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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by KimT

  1. Indexed. A neat design, though I must agree that the "head" looks a little off-sized to me. KimT
  2. Ok here it goes. As many might have noticed a zillion posts (or so) have been done within the past weeks. I simlpy cannot find the time to backtrack all post and therefore I ask you my fellow SW fans to check the pictures in the first post of this thread. If You find any pictures or info missing please repost and I'll add it. Remember to check the BS folder that contains many of the former pics posted here. I try to keep the first post as clean as possible. - Who needs a million pics of the death star? Thank You for Your cooperation. KimT
  3. Thanks for that awesome review. A bunch of razorsharp pics and some great considerations on this fine set. Keep it up! KimT
  4. Thanks for the review. I actually like the older Tie better, since it had a stand for the Tie. Not really a fan of the LU figs either. No matter - a Tie is a Tie and this is a must have fighter for any LEGO SW fan out there. Never can get enough Ties, except the Tie Advanced or Vader's Tie...they don't rock... KimT
  5. A simple, but still very good speeder. Apparently you like green and grey it seems. Nice work. I've added it to the index. Also a very nicely MOC'ed minifig you've done there. KimT
  6. A nice little diorama You've done there. Thanks for sharing it with us. KimT
  7. Nice little vignette. I've added it to the index. Keep it up! KimT
  8. So, now I'm back from a month of summer vacation. As You might have noticed, I've put the hammer down on some topics. The late summer cleaning has begun . I am happy to see that my fellow admins and the users of this forum have been discussing how to post and behave in here. I'll try to hand out help and warnings in a grown up manner, but bear in mind that a near to zero tolerance will be imposed on members spamming the boards. I have no problem with typos and grammatical errors - this is a global site and therefore we cannot expect members to speak (write) a perfect US or GB English. Leave the flaming and attacking to me and report members behaving badly instead of confronting them on the board. Thanks for Your participation on Eurobricks' SW forum and making this a great place to hang out. Stay on target! KimT
  9. Thanks for the new pics. That thing is huge. Great work sigpro. KimT
  10. KimT

    The Aegis

    Awesome MOC. I've added it to the index. I love the colourscheme and the simple, yet very effective design of the fighter. KimT
  11. Of course Mutley had to step in and outsize our armies Impressive army though KimT Note to self: Never go to war against Mutley.
  12. Nice model. Please deeplink pics and I'll add it to the index. KimT
  13. Try finding info on brickset.com - briclink.com - peeron.com Exactly what are You asking? KimT
  14. Republic Gunship all the way. So great they had to rerelease it KimT
  15. Thanks for the reivew. Could you post a few pics of the AT-TE in all it's glory? KimT
  16. Okie dokey. I guess topics like this will keep popping up around here. A new topic for hunting SW sets will appear shortly. KimT
  17. Thanks Christian for the review and pics. A fine set, that I hope to get several of. KimT
  18. Thanks for the review Skipper. This is one of my favourite sets. I really like the colour scheme and the Geonosians are awesome. Keep up the good work KimT
  19. This belongs in the buy/sell/trade section. I'll close it and ask people to go there in the future. KimT
  20. GrRRrrr! I think I said it all in another thread. Bottom line: TOPIC CLOSED KimT
  21. Thanks again. You've been busy, eh? Great pics and a nice walkthrough on this fine set. KimT
  22. Buy/sell/trade again. This does not belong here. Perhaps we should have a thread dedicated solely for the hunting of SW sets. I'll think about it. In the meantime, please remember that this site is worldwide and it might not bother a Bulgarian or African wether a set is available in the US or not. Topic closed KimT
  23. Try bricklink.com or shop.lego.com for missing sets. Topic closed. Please keep these buy/trade/sell topics to the proper forum in the future. KimT
  24. Thanks for the review. Indexed. KimT
  25. Nice review Mutley, but since the reivew is "off-site" I can't add it to the index. Sort of a rule that reviews and MOCs has to be posted on EB to go in the indexes. Perhaps You'd consider posting your review here as well? Thanks for the pics and nicely done KimT
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