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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by KimT

  1. When the game launches, which is why they have tests. To ensure the games works. Not much idea in having tests done, if they're done by everyone, is there?
  2. And a lot of other people have been asked to test. So cool it with your "I'm special"-attitude.
  3. Did you even read the comment by LEGO Universe QA? Also cool it on the emoticons and "YELLING!" Leave the modding to the staff please. He's not talking about the game, he's having technical issues and wants help to fix them.
  4. Welcome to Eurobricks. You're more than welcome here. Can't wait to see that CC MOC you're doing.
  5. Welcome to Eurobricks.
  6. But the theme is still around. Front is shooting his way through them all - one at a time. (click the picture to see some really good pics)
  7. Yeah they look like modified "confidential" "Preliminary" pictures. But thanks for the link Cloney Though we've seen them before with the "prelim" stamp, seeing them without it, makes it easier to evaluate the sets. Yeah, the Toy Story train was pretty obvious... These are harder, though I agree that there is something fishy about Plo Koon's Starfighter. Let's wait a few days, if they're gone, then they're definately photoshopped
  8. Why? Only 1st place winners get the tag. Better luck next time.
  9. Sure sure. Tags granted.
  10. Yup and so am I. I guess it's the goold old. If you can't find anything to be grumpy about, then find something and make sure you voice it out loud and clear The Wampa is exactly as should be, when made by TLG. I hope Hasbro wont make it the same way, but to me this one is perfect LEGO-system-scale-and-design-wise.
  11. Thanks. I usually vist planetf1.com & autosport.com for news.
  12. That depends. What is her fate? Cookie stand on the Death Star?
  13. For a girl you sure seem dedicated with such a long wanted list I always thought girls weren't into Star Wars, but more City & Pirates themed. Welcome to Eurobricks. The above can and should be read as: "Please resize your signature - kill the wish list or make it horisontal - you're 'eating' too much space!"
  14. I know and that Easter one has got me thinking
  15. Nah! Perhaps Easter, but the other ones you mention aren't that global.
  16. So with the last contest over and prizes ready to ship tomorrow or early next week. Which kind of contests would you like to see in the future around here? Your ideas are more than welcome
  17. Did it work for those or did TLG just do some market research on what to launch?
  18. I think the CTT shows the most interesting figs in the set. I am sure the rest are as we've already learned from the prelims. Check the first post for a list of figs in that set. First post updated with pics from London Toy Fair. Check the 2010 Picture and Rumor Gallery for more pics
  19. Ride hard Can't wait to see you. Where are you going to stash your shopping bags on the way home?
  20. Wow: Welcome... I'm stunned - a MOCPages invasion of the best... Glad to have you join us along with your friends.
  21. What he said. Welcome to Eurobricks.
  22. Ooooo! Sexual content, eh? Do show. Welcome to Eurobricks. Hopefully we'll strike you as a friendly community aimed at AFOLs and accepting AFOL jokes
  23. PLEASE STOP SHOUTING - YOU'RE HURTING MY EARS! I think it's safe to say it's finalized. That banner reeks of finalized product.
  24. Go ahead. Feel free to create new topics as needed. This one could be kept as a discussion topic. I can always merge vote topics that have been done into this one a later point for reference. "Go Go Go!"
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