Okay, so in this gallery you can see both the CAD designes and the actual lego builds that follow of an imperial harbor I am working on. I barely had time to finish the building before I had to leave to go back up to school, so some parts were part of an old design and are rather dusty. Also, my parent's house is under construction, so the pictures were take in the basement where there is not much light. The photos came out okay, but they are rather large and somewhat grainy as a result of the lighting. You can still see the basic idea though.
Since I changed some Keywords so it would actually be searchable, it says it is not yet public, but it should be by mid day! humph-
When you can see it, there are some random photos of a fleet of ships too. Nothing special, but there are 2 Armada Ships, 5 Imperial Ships, 2 Pirate ships and 1 Ghost Pirate ship. Two of the Imperial ships are rather large and both Pirate ships are only somewhat modified versions of the official sets (Red Beard Runner and Schooner) Hopefully you will soon be able to see them. Here is a deep link to one of the photos, use it until the folder is public!
Here is a small preview of the CAD design... which is not yet done. the links will let you see the actual Lego images as well.
I have finished the harbor, and Phes has linked the last page to a new thread for the finished project. If you are impatient or just want to see the 'After' shots, here is a quick link Finished Harbor