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Everything posted by KimT

  1. KimT

    ARC 010.jpg

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  2. KimT

    ARC 009.jpg

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  3. KimT

    ARC 008.jpg

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  4. KimT

    ARC 007.jpg

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  5. KimT

    ARC 006.jpg

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  6. KimT

    ARC 005.jpg

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  7. KimT

    ARC 004.jpg

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  8. KimT

    ARC 003.jpg

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  9. KimT

    Box Image.jpg

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  10. 8088 ARC-170 Starfighter Set Number: 8088 Set Name: ARC-170 Starfighter Sub-theme: Clone Wars Animated Series Year of Release: 2010 (Dec 17th 2009) Pieces: 381 Minifigs: 4 (Kit Fisto, Captain Jag, Clone Pilot & R4-P44) Components: ARC-170 Starfighter & 4 Minifigs Bricklink Today I returned to the toy store I visited yesterday (Fætter BR) and they found a bunch of freshly released Star Wars sets for me. I chose to start with this one and hopefully I'll have time to do the Freeco Bike later tonight when my daughter sleeps And eventhough this set has minifigs with more 'regular' eye prints, it's still listed as Clone Wars - sorry to all those who've hoped for something different. And Kit has sand-green hands Box: Instructions and 'Dreaded Sticker Sheet': Neat and easy to follow, especially since everything is sorted in 3 numbered bags. Nope, I didn't add those to the set. Bag One: Ship's body. 14 minutes. Bag Two: Engines ready. 8 Minutes. Ship's body with engines attached. Bag Three: Wings ready for attachment. 6 Minutes. Complete set: Wings in - Front view Wings in - top view Wings out - front view. Wings out - front side shot. Wings out rear shot. Wings out side shot. Bottom view. Minifigs: The whole 'family' in front of the ARC-170. Captain Jag and Clone Pilot. I'd rather have had two ordinary pilots, but you can't satisfy every customer Kit Fisto and R4-P44 New helmet design: I like this new open-face helmet and I must say that TLG did a good job here, unlike the AT-AT Driver helmet which is now open in the back (Note to self - use white minifig heads for the AT-AT Drivers) New Pilot Head What's not to like? Especially the fact that it isn't 'animated' does it all for me TLG. New parts: This light grey technic part looks new to me. 1x2 Cheese slope Conclusion: A great set, though the wings are a little weak in their design. New figs, new great parts and some useful dark-red bricks. Great set - great design.
  11. Yup, Renault has signed a partnership with Genii We're so gooing to kick some next season Yeah, getting Schumi back in next season would add that little extra which is needed at the moment. Wether he comes back or not is still to be seen. Kobayashi joined the Sauber Petronas team. Good for him. He did well when driving for Glock and he clearly deserves a chance in F1. First post updated...
  12. Review Index and Forum Index updated. Next up is the MOC Index I knew I shouldn't have left it unattended for so long...
  13. Mkay, I'll shove it in EP IV-V-VI then. You can check out the old Tri-Fighter in the review on the Ultimate Space Battle by Mutley.
  14. A great set when it came out. And perfect time on posting this - what a splendid chance to evaluate the "old" Droid Tri-Fighter compared to the new version. Thanks for sharing Mutley (the red JSF kicks behind )
  15. According to BL, it's CW. But hey, they've listed the TIE Defender as EP IV-VI Isn't it EU/TFU?
  16. Just the 8084 Battle Pack... I can't wait to get back from work tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be able to share an ARC Review
  17. Dunno! The official launch in the toystore chain "BR" in Denmark and Sweden is today. Though they didn't have the sets up - I had to ask the store clerk who then found me this and the Imperial Battle Pack. I return tomorrow to get the Freeco Bike, Rebel Battle Pack, Arc Fighter and Tie Defender. They said they wouldn't put the sets on the shelves until they had space for them But if I could make a set number list, then they'd find the sets in the basement. Go figure
  18. Why yes, you're right They "eyes" are off. I did this pretty fast, so that I could share it and it looks like it was too fast I'll redo some of the pics tomorrow when the sun is back.
  19. Click the picture
  20. Set Name: Droid Tri-Fighter Set Number: 8086 Release: Jan 2010 Parts: 247 Minifigs: 3 (1 Rocket Droid Commander & 2 Rocket Battle Droids) Time to build: 17 Minutes, 49 Seconds. (No stickers) Bricklink Box Front Not much to say. A view of what's inside the box. Neat box art. Box Rear Flashing the flick-missiles and other new 2010 sets. No inspirational build. Instructions Easy to follow. Small folder. Random Instructions Page Yeah, it's that simple to follow Dreaded Sticker Sheet Ydrk! I chose not to add those to the fighter. Side View It does look better than the old version. I kinda like the overall look of it Front side view The cockpit is a little "off!" and reminds me too much of the Exo-Force sets. Rear View Symmetric and cool. Top View They've clearly put some effort into adding "greeble" and it's ok for an official set. Tiles Meow! I love those new 2x4 tiles and here we get them in Dark Blue Cockpit How's the droids going to control this fighter with no control unit?!? Bottom View (Enhanced Flick-Missiles) A new design for the flicks, and they're much better than the regular design. Acceptable addition of playability. Thank gawd, it's not that technic launcher Rocket Droid Commander Some yellowing of this guy makes him the commander of this raggedy fighter and it's crew of Rocket Battle Droids. All The entire Rocket Battle Droid family in front of their transportation. All Rear Wow, awesome rockets Conclusion An okay set with some great parts. Wont stay in one piece long though, I am sure a lot of kids will love this. But being mostly an OT fan this set doesn't really do anything for me. A must for a collector, but not "all that"
  21. KimT

    Mixy 031.jpg

    From the album: Private

  22. KimT

    Mixy 030.jpg

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  23. KimT

    Mixy 028.jpg

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  24. KimT

    Mixy 027.jpg

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  25. KimT

    Mixy 026.jpg

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