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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by KimT

  1. Wow, that looks really huge Can't wait to see more of it
  2. Hmmmm... Hopefully this statement is right then: If not, then he's a cheater abusing his store connection.
  3. I've got a little something on the drawing board. Hopefully it wont be long - as in early May.
  4. I did some checking and it looks like the RBR's and Alonso's Renault are some 30kg lighter than the pursuing Brawn racers. Time will tell if this tactic of lesser fuel will prove useful - the worst case scenario is that the Brawn racers overtake the top3 when it's refueling As for Nelsinho we have to remember that he hasn't got the same parts added as Alonso got, which could be why he's slower than Alonso.
  5. So now you can stuff your ball games and start to watch the real deal
  6. Ahem! Now which engine is on P1, P2 and P3 after the qualify? Renault And who's on P2? Alonso Where's Ferrari and McLaren - the so-called best teams ever? What a blast of a qualify session. Alonso made no peticular fuss of himself until the final lap where he rammed himself in as P2. Not good for Nelsinho who didn't make the first cut - maybe the rumors of him being on his way out of Renault could prove to be true in no time... Good luck to all tomorrow. I am sure Hamilton will prove to be a contender as he drove really well. Let's no mention the Ferraris right now - I think they're busy:grin:
  7. Stay cool guys, You've got no idea as to what his intentions are and you've got no right to point fingers at him. He has a store and if he got those for promotional events - then I believe he'll use them for that. TLG is pretty good at spotting thieves and stuff like that. He wouldn't want to ruin his own business, would he? He's just showing off and I am more than sure I'd do the same if I had a store and got those send to me
  8. The term 'used' is a troublesome one. I've never had any problems buying 'used' on BL, but the only 'used' parts I buy there are when buying complete sets. I usually go for new when buying single pieces, just to be sure.
  9. I really have no idea how much I spend on LEGO each year. Since 1999 I've been collecting Star Wars LEGO and I've got nearly every set ever made. So that does amount to quite a lot of money each year and then there's the new Castle theme which I am madly in love with. So far I've got a rough estimate of 2 of each set made. Also a lot of money. I am guessing somewhere around 2000 USD per year not including the money spend on attending the Event.
  10. You're welcome Congratulations to the winners - you deserve it
  11. Thanks for sharing that link with us
  12. All prices (except one- still need adress) have been shipped today. Hopefully they'll all arrive safely and the EB Stormies will have a new home
  13. HERE The link to the sets including this piece.
  14. That platform is awesome The brick count must be enormous Great work Darth Yoda
  15. Aaah! I see your point Great work nevertheless. I really like the calculator you did, must have taken a lot of time
  16. That would be great for all the rest of us non-US LEGO fans Aaargh! The suspense is killing me.
  17. Wow, that's one incredibly well done fighter. I love the design and sleekness Keep up the great work
  18. Awesome work. I love those Mandalorians I wish we'd get more of those from TLG instead of the usual Boba and Jango Fetts
  19. No worries. I wont be yelling as my daughter is sleeping next door It's all just notes and backups of the different indexes within the Star Wars Forum. Nothing special or out of the ordinary there. Not even secret news or stuff like that. Hope that's sufficient explaination
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