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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by KimT

  1. Not sure if this has been mentioned. But... What the heck!!? EPIC FAIL
  2. Meh! I'm still somewhat disappointed in this set. Why make another one? And why not go "all in" and make one that kicks some serious butt? blogged
  3. How about joining flickr.com and add your pics here? Please
  4. Wow Amazing piece of work you've done there. Both your renderings have been blogged Thanks for sharing.
  5. Thanks. Great to have a high resolution pic of the box. The rest we've known for quite a while. In fact the inventory picture in our first post comes from that site - I noticed that when I tried to figure out why the TIE Pilot had a "d" watermarked on him. So obviously someone tried to edit out the German site's watermark at some point - not me though
  6. Yeah, but they didn't in the end. Only on the poster. Admiral Piett has a different head in the set, doesn't he?
  7. Thank you That's what I've been preaching for years.
  8. Yeah, but that's not really new, is it? Isn't legolegolegolego asking for a new Padme? - as in - not a redesign? Or did I completely misunderstand what he asked?
  9. Dammit - touché then.
  10. Updated with SAH & Bricklink links plus link to the 10221 SSD photoset on flickr.
  11. I doubt that. Hopefully we'll get a new Padme, but not in this round of sets.
  12. Those are great suggestions. I'm amazed at how much you actually know and your skills at finding alternates and suggestions whenever our members ask for comments. Thanks for taking the time to do all those inputs You just earned yourself a title.
  13. And would cost around a zillion dollars if released. Let's stay realistic here people Roger! Roger! and that's probably why I didn't understand - I don't do "internet slurs" nor "leetspeak"
  14. Don't get it for the figs. Those you can buy of BL with ease. What's "moar A-wing kamikaze"?
  15. Don't be. It's all good. I've merged the topics.
  16. Let's stick with discussing the SSD and not scalpers/resellers please. Feel free though to discuss such in the LEGO General News and Discussion Forum if you think we need to.
  17. Done, vote has been added. I sure hope the look of those figs aren't representing the overall quality of LEGO's printing right now Still this is a kick-megablocks set in my opinion and definately gets the max vote from me.
  18. You're kidding me, right? We got the same pics in the press release (dedicated topic) plus all the pics are in our flickr as well. Both things have been posted and uploaded around 7 hours before you posted this. Nice job on looking around filiospinato
  19. Nothing's going on. We were just posting them simultaneously and one had to go.
  20. They should have used the same helmet they used for the rebels in the BP. Just in a black version of course That would have been perfect in my opinion. So they actually already have a perfect mold design.
  21. Then why bother posting something like this? Very trollish of you - I am NOT impressed with such a remark.
  22. Doesn't he always?
  23. Meeeeow blogged
  24. Great, but since the topic says "Show" we'd like peole to do just that.
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