I decided to switch to a better program for the server, it should be up soon, Apo and I only need time to customise everything and reprogram some parts fo the stuff
Joyeuuxx anniversaiireeeeeuuhhhhh *sing* Joyeuuuxxxx anniversaiireeeeuuhhhhhhh ! *sing*
C'est ton anniversaireeeeuhhh nos voeux les plus sincerreeeuhhhh que la nouvellleeee annnn
Well part of the thing is that we are quite accessible. The admins are available and always pleased to discuss with people. We don't have this power distance which is so common to other places. I also think we can discuss all the topics here : from pirates to bionicles
I pay all everything server related, like domain name and so, but thanks to ipsyn, I have an illimited bandwith. With the progress of the Internet in France I should also be able to host the webserver myself *satis*