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Everything posted by KimT

  1. Nice porcupine defense
  2. KimT


    Ouch! I guess that spraying a few bricks will be an ok expense considering the sheer size and magnitude of this project? Can't wait for you to post pics of the final design.
  3. It's Boba Fett (Thanks for putting a smile on my face )
  4. In my opinion this set is iconic when it comes to LEGO Star Wars. It was (at it's release) one of the best sets designwise. It looks like a snowspeeder and it has plenty of details to make it a great set. I bought me a few of these and they're still good and I have no problem with displaying them next to the newer version(s).
  5. Touché! Never underestimate the need for nerds to point out small and unimportant errors
  6. I doubt that Can't wait for the full scale review on this set. Keep it up people.
  7. Ooooh! But they do. I had a bunh of them stashed away and when I wanted to use them for a display, I couldn't! The joints leg-torso & torso-head had gotten 'soft' and they would either fall over or roll their heads back when displayed. So my suggestion is (which is what I do) keep the lot of them apart and then build them when you need them for a MOC or display and then take them apart again.
  8. Yes you should. The best way to keep Battle Droids (BD) and Super Battle Droids (SBD) would be "taken apart". Unclip the arms, heads and legs and store like that. I've had legs break on my old SBD's and some of the BD's as well. The heads on the BD's may break as well. "Bad TLG Bad TLG!!"
  9. Thanks Micke for sharing these wonderful pics. I must say that I am impressed with the way Boba Fett turned out. Must have
  10. What frontpage?!
  11. Watch your tone Getting the hang of all the abbreviations can be hard, so cut him some lack and be nice.
  12. That's a no no. I am not attending Klodsfest. I'll be at a family burial I'll send you a pm with my mobile number.
  13. def presents us a review of the 2000 release:7124 Flash Speeder with the fabeled Naboo Security Officer (click the image to read the review and comment on it) LEGO Star Wars Forum
  14. def presents us a review of the 2000 release:7124 Flash Speeder with the fabeled Naboo Security Officer (click the image to read the review and comment on it) LEGO Star Wars Forum
  15. I'm bringing them and then you can buy 40 if You want to
  16. Wohoo! Holodoc Rocks!
  17. Bah! Look what it's done to Greece or is it the other way around?
  18. Awesome Atgar Cannon So much greeble and detail added that it'll be hard to do any better. Thanks for sharing.
  19. Ignorance is a bliss
  20. KimT

    April 014.jpg

    From the album: Private

  21. KimT

    April 013.jpg

    From the album: Private

  22. KimT

    April 012.jpg

    From the album: Private

  23. KimT

    April 011.jpg

    From the album: Private

  24. KimT

    April 010.jpg

    From the album: Private

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