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Everything posted by Jipay

  1. I'll correct your statement : DON'T ASK FOR ANY TAG. No, not even a suggestion, nothing. Just don't do it.
  2. Jipay

    Dwarf !

    Pictures of the new castle sets : Dwarves on ! Discuss it here.
  3. Yeah a tag for each event sounds like an excellent idea Captain Tau. As for the size, we'll have to stick to the size of the flag at max, cause otherwise we wouldn't be able to display many tags at the same time.
  4. Well we don't cause they're usually asking first for a title. This is the first level of the game. Once it's unlocked the second stage is about getting a flag. But the final boss of the first stage is pretty tough from what I heard. Some sort of green jedi thing.
  5. Yeah plus we're better marketing wise. It's a buy one, get a kick in the megablocks for free offer.
  6. This won't happen because I'll soon instaure the "ask for one get banned" rule. This way we'll be sure nobody does ask.
  7. There's being off topic and there's being stupid. Question : do you know how many "second option" people were banned of EB ? Anyway back on topic : i'm confused aswell
  8. mhhh, maybe BM could make some, and they'll be only given to special EB members
  9. Reopened as an off topiced discussion playground
  10. Hoy Hoy Hoy ? French are you insane ? Nobody wants to be french. And trust me on that one X-D
  11. @ the black castle : it's so freaking awesome @Armothe : thanks for all what you're doing for the cummunity. Those new molds look awesome !
  12. Oh well but you can't have one since everyone asking for a title or suggesting one in this thread will never have any :-)
  13. I think that's a fair reward for using macs X-D But still you got warcraft 3 exactly at the same time as PC users so it's not all bad (ok that was 5 years ago, but still... X-D )
  14. I'm not expecting n00bs. We'll have annoying kids between 10-11 and then there's the darkage period. So I'm hoping for a lot of afols instead :-D I do hope we can interract as groups and build whatever we want. I wander if there'll be some kind of value system to trade and such
  15. mhhh... big... :-)
  16. It doesn't look at all like the actual finished game (beside the cahracter selection). It's much more like rendred 3d. Still I can't wait :-D
  17. trailer link for lego universe (video game)
  18. yeah they look like typical summer promo sets. I eat at their burger restaurant at the very least once a week. So to me it'll be no problem getting them muahahah >:-) July : It just gives me time to complete my collection of simpsons glasses >:-)
  19. My quote is from a tv show. I found it amusing. My obsession for PVC isn't really one, Just find it amusing when people use the real word instead of the accronym. Just sounds like "hey look I know the real word" to me :-D You're an aussie girl, that's probably just about it :-D
  20. :-D Yeah, don't boo it or it could get even worse :-P
  21. The magic box is kid's meal at the belgian/french "quick" fast food. Promos on X-D !
  22. Actually I was responsible X-D
  23. Ahh scrubs in the background ! This guy goy excellent taste when it comes to tv shows. I really like his models. A lot of creativity involved, plus it looks kinda steampunk, with all those minifigs on a giant model.
  24. only one more to go then :-P Is it impressive ?
  25. Welcome !
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