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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by KimT

  1. You just don't get it, do you? This topic is for rumors and pictures, not for availability. I've even posted in the "Star Wars sets anyone?"-topic, just to bump it so that you can discusss such matters there. This is the last time I'll say this: "Stay On Target!" Post info on availability in the proper topic which can be found by looking in the Star Wars Forum Index or by reading the topic name a few lines up. Next one to step out of line will be disintegrated... See? This wasn't even posted long ago. All you had to do was read. This is nothing personal Steff, I'm just fed up with posts on availability in this topic. I am not trying to assault you, ok?
  2. Looking great. I really like Alpha Team, but it was during my Dark Age, so I've only got a few of the sets. You've caught the Alpha and SW theme nicely and I can't wait to see more pics and perhaps even future modifications
  3. All entries posted before the deadline are considered Works In Progress and therefore I think you'd be better off posting it here as well. You can make any changes you wish for until the deadline. So by all means - let's have those WIPs posted here
  4. It seems that the upcoming wave of Star Wars sets will soon be landing around the world and therefore I've posted here to 'bump' this and make newer and old members aware that this is the topic in which to discuss the availability of Star Wars sets. So from now on there's no reason to discuss such matters in the News Topic. "Thank you for your cooperation"
  5. But you have to remove the legs, don't you?
  6. I'm guessing Harry Potter... Though I am never sure with you Pirate fans
  7. Happy B-Day my favorite Frenchie. The only one who ever persuaded me to "Trust the French!" Have a good one
  8. Really? Sheesh! Everything can be found around here. All you need to do is look Mr Event Admin Click the picture for the high resolution pic
  9. For inspiration you could check the list of already done Star Wars sets here
  10. Touché Whoa easy there. He was merely shooting at me for using CTT as an abbreviation of Clone Turbo Tank. Especially since I previously did the same to someone using RBR as an abbreviation for the Rebel Blockade Runner. Nothing personal, CTT just fitted the Portuguese Postal Company. No offense meant, it was all just a little joke. Remember there's always eBay and Bricklink for those of us who can't order Brickmaster magazines. Also please refrain from discussing the availability of the upcoming sets. There's so many different release dates around the world, that it would consume this topic if we were to discuss them all here. Which is why there actually is a topic for discussing just that. Check the Star Wars Forum Index to find the specific topic. Thanks and "Stay On Target!"
  11. Not as a Brickmaster set, at least not to my knowledge. They've done the CTT and Venator as some of the latest sets last year and the early set this ýear. I can't find any evidence that they've done a Brickmaster version of the RGS or the AT-TE.
  12. Shine found these fine Brickmaster sets for us: Go here to discuss
  13. Oh my Happy Star Wars day to all then
  14. Why would they release a Red Bull Racer? They've been quite generous the past years with cool releases at BrickFair and hopefully we'll see something cool this year too.
  15. Interior, eh? "Search" is your friend
  16. Post it and we'll see. All entries posted until the deadline are considered WIPs, so there'll be plenty of time to work on it.
  17. Let me know when you're ready to let some of them go. I'd kill for a snowspeeder and an x-wing MISB
  18. Yeah I know how that feels. I've got the UCS MF and the 10188 Death Star stashed in the attic, still in polybags. I never got around to build them and I don't have the space required either.
  19. MLF, eh? Is that short for MiLF or Millenium Falcon Either ways, I do fully understand your fear of the wife
  20. Yes you can. Just as long as it's seriously MOD'ed. I'd love to see for example a Classic Space AT-AT or Millenium Falcon Rebuilding a complete set where you've just replaced the colours isn't gonna cut it.
  21. Yes indeed. I've added the midi and UCS version to the list as well. I left out the mini, since it's so very small Now I'll have to change my statement as the new midi-scale is my overall favorite Millenium Falcon. It's a great design and the size is perfect for display and swooshing. The UCS is of course also great, it's just too big if you know what I mean
  22. I've fixed the title and question for this topic. With the coming of a new midi-scale Millenium Falcon this is a good question... And a question that's been debated a few times before Which do you prefer? The Classic Ol' Skool version or the improved 4504 version which has the top that's fragile and falls of when swooshed? Personally I like them both a lot, the old one because it's nostalgic and the newer version because it's a beauty. Happy discussing Oh yeah, in the future please keep "What shoould I buy?"-questions out of the Star Wars Forum.
  23. They haven't been done by TLG, have they? It has to be an existing theme or a discontinued theme. Forestmen would do, zombies and steam punk don't. Sorry.
  24. Arw thanks I'll pm you my adress
  25. What would I do without you Thanks for making the idea of this contest so crystal clear
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