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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by KimT

  1. The link is 'dead' please fix. Ahh the good ol' Star Wars toys. Sadly I'd only get the figs and I think my mother gave them to charity years back. It would be great to have more comparison pics of the LEGO verus other non-brick toys.
  2. Yes, even the Doc now has to admit that Star Wars is cool, perhaps even cooler than Star Trek?
  3. Didn't the previous 2 posts discuss that? I mean the sole 2 posts after the initial one. As in everything in here, but the first post? See what I am hinting at?
  4. Arw nuts. The EB News has invaded the Star Wars Forum. "There goes the neighbourhood" Hilarious review - it made my day much funnier.
  5. Not a Star Wars issue solely, is it? I'll move this to the LEGO General Discussion Forum.
  6. Quite right. I am moving/merging this there.
  7. KimT

    Episode II

    Index is done. No pictures are needed at the moment. Comments and adjustments are welcome in the discussion topic.
  8. KimT

    Episode III

    Index is done. Need pics for the Medical Droid and the Kashyyyk Trooper.
  9. This is one awesome SBD. Thanks for sharing it with the rest of us. Indexed and frontpaged for all to enjoy.
  10. You've got the sickest kind of humor. - I love it Another hilarious chapter has been added to the Whacker & the Walrus. Thanks for giving me my own chapter. Though I am sure CopMike will kick our behinds when he wakes up, even if he's still a chiauhuaheawaeas (or however it's spelled).
  11. Our member Hopeso009 has shared his fantastic figs with us. Click the individual pics to discuss each model General Grievous Pit Droid Magna Guard Droideka Super Battle Droid
  12. No no no no. You misunderstood me. Thanks for posting these in the Star Wars Forum. This is definately where they belong.
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