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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by KimT

  1. This thread is meant to show YOUR army, not someone else's army. Post deeplinked pics as well. KimT
  2. KimT


    One thing though, it's NOT a Millenium Falcon but a YT-2000x KimT
  3. AHEM! This IS the STAR WARS 2008 thread. Go somewhere else to discuss AGENTS. Thank You KimT
  4. So? Where's the pics? You must have had time by now KimT
  5. Maybe if it was solely Classic Space minifigs or Clone Troopers, but this is close to insanity from TLG. 20 USD / 17 EUROs - no chance this'll be even close to a success. Cut the price in half and it might be worth it. It's not like those figs are impossible to acquire anyways. Meh! I'll pass and spend the money on crossbow ambushes instead. KimT
  6. Text next to picture: The other sets' description mentions names and amount of figures. That is why I guess 0 (zero) minifigs. I could be wrong. I have been wrong once or twice in the last century. KimT
  7. That would be Commander Fox. KimT
  8. And as soon as you have, then post them here and I'll add them to the first post Keep it up hollisbrick KimT BTW I checked my local toy store on the way to work...no catalogue The assistent said they should be there shortly
  9. When talking about phases, do you mean: Episode 2 clones: and Episode 3 clones: Just curious to get to know your abbreviations KimT
  10. Thanks. I didn't replace the smaller pic - since they're .... well... too small KimT
  11. Thanks and done! Now you guys are the ones to blame if you're wrong KimT
  12. LOOOL - thanks. I'll fix it right away. KimT
  13. OK! Done. Now all I need are the names of the figs in the AT-TE and the RGS. The pics are waaaay too small for me to make anything of. Anyone? KimT
  14. Welcome to Eurobricks. KimT
  15. Welcome Christine. Enjoy and prosper KimT
  16. Welcome to Eurobricks Tom. I'm sure You'll fit in nicely. KimT
  17. Maybe better light and pushing the macro button might do wonders KimT
  18. Normally You get a mail confirming Your replacement request (Yes, I've done it a few times). No mail = no confirmation = no bricks. I'm pretty sure getting licensed bricks is nearly impossible this way. (Yes they know all the tricks) Also I find the "between-the-lines" suggestion of abusing this cool customerservice offensive. Use it if You get a broken piece or a set has a piece missing and not to get that little extra something. Do You really think they'll believe that Your dog flushed 600 Kashyyk troopers out in the toilet? Stay real - don't steal KimT
  19. Thank you for those pics. I've added them to the first post. Great find But could You redo some of the pics? They're kinda blurry and having great pics = great discussions. Thanks in advance KimT
  20. Why do you guys think the title says "SHOW YOUR ARMY"? Pretty obvious isn't it? Instead of counting your troops, take a pic and show it here In short: list of troops pics of troops KimT BTW Pics of rebel forces will be here later today
  21. As Sam89 stated it DOESN'T - now everybody quit pestering the thread with a discussion on wether it has 3 or 4 clones. I'm sure You've got better things to do If You really want to make sure - then buy the set and make a review That would be good for you and for us (having the review and getting rid of this strange discussion). Buy and review ON! KimT
  22. Well, I don't collect Battle Droids, but I do collect the new battle packs a little. Is that train full of droids? I've taken the liberty of changing this threads name into SHOW YOUR ARMY, so that members can show-off their SW armies. KimT EDIT: Just found a pic of my "new" stormies, blackhole troopers and rebel army (battle packs): I'll try and see if I can take a pic of my entire SW colletion - minifigswise that is. EDIT: So for starters I present: "Imperial Forces" closeups and more can be found here when gallery is public. Now for some pics of those battle droids and the rebel scum
  23. Nicely done. I've never worked with the SNOT technique myself and this looks like a job well done. What puzzles me is; how is this SW related? Throwing in a few minifigs does not necessarily make it a SW SNOT MOC, does it? Also firing up the thread with the comment on "I was bored" doesn't really help me like it more Nevertheless it looks like You're in for some more SNOT building. KimT
  24. Nice find dartperson8 Now to read that article and check pics. KimT
  25. I don't think so. But to be sure You might wanna check S@H. KimT
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