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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by KimT

  1. This surely looks like a great source for making dioramas. Thanks for doing this small review for us That was the other topic in which the book was mentioned, this is the review. Look not for the other topic, as it is no more.
  2. This is more of a general LEGO discussion - concerning techniques and know-how. I'll move this.
  3. The rules state that your entry is to be a maximum size of 16 x 16 studs with no overhang. Overhang is parts that stick out over the sides of the vignette. But since the overhang on this vig isn't too much, I've decided to let it "live" and thus be accepted as an entry. I'll do the same for other vigs with minor overhang - sadly I am the judge of what that exactly means
  4. Why would it be RoTS? It's listed as Clone Wars on S@H and TLG should know as they design the sets in cooperation with George Lucas. Plus is it really that important wether a set is Clone Wars or not? Can't we just be happy about them as Star Wars? Or isn't that "nerdy" enough?
  5. Looking good Dennis May I suggest that you raise the floor one brick? That would allow you to lower certain areas of the MOC. You could for example have the sliding doors slide in the floor as well. Also I am a great fan of "tiled" MOCs and you might consider doing that - if you've got the tiles (and money) for it The window is neat, but I find it a little off in a Star Wars related MOC, sorry Keep it up and keep us updated with your progress.
  6. It's time to skip flaming and start discussing in a more mature manner. Some people like Fantasy Era, some don't. Some people like KK and KK2, some don't. Be nice and behave people or else Santa wont be coming around next year. (I will though, and much sooner than that ) The new sets are awesome - period - disagree and I'll have your hides Remember as mentioned earlier that the pics are preliminary designs and more than liable to change before finally put into production. They're not out until August and the pics we've seen are meant to get stores interested and therefore ordering a bunch of them.
  7. Wow, that's mighty friendly of you Yeah this really is something to beat in the Xmasificator...
  8. [youtube]Aqe_FA3tBIY[/youtube] Just copy the vide's "name" and paste it in between youtube on and off.
  9. Nice vigs. Welcome to Eurobricks and thanks for sharing your MOCs with us.
  10. Nice, really nice.
  11. I've been watching them lately on YouTube - I'm at Season I Episode IV (or something like that...not quite sure)
  12. Wow! (click the pic) For info on the contest click here (it's not even close to being too late to enter)
  13. And a wizard and a new joker and perhaps some more when the real-deal sets are released. (those are still prelim pics people).
  14. Sounds more like a BSTF question. It's been throughly answered here and now I'll move it there. (See? I can rhyme)
  15. This is more of a customization question and thus I'll shove this in the MCW Forum.
  16. I doubt it. The AT-AT, isn't much like a Stardestroyer. Unless it's made of bricks, then it wouldn't hang in the air... or something
  17. :laugh: And a good one indeed. Wow, I've never even imagined that the 6211 would end up being a Christmas Tree
  18. Nice work JB. A nice integration of X-Mas green and the Holiday Spirit - though a little subtle, it's certainly there. Best of luck.
  19. We'll see about that. Hopefully McLaren & Mercedes will be fighting hard And noone will notice the Genii Renault Racer overtake them (Ferrari? Who knows? I'm sure Alonso can bring them back to their former glory - he works wonders with the car setup. They call him the CarWhisperer )
  20. Why the <brackets>, did you copy/paste this from another site? Please put a little more effort into posting, instead of just copying what you've posted elsewhere. Indeed, we (the rest of the world) couldn't care less what the US members have to pay at Target or TRU. We've got topics for price and availabillity. Congrats Rex You're on my watch-list now. Now who's got a scan of that upcoming midi-scale set? Only about 30 units/set numbers And brickset has the Midi Scale listed as 8099... Which is fairly close to the 2010 wave of set numbers.
  21. Why would a new midi-scale set be numbered 8129? The Midi MF was numbered 7778 and thus a new midi should be close to that, say 7779 for example. Also why the number 8129 at all? The 2010 wave's set numbers areb't remotely close to that... Unless it's their intention to produce this set as a "surprise" and therefore with a number as far away from Star Wars sets as possible. I guess time will show, but I can't imagine us getting a midi-scale AT-AT without a new system or UCS scale first. (though I'd love to have it in midi-scale )
  22. Remember that those pics floating the internet are still preliminary designs and they're most likely different when released. Still it looks good - I told you so
  23. Thanks. I'll fix those typos right away. First post updated with latest news and pics on the Aug 2010 wave's minifigs.
  24. DoubleT shared these awesome large pics on Brickhorizon. (I give credit where credit is due ) Thanks Thomas (sorry for snatching your pics but they're soo good)
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