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Everything posted by ZCerberus

  1. There are "Step" buttons in the MLCAD program. I personally have only used MLCAD to design the models, and haven't really experimented with "instructions" The button for a step is the little 'S' with the arrow next to it... Hmm... maybe you SHOULD read the manual instead of listening to me!
  2. this looks like the one I just whipped up to show what could be done. I was actually advocating for the third version you mention, all 45 degree slopes, flat in the front and back, but over hung to offer some extra shelter. I just didn't want to do that version in the CAD tutorial since this is your MOC. I did the other version because I hadn't advocated it, so I didn't feel like I was taking it over!
  3. Now you can use this info on the Stockade file I sent you! Unfortunately, the Harbor was my second MLCAD creation, so I didn't make as good a use of the submodels on the stockade as on some of my other creations. The stockade only has about 10 submodels, the whole harbor has more, but the Sienna, for example, has 20 submodels by itself while the Arbiter II has 65(!) Submodels!! Anyhow, happy CAD-ing!
  4. I was just looking to expand the MLCAD empire! ;)
  5. Perhaps so! If you want to learn the secret to using the 'multi-part' feature in MLCAD, then check out the tutorial here! You will get to see how Phes's sentry box could use submodels to make designing easier! Here is one of the screen shots from the tutorial!
  6. I am not even sure what that would look like! You don't like Mermaids? Anyhow, this will be the last, or maybe second to last update in MLCAD before I get an opportunity to make the real thing out of LEGO®. If you have any comments now would be the best time to give them, as after this, I will build and then store the ships again! Here is the Arbiter with a few of my other MLCAD creations. The ship is a fair amount longer than my harbor, and much taller than the Seinna...
  7. Or you can make crazy big things too when you are apart from your Legos! Like this guy... click the thumb for a larger version!
  8. It looks like the plate was foregone! I am now also thinking it would be nice for the guard to have a little bench in there too! No problem! I am not a fan of technical writing, so I wrote in first person and I am hoping the images will guide you through! Good luck!
  9. Okay Phes, check out the tutorial here. I hope it is useful!
  10. The use of his idea was approved by Mr. Phes. To see and discuss his Sentry Box, go here. Phes's Imperial Sentry Box Several users who are just beginning with MLCAD may find it annoying to have to move 100 pieces just because you forgot a brick in the middle of the model, or to try to rotate 100 pieces in the same direction, but fear not, because a solution awaits you! I found that one of the greatest things in MLCAD is submodel or multi-part builds. This little tutorial is to show you how to use that feature! First things first, what is a submodel? It is a model inside a larger model. Think about when you are working on a LEGO
  11. Ah, so he is a sub model then! This is what you do... There is a menu titled 'multipart' along the top. Once you select that menu you can see several options. The two for you to know is 'new model' and 'active model'. They are the very first two options. When you start MLCAD the first model you make will be title 'untitled' or something clever like that in the submodel list. If you used the minifig generator, and select to create a new submodel, it will be titled something like 'minifig' in the submodel list. Anyhow, to select which submodel you would like to work with, you can select 'active model' and select the proper submodel to work on it. Like I said in your case the first one is probably titled 'untitled' and the second is probably titled 'minifig' or something. I would bet, since it sounds like you used the minifig generator, that you will have 2 submodels already, one will be the sentry box before you made the minifig, and the second will be the minifig... plus the rebuilt sentry box you made after your whole creation seemingly disappeared! Here is the key you were missing... to insert a submodel into another model you have to 1) select the model you want to insert the submodel into from the 'active model' list. 2) on the left hand side of the screen where you select the parts to insert into the workspace should be a group titled 'documents' at the very bottom. Inside that group should be all the submodel you have created. Just select and drag the submodel into the working space and it will be inserted. Best part is that it will be a single part so you can rotate it to your heart's content! I can do a little tutorial with pictures if anyone is interested. With your permission, Phes, I would use your sentry box as the working model so you could see the application. Also, it would be easily recognizable, so everyone could tell what I was doing... any interest?
  12. The lower portion is a vast improvement over its predecessor! I do have a few thoughts though. 1. With the way you have constructed the roof, there is no need to have the gray plate in there. Pus if you do need a plate, perhaps a white one would be better! 2. The roof looks like the roof from Pizza Hut
  13. I did some more work in the MLCAD. The bow was my target, and it is now partially complete, but still a lot of work to go! Here is the side shot And the 3/4 shot. There is enough clearance for the cannons to go straight a head or out to the side. Flexible enough to be chasers, or an extra pair of guns in a broadside. The whole ship once again is only getting its posts in 1600 x 1200 to do it justice! Thumbnail...
  14. Well I don't know about pretty backgrounds... but I can fill the gaps inside the model with plates, even if I don't have anymore in real life! These are my Norrington specials!
  15. I actually kinda liked the scribbly one!
  16. This thread has sort of been dead for a while, but while working on the Arbiter II in MLCAD, I had to export some models and import them into another model. After learning how to do this, I decided to try to put the Sienna, since it was the only modle I had, into the picture with the harbor. I didn't realize the Sienna was so long! Anyhow, it is 1600x1200, as that is the max res that MLCAD put out, so I will only thumbnail link it. Click the photo to see it. When I have time next week I will try to remember to snap a photo of the real version in such a configuration!
  17. Yes, Kurt is local master for using the Juniors and Belville pieces!
  18. The black ones are around 4.00 USD. I don't know what that tells you about where you live! Yes, Bricklink would give you a better idea than I could!
  19. It is from an OLD shuttle set! I think they were parts of a set of boosters... this is it I think! I think they are pretty easy to come across on BL, but they haven't made them in black since that set!
  20. I found out something else ya'll should like... THERE IS A BROWN ONE OUT THERE TOO!!! from this set! Amazon Ancient Ruins! Here is the bricklink pic! Description: Boat, 18 x 8 x 2 1/3 with Oarlocks
  21. Actually I don't think those pieces are quite the same. The 4 juniors one might be slightly different... I see after a quick trip down the forums that this boat has been used as an ordinary long boat as well on one of Kurt (Lego Naval Architect) This looks like the part, correct?
  22. Haha! Sweet- from now on I will make sure that the one I want follows a standardized size so the thumb will be the right dimension! Thanks Boney! Oddly, the Covenant receives a lot more traffic than the Arbiter II on brickshelf. I think when I finish revamping the Arbiter II I will take pictures of all the ships with a standard, black background... maybe that is the problem!
  23. Thanks for all your hardwork, maybe I would be annoying to even mention this, but I think I would prefer that the index use the picture titled 'acovenant00.jpg', I like the 3/4 shot better personally!
  24. Well I know you are some sort of phot wizzard... but have you ever used MLCAD before?
  25. No it does not!
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