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Everything posted by Jipay

  1. Only 15. Amazing you can say that. When you actually see what's in the box for that price, lego can definitly thank Bionicles. BTW is it common in the US to pain your walls in flashy green ? 8-|
  2. He's correct, fellows choose who will get promoted among the members.
  3. Well both are excellent programms. Paintshop has one main advantage : the price. Photoshop is seating on its fame and make clients pay for a name.
  4. I do. BTW, not to sound rude or anything but your sig is definitly WAYYY TOO BIGGG. It'd be really appreciated if you could downsize it (a lot) :-)
  5. No, that's what the mods are here for :-P
  6. Welcome in here. Considers it your home ! :-)
  7. Ah yes, I now remember why you were promoted to root admin :-D Ok, I'll spend my afternoon making a massive update, and re arranging all the tags
  8. ok I'll do that if I ever find that thread again :-D btw does your new title please yourself ?
  9. Fellows are nominated mainly by fellows, sometimes by the admins. I think it helps not to post into only one specific forum ;-)
  10. Could you clarify the wanted update ? The fellow group is saturated rigth now, but we are in a rationalization process. A lot of the promoted users have not been online for a long time
  11. With the real colors...
  12. Those might change...
  13. Our Fellow Morten reported the news of two new batman sets coming this year ! Read the whole story here. *y*
  14. If knowledge is, patience is aswell. if Sam says it'll come, it means it will :-)
  15. I have the set, and it's was really unique for me as it included a srpingmechanicsm in the wheels. Great set, loads of fun.
  16. Would it be possible to edit the frontpage news with the real deals then ? That's still great news ! :-)
  17. Post has been edited. Do you have another account here ? Anyway, finding the guy who did this shouldn't be hard...
  18. May 2007 be even better than 2006 for all of you !
  19. Hello ! And welcome here ! sorry for the late comment. Sometimes it just happens when you post on holidays :-) I hope you'll enjoy your time here ! Can't wait to see your MOC :-)
  20. The hole is made to put a plume in it :-)
  21. Oh boy, it always amazes me what people get for Xmas those days *wacko* I get some money.
  22. Well those weren't thge best yeras for lego, design-wise :-D
  23. The MF is from the 2001 advent calendar. So it should definitly be legoish :-D
  24. Used to have one somewhere. We still have some stuff to add after the switch to EB v3
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