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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by KimT

  1. Wow that thing is awesome. I love the box, the chariot, the trooops - all of it is =
  2. Yeah, thanks But you still need a digital camera desperately.
  3. (click the picture for more info)
  4. I like the new faces and so will all of you in time. Noone even remebers old grey anymore and in time, you'll all have forgotten about yellow heads and eyes without highlightings. [starts to waves hand from side to side]
  5. Hard to really tell how you've done it with those blurry pics. Here's the official from 7666 Hoth Base.
  6. Let's talk about your posts and stuff like that.
  7. What the ?! "Stay on target!" And remember this is NOT a chat, but a discussion forum.
  8. Nice incorporation of the X-Mas spirit in an epic Star Wars scene. Bravo
  9. Indeed, getting this as a UCS would be awesome.
  10. Yes, that would be the new name for the Castle Theme. The set list sounds right.
  11. A merge between the TV-Series and Animated Series sounds plausible. It would explain the regular heads in the ARC-170 Starfighter.
  12. I just updated the first post with another wookieepedia picture and a link to some more info on this swoop bike. No they don't [waves hand frantically from side to side] Danke. I'll add that to the first post.
  13. Aaah, I see: Nope, I ate the bill and it's even in DKr.
  14. What what what?! They are ice picks? What position? Are they meant to be detachable and used as picks? And if so, why is that inaccurate?
  15. I'm sorry, but that has nothing to do with the sets or rumors. What you're posting belongs in the "Star Wars Sets Anyone?" topic, which concerns itself with availability and prices. (not directed at you as a person) This is (hopefully) the last time, I have to state this: STOP POSTING ABOUT EXCLUSIVE SETS, AVAILABILITY AND STUFF LIKE THAT IN THIS TOPIC! SUCH THINGS BELONGS IN THE ABOVE MENTIONED TOPIC. EXCLUSIVES IN THE US AREN'T EXCLUSIVES IN THE REST OF THE WORLD. BEAR IN MIND THAT THIS IS A GLOBAL SITE AND THUS A LOT OF PEOPLE DON'T CARE ABOUT SUCH COMMENTS. "Thank you for your cooperation!"
  16. Click the picture
  17. Set Number: 8085 Set Name: Freeco Speeder Sub-theme: Clone Wars Animated Series Year of Release: 2010 (Dec 17th 2009) Pieces: 171 Minifigs: 2 (Anakin Skywalker & Thi-Sen) Components: Freeco Speeder & Minifigs Price: 26,99 EUR / ?? USD Bricklink This one did get the stickers applied, unlike the other new sets I've bought. It looks much better that way. Those new cockpit parts are really great and they attach better to other parts than the old version. Good job TLG According to Wookieepedia, this is the CK-6 Swoop. And it looks like this: Box: It's a regular box with the Official Red Clones design. It's big compared to the parts, but that's nothing new. Complete Freeco Speeder A nice little 360 trip around the Freeco Speeder, isn't it? Stickered Parts: The stickers really add that little extra to this set. One could always argue that printed parts would be better, but I guess that'll never happen and it never has anyway. New 1x3 Tiles: Meov! Neat designs: The seat inside the cockpit is simple, yet it's looking good and it's a nice detail. I love the futuristic pull-down cockpit design. It's soo Akira, well, at least futuristic Storage area underneath the white cockpit part. It adds some playability and I guess that's it. Ice picks anyone? Nice detail, "greeble" from TLG Unless those are really Ice Picks Engine details. A nice little detail to use hammers there. Someone at TLG is kinda happy at using them in Star Wars sets. Minifigs Anakin is snowdress. Dual Face Wrapped Wow, I totally missed this. I didn't know that he had a dual face and it came as a shock to me - at least a little one. Regular CW Anakin Pheeew! Good to have - we haven't got enough of those already. Thi-Sen Erhm.... a nice fig, but who's this guy? Thi-Sen sideview Handpainted for sure. At least the individual packing of this guy points in that direction. Thi-Sen rear Spikey back. "Whatever you do, don't backstab this guy!" Thi-Sen disassembled. Conclusion: I like it... Great colourscheme and great parts. I'm not much of CW fan myself and thus I have no idea who Thi-Sen is (nor do I care much) and Anakin isn't of much use to me. But the parka and the wrapped face is
  18. KimT

    Freeco 025.jpg

    From the album: Private

  19. KimT

    Freeco 024.jpg

    From the album: Private

  20. KimT

    Freeco 023.jpg

    From the album: Private

  21. KimT

    Freeco 022.jpg

    From the album: Private

  22. KimT

    Freeco 021.jpg

    From the album: Private

  23. KimT

    Freeco 020.jpg

    From the album: Private

  24. KimT

    Freeco 019.jpg

    From the album: Private

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