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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by KimT

  1. Sigh! Please read my pm again. And you hinting at going over my head is a really bad move. Keep acting like this and you can expect to end in a dark place... Perhaps a "Kill Natman"-contest would be suitable EDIT: And you did go over my head... not good for what could have been a mutual understanding of this.
  2. I think I said no to members hosting conests. I never said "No there wont be a 'Ahsoksjeafe's Fate'-contest", did I? Stay cool people, good stuff is coming your way this year in the Star Wars forum. Do keep discussing how you'd like the layout of this contest and I'll keep it in mind.
  3. Ok, I'll let you win this one.
  4. Ooops, missed the ongoing discussion. If you keep to discussing what a UCS set is and UCS sets in general, then this is ok with me. If this turns into a discussion on what you'd like, then there's a topic for that. In my opinion, UCS sets are numbered within the 10000's. Yes the Death Star is a UCS set. It's made for Ultimate Collectors. UCS doesn't neccesarily mean that the set is a huge model like the Millenium Falcon or the ISD.
  5. There will be a LEGO store. Wether or not it'll have a PaB I don't know. It'll be some 480 square meters. As for a meeting point, I suggest the Museum, more specifically the montre holding an awesome Western collection. Day and time.... dunno. Saturday at 12?
  6. Thanks.. Better late than never, eh?
  7. Let me guess, you're hoping to become a part of this joke by changing your signature and throwing a "dare" up into the air? Hmmm... Dissapointment awaits you. Gives the same feeling as someone asking for a title - "It'll never happen"
  8. There's a topic on the rumored sets and there's no UCS for now - at least not that we know of. There's also a topic on which sets you'd like to see in the future. Thus this is a double copy topic and I'll close it. Check the pinned "Star Wars Forum Index" on where to discuss.
  9. Yup. And closed it is.
  10. Hopefully this will end the "I want LEGO to do Halo" topics If you want to play with Halo, then buy MB.
  11. Great review, I'll be adding this one soon
  12. Our member 'alsonar' found the new Star Wars magnets on shop.lego.com Click here to discuss them and other rumors of future Star Wars sets.
  13. Would they be the same as the ones alsonar's pointed to a while ago? - the ones in the first post?
  14. Thanks everybody for your kind words. The day is over and everything is back to normal again
  15. Updated the info in the first post of the topic.
  16. All of them No, not right now If I did, then the Jan wave of Star Wars would be on my shelves and the same counts for at least 2x10193. But I am a little low on cash right down. Darn crisis lies.
  17. Added this fine question: Foot to brick conversion click >here<
  18. Wow that's a lot of red and blue horse bardings Sadly I've only got the ones from the castle... I wish I had as many as you.
  19. Split LEGO from clone brands. Hand over clone bricks to charity (a hospital for example), then at least someone would benefit from the pesky rip-offs. I'd never ever mix, it's like "Don't Drink & Drive". And since I don't own a car, I just drink (a.k.a buy LEGO).
  20. You're damn right you will. I'll be exhibiting my Western collection in the Museum part. And I do expect to roam the premises during all the days. Must sniff up some promotionals or something like it. Plus I've got a brand new flash for my camera, so I'll be photocovering everything thoroughly.
  21. I totally misunderstood this then... If TT Games is making a LEGO-related game, then they're probably doing it for TLG. It's been several years since the fiasco of TLG making their own games.
  22. Yes they do, but only the LEGO-related games license. If it (the game) has LEGO figs or structures, then the license belongs with LEGO.
  23. A lot of Star Wars games have been produced. The gaming license TLG has is only for LEGO-related Star Wars games. So no beef there I am convinced that the license will continue, especially with that new TV thingy coming up.
  24. Obviously not
  25. Thanks and you're on
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