costs possible
  6. I just hoep it is, this set is really good in my opinion
  7. Well dunno. Only the authors could tell us :blink:
  8. From lego and financial newpapers
  9. Well what I don't anderstand is the word "drugs" in the title. What the hell does it means ?
  10. yes, bad sales, do you want us to pos news about lego economy ?
  11. What happened here ?
  12. on nedlug (famous for having the iinform
  13. I don't know if you were aware of this : Now kids can also become licences addicted !
  14. *robbi williams voice* U just want to win reall monneeeyyy Cause I got some much debts roling through my bank accounnnt That I can't afford any lego set this mont Next month I buy everything ^_^
  15. Maybe the new bucket will help you !
  16. Not directly by lego yet. But you should consider this info as 80% sure
  17. Well Apophys : :) let me enjoy every word on this post : You went out of topic ! We were talking about the lego website and not fbtb :lol:
  18. Yes, you are a mother for us ! :lol:
  19. Where were you ? i've been missing your posts ! I must add I won't be as much present as I want to this week because I'll start to work ;)
  20. freedom is so rare those days... Just enjoy this free place where you can post for free what you think whithout anyone to say to you : no you don't have the righ to think this
  21. well I didi the same. I only ordered space castle and pirate sets when I was young. Today I regret it, I want more city sets ! Those were awesome ! Fortunatly my parents offered me a trainb set when I was 14 so I got few sets :)
  22. No coloured ones
  23. paradisia sets are good in my opinion. But some town sets are just awesome ! I'm trying to build a city but what I miss is space to expand it :(
  24. I agree those designer sets are really really god. But I always had sets with minifigs when I was a child. So maybe they have to create a big bucket with minifigs inside :)
  25. I know, you will recieve your admin badge 22 minutes before he gets his mod power :D
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