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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by KimT

  1. Wow this is really odd Two completely different prints make no sense to me. Thanks for spotting it and sharing it with us. blogged
  2. Link all you like - just keep it at 3 pics deeplinked. And thanks, we try to do our best
  3. It's not that much that's required to participate, is it?
  4. Uh oh! Clone O'Patra is not a girl.
  5. Sorry, but the only date we could get everything to add up for our daughter's baptism is on the 4th of June. I'm out This is the first Event I've ever missed
  6. Sorry, but the only date we could get everything to add up for our daughter's baptism is on the 4th of June. I'm out This is the first Event I've ever missed
  7. What's BrickCommander?
  8. Nice. Do you perchance have any closeup pics of this fella?
  9. Oooh time for me to step in here. I doubt this was ever meant as a "Let's gang bash that poor guy!" I agree that it went out of hand in some comments, but please don't stir up a "them versus us" thing. I'll close this and let Fallenangel decide for himself wether he wants to reignite a previous topic or make a new one for this MOC. I think we've all learned a valuable lesson here and that is that one has to be careful with what and how one writes on the internet. We do not read any given comment the same way - so misunderstandings can easily occour. Always keep a positive mind when reading and posting could reduce that somewhat and if in doubt, never hesitate to ask or send the member in question a pm. Instead of aggressive defence - try with "Sorry, but I might have misunderstood the point of your comment in which you say that my behind is overly large, blocky and studded". Got the picture? (and milk) Feel free to discuss my comment and how to act in here in the Talk to the Star Wars Moderators and Regulator topic.
  10. A little late to the party, but I just added a new choice:
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