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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by KimT

  1. First post has been prepped for info. Now I need to sleep and then I'll update with the info we've gotten so far on the 2012 sets. Now please people - think before you post. Some act like this is a CHAT - which it certainly is NOT! Reconsider your post before you post it - is it really that much on target? Let's try to keep this as clean and on topic as possible. This IS the rumor and picture topic, not speculation on what you'd like to see. Confirmed and unconfirmed rumors are to be discussed - not speculations on prices and whining about them. Stray to far or blatant lying will only get your account suspended and your behind stuck in a trash compactor. Because he's got a white beard like me? I'd never something like that - I wear red and pack a bunch of rabid reindeers. Now get back on topic or I'll have to ban the both of us
  2. Another jawdropping remake from you. :stunned: Nice work as usual BaronSat - I wonder though, do you display these models in official places or at events?
  3. Another one from you in such a short while. Don't forget to live,eat and sleep Good job as usual.
  4. KimT

    Order "99"

    Brilliant - poor clone Thanks for sharing and best of luck with the contest. blogged
  5. Nice work MB. I really like the way you always incorporate something special like a hard to do depth to the vig or as this one, you simply slize the cannon in half to make it fit. blogged
  6. Amazing, simply amazing. Your efforts are much appreciated - I really enjoy the pics and info on all those figs. I've bloggedthis and added your site to our link index on the blog - I hope that's ok with you. If not then shoot me a pm and I'll fix it.
  7. Indeed we do. Thanks - I'll merge this merry bunch of duplicates into that one shortly.
  8. No - use the Forum Index before doing something like this.
  9. So many rumors already. I'll read through this entire topic when I get back from my vacation. Then I'll see if my Bothan Spies can confirm any of this or not. At least I'll be updating the first post of this topic from time to time with the latest rumors and confirmed rumors.
  10. Putting the Droid Carrier in a SuperPack with the Naboo Starfighter is a good call. Not sure about the Clone BP, but I guess it'll do Still a sure "Get!" for me, as I've already got all the SuperPacks so far The Sith Nightspeeder and BattlePacks is more a turn off to me, but I'll still get it though. Thanks for sharing, now let's get some better pics.
  11. Right now I am on vacation and at the same time trying to whoop up some more prizes for the goodiebags. We'll be announcing the winners early August - we should have the prizes lined up and ready by then.
  12. Wow, this is absolutely amazing Moodswim So many details I have to look at this for a long time to see them all. Great job as usual. blogged
  13. This IS a joke right? Either that or you're blindly posting in every active topic without even reading it. Not cool
  14. I just bought this set today and I got the 30141 as a promotional extra. (Spend more than 20 EUR on AQ and get the poly for free!) I'm totally in love with this new theme and all the little details. The colour-scheme is awesome - lime green, purple and cool minifigs Plus the playfeature with light and the "grabber" is friggin' awesome in my opinion. I am definately getting all the sets in this theme. Thanks for doing a review on this great set. Must have more - dunno why, I just have to
  15. Please don't spam up this topic with availability. That belongs in the availability topic. Not everyone around here is US - which means it's quite unimportant wether or not you can get this through TRU US to us.
  16. Happy B-Day buddy. See you tonight, until then - have some cake:
  17. I'll leave the votes open for another week or so before closing it down.
  18. I'm not sure exactly what to say, this is just awesome. Those guys from DutchMoonbase are doing some serious Star Wars Dioramas. (click the image to see more and comment)
  19. Nope, but I do have the Podracer set and I'm actually whipping up a review on it. When the kids or wife aren't at me
  20. Don't be - join me instead All I ask is for you to please fix your post a bit so it's easier for the rest of us to understand. We're not all native speakers of English here.
  21. Ooooh! Never thought about them, so sorry
  22. Wow and still you have no clue as to how to write a sentence that actually make sense? What the heck are you saying? One thing that I can make from your mess of a sentence is that Admiral Piett is in the Super Star Destroyer. Well "HELLLOOOOO!" - we've known that for a while, it's even in the press release topic on that set. You're not really 18, are you?
  23. Of course they'll fix it. I'm sure we can just call LEGO Direct when the set becomes available and have them ship the correct sticker sheet then.
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