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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by KimT

  1. We can always hope Yup. (fingers crossed)
  2. You've bumped a 5 years old topic on a subject that isn't really discussed anymore. THE END.
  3. Yes of course they are.
  4. It means I've added your MOC to the Star Wars MOC Index. (It's pinned at the top of the forum page) It's just for me to keep track of indexed and non-indexed topics.
  5. You're right there.
  6. You bought this through the LDD/Factory? Wow, that must have been expensive.
  7. Thanks CW Index has been updated. Feel free to pre-shrink the pics for me. And by all means post the give-away clone
  8. Admiral Ackbar ASP Droid Assassin Droid (White) AT-AT Driver AT-AT Driver (Bluish Grays) B'Omarr Monk (Complete Assembly) Bespin Guard Bib Fortuna Biggs Darklighter Boba Fett (Cloud City - Printed Arms & Legs) Boba Fett - Bluish Grays Boba Fett - Classic Grays C-3PO - Chrome Gold (SW 30th Anniversary Edition) C-3PO - Pearl Gold with Pearl Gold Hands C-3PO - Pearl Gold with Pearl Light Gold Hands (Set 10144 alternate) C-3PO - Pearl Light Gold Chewbacca (Brown) Chewbacca (Reddish Brown) Chief Chirpa (Ewok) Crix Madine Dack Ralter Dack Ralter (with Dark Bluish Gray Hips and Light Flesh Head) Dack Ralter (with Dark Bluish Gray Hips) Darth Vader Darth Vader (Death Star - no Eyebrows) Darth Vader (Death Star) Darth Vader (Imperial Inspection - Eyebrows) Darth Vader (Imperial Inspection) Darth Vader (Light Bluish Gray Head) Darth Vader with Light-Up Lightsaber Complete Assembly Death Star Trooper Dengar Emperor Palpatine Emperor Palpatine (black hands) Emperor Palpatine (Death Star) Emperor Palpatine (Imperial Inspection) EV-9D9 Ewok, Brown Hood (Wicket) Ewok, Tan Hood (Paploo) Gamorrean Guard Gamorrean Guard (Sail Barge) General Veers Gonk Droid (GNK Power Droid) Gonk Droid (GNK Power Droid), Bluish Grays - Set 10144 Grand Moff Tarkin Greedo Han Solo (Black Vest, Light Flesh) Han Solo (Stormtrooper outfit) Han Solo, Blue Legs (Falcon) page 1
  9. Feel free to check out the Clone Wars Index and post missing pics here.
  10. Take it easy guys. It's just a moderator/regulator topic like the one me and Stash have in the Star Wars Forum. That...and a little more
  11. Plus the bag charm. Not that it matters at all to the discussion at hand. "Stay on Target!"
  12. Either that or try this
  13. It's before my time as staff here, but not before I became a member. Let's keep it simple and say that there was a 'fall-out' and they left/were demoted and started their own site as they'd want it to be. No more, no less.
  14. No I am sure he means a third as in third system/minifig scale. Lay off.
  15. Fig name: Senate Commando Fig in sets: 8039 Year of release: 2009 Fig name: Super Battle Droid (w/Blaster Arm) Fig in sets: 8018 Year of release: 2009 Fig name: Super Battle Droid (w/o Blaster Arm) Fig in sets: 7681 Year of release: 2009 Fig name: Turk Falso Fig in sets: 7753 Year of release: 2009 Fig name: Yoda Fig in sets: 8018 Year of release: 2009
  16. I need someone to do pics of Aldar Beedo (EP1), Watto (EP1), Medical Droid (EP3), Kashyyyk (EP3). I'll be updating the Clone Wars Index today and later post requests for CW pictures. Remember to do the pics as :front, rear, and if with helmet; a picture without helmet. Just post your pics here and I'll copy and resize them. (please adjust your camera setting to 1024x768 when doing the pics). Also please use light grey baseplates as background and floor for the pics - I'd like to keep the pics the same in this. Work on EP4-6 will begin when we're on top of the Clone Wars.
  17. Yes that's the finalized fig. Haven't you looked/read the previos posts in this topic?
  18. Same ol' way When the deadline has been reached, I'll pick one by drawing a number that'll be the post number that wins. Given that the post lives up to the simple rules.
  19. Maquette Luke Skywalker Is this the one? It's a maquette made for LEGO and it's actually Luke Skywalker. Click the image for a review.
  20. Yeah, he started brickhorizon.com with Vader, TT and SW4J.
  21. Definately. The sniper and apoc SMG look awesome.
  22. Thanks for deeplinking and resizing the pics Quite annoying to make anything from the mobile/webcam pics
  23. Well I am quite fond of my MISB minifig packs and I've not considered opening them. Why would I? I already have the figs, so opening them would destroy them and the joy of having them.
  24. What the heck does that have to do with what LEGOscum is asking?
  25. Erhm...no This raffle and vote is for the MOC index. Not the indexes within 'Watto's Junkyard' that covers all contest entries.
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