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Everything posted by ZCerberus

  1. Well I was unaware the Spanish were so forward thinking! Besides Phes, shouldn't you be more allied with the British... I mean they probably did send your ancestors to Aussie land on a 7-12 year government paid holiday, did they not! :skel1:
  2. We could keep it here if the question was whose MOC base do you like the best *sweet*
  3. I actually read the tutorial for the first time here today! It seems we used very similar methods. Well anyhow, since we had some discussion about the sails on my flagship, I thought I would link to the part of that thread where we began talking about the custom sails on that ship. Arbiter Sails Discussion.
  4. Hah- yeah, I would like to see them swim with their armor plating on! I have been considering making 10 marines or so for my Imperial armory, but the pieces would end up costing about 6 or 7 American Dollars a crack. Maybe I should do it anyways! Anyway, Sting has been busting out all kinds of old school creations and pictures he has found around, but I wonder if we are going to be something new soon, or a refitting perhaps? I like the look of this ship as a small raiding ship. The structuring is nice overall and the scheme is well done, and there is some nice detailing in there too! I think maybe what Phes and Sting should fear is the impending doom of Bonaparte's French army of super elite, less than amphibious, but still larger than most armories around... army... full of... chums!
  5. The guard houses and the gate houses are not intended to be anything special. The gate houses raise and lower two dock sections that connect the harbor together. The guard houses are identical and weren't intended to be anything special. They turned out looking pretty good, and they were actually the first things I designed via CAD before I actual built them.
  6. Next on to the store house. Here is the CAD of the store house. A few shots of the store house in the actual Lego built version. Here is a look at the handcarts used to load the store house. The upper level roof being removed. It is magnetic so it is easy to remove. Here is a shot of the second level removed, so we can see the lower level. There is a ramp to reach the upper level, storage of barrels, chests and crates and a mini treasure horde in the lower level. The second level also has chest and barrel storage as well as a large table and a large treasure horde. There is also a shoot out between the Imperials and the pirates in the upper level. The Imperials are taking cover behind the overturned table while the pirates are hiding behind barrels.
  7. I plan to continue the walking tour today. Check back a little later for some updates. I hope to get the store house and tower structures posted at the least!
  8. I'm a big fan of Evil Willy's. Which, consequently, I also think is a compliment to Phes, since I think he helped Willy make it!
  9. It might seem strange to post here given that the 'finished' thread is now opened, but since we earlier had a discussion about submodels, I thought I would show you the submodels in the harbor CAD rendering... the BS folder is here Until it is moderated, some pics of the parts that went into the fortess section...
  10. Fortunately I have not had to destroy my large MOCs for more pieces. I think maybe it is because my Pirate MOCs take prioritoy over everything else! Plus I have a pick-a-brick near by and a Bricklink account! Don't worry about the dust till later, but canned air, air compressors, and tooth brushes all seem to be good 'after-the-fact' ways to clean off dust.
  11. I like the dense factor in the jungle. I guess I only see one 'conifer' tree in there, and a couple of those wild west spikey bushes! jungles are rather dense with tall plants though, so those spikey bushes aren't a bad choice, even though they are a little out of place! Happy building!
  12. Since my handle has been evoked, I thought I would comment. First of all, I really like that you have built off the edge of the raised basplate, it is so easy to stay confined to a baseplates raised surface that I commend you for going off the edge. Second, I would like to applaud you for selection of the Imperials as you fort of choice. The Imperials are an awesome faction! Besides the MOC I have done, there are other very large harbors floating around including two in this post Imperial Harbors Also, if you look at my MOC or severl of the other MOCs featuring Imperial harbors, you will notice that they are very large and use many, many, many pieces, so don't aim for a sprawling fortress if you can't effectuate the design. I obviously don't know what you do or don't have, but I see you are mostly sticking with the Imperial Guard color scheme! *y* Smaller fortresses, however, can be built and still look nice and clean. Evil Willy has started one that is still in progress. Evil Willy's small fortress I think giving you other harbors and forts to look at is what we should do, we can give you some examples, and then let you get inspired on your own! If you do want feedback and suggestions though, I think Lord Admiral Helden Ravensburg had some good advice. Using arches on the lower structure of the dock really gives it a sturdy, but classy look. I have also used 2x2 round bricks, and 1x1 round bricks to bolster my docks. I also added some boat tie-ups on my docks as well, which I think is always a nice addition! Also, there are many different ways to make 'stairs' to lead up to your tower, and since you have a lot of space, it could do well to use stairs to lead up a level. I think the ratline is okay to use if you are trying to reach an even higher lookout tower, so you could still keep that rather orginal idea in the moc, but use it somewhere a little different! Also, my MOC also was changed due to suggestions on the forum here. I orignally had planned, but had not implemented any vegetation (unlike you who has already done so) so I hope you continnue to build taking suggestions here to improve the MOC. Two last notes. 1) Don't change anything you are completely happy with, even if unrealistic. This is a LEGO Pirates fan site after all. 2) Welcome to the forum. I myself am a fairly new member, so I hope this is a welcoming place and somewhere that becomes a favorite of your to visit!
  13. NOTE: This post initially contained a discussion on Canada-US relations, but because the US loves it neighbors to the North, and Canada loves it neighbors to the South except when promoting national identity, the post has been modified to keep the discussion on important things, like Lego Imperial Harbors.
  14. Okay, well maybe I can start the 'walking tour' on the far right side of the harbor with the Fortress and Armory, then move to some other sections as I dig through the pictures. Here was the original CAD design for the fortress. And then when I updated it after i had the basic design down. Additions include the rocks and trees and cannons. The actual Lego version. It is fairly close with the exception of some design changes on the little tower up front. Up front, you can see the pins used to hold the upeer level on. Once again, the rocks were a new feature I added due to suggestions on the forum here. After removing the top level, you will see that there is a little boat house under the front portion of the fortress. It was little harder to get in there with the tooth brushes to clean off the dust, plus I ran out of time for clean off everything before picture time. At the rear of the fortress is an armory/magazine. The administrator and master at arms has a little office building up top. Unfortunately, I don't appear to have an shots of the interior of the office. There is an interior, and the top section above the office is removable... maybe I have a shot some were else, and I will look for it! Anyway... The office removes in the same way as the level above the boat house to expose the armory/magazine. And finally a shot of the rest of the harbor from the fortress.
  15. You talking smack about my harbor? I like this mock in general. it mostly is just an island, as opposed to some structure of sorts, but I like the color use, it is very clean and the pictures are VERY well taken. In terms of names, maybe you should go with something from your own language, since English isn't your first. Many islands having Spanish or French names, for example, even if largely now inhabitted by English speakers! So maybe pick something from your natural tounge, and see how it fits!
  16. I've disassembled the harbor.... Just kidding! No actually the harbor and I are in the same state, but we are 180 miles apart. So I could retake pictures, but the next time I will be by the house containing the harbor is probably Christmas! I am in school so my apartment, which is certainly not big enough to house the harbor, is all the away across the state from my parent's house, were I keep the largest Lego creations. I am not sure I would have even designed the guy with MLCAD if I had access to the pieces! I think I can still do some sort of walking tour like idea though. In fact I think the only Legos I have at my apartment are Viking catapults etc, and that is for another forum
  17. Well... I can't take any NEW pictures, but I might have enough pictures between the old and the new to effectuate some sort of 'walking tour'. I didn't post ALL my pictures, so I can sort through them. Also, in either this thread or the progress thread, I am considering posting a link to a new Brickshelf folder with ALL of the submodels involved in the CAD harbor, would that be something anyone would be interested in? In the US, today is Thanksgiving, (I think Canada has some version of Thanksgiving, but it is on a different day I think, Mr. Sting, you're from 'The Peg', a little help?) so I am actually typing this on my girlfirned's laptop. As such I am going to be out with her family for 'Turkey Day' and who knows over the weekend. I might get some time on Sunday, but who knows! Speaking of Canada, my Minnesota Twins boy Justin Morneau won the MVP of major league baseball! Awesome, Jeter is a chump anyway! Maple Leaf Power!
  18. It's been a few days so I was just checking back. Anyway, I know a few people have talked about making sails and having tutorials and what not. I had a thread which the sails on one of my ships came up. I think there is some good infor on it, so maybe you could check it out here.... The Arbiter's sails Scroll up a bit to get some more info on the sails, but I though a link to the post with pics would be useful!
  19. Very nice. I like the sleek look of this ship, and it is evident that the backside is going to be accessible which is excellent! I think you are well on your way!
  20. Whatever works! I suppose you are more capable of moving things than I am!
  21. Well Pirates are, of course I sneaky lot, so they prefer to hide out and use stealth when in hideouts, and then use small, fast, maneuverable ships to rob from the poor locals and sailors. If I am to build a pirate hideout, I need to keep in mind that it should NOT be a gigantic, sprawling feature like the Imperial Harbor, but it should be more in-line with the Pirate MO. So I am trying to think of something different for them. In terms of a ship to challenge the Arbiter, well, that is another story. I guess upon reflection Pirate ships wouldn't be as big as the Arbiter... so I don't exactly know what I am going to do yet their either... maybe the Spanish will get a ship to challenge the Arbiter instead!
  22. Only in the top 5? Just kidding. Well I do not have any immediate plans for the harbor. I would like to add a rock like structure behind each half to signify my original vision of the harbor guarding the entrance to a cove. That would require more BURPs and LURPs and old dark gray than I have right now. My immediate plans I think are going to be 2 fold. I need a pirate fortress and ship to challenge the Imperials. I think I might try to come up with something different for them!
  23. The birthday was good. I actually had a little help constructing the harbor, I used my girlfriend to hunt for pieces and make palm trees. I shrunk the Signature. I was actually planning on making a new avatar and sig, but I decided to stick with the CAD one for now. What? You don't like sheet-rock gray? Heh- I actually store them on a table like structure that I keep in an attic above our garage. I parts of the table are painted blue, and that might actually be the rout I take for now. Now I have to ask, Phes- where is that promotion? j/k
  24. Luckily, the fellas here all know how to make sails and there is even a tutorial on the forum! Willy and Phes seem to have contributed to it a bit.
  25. So here is a shot of the sails I worked on. You will notice one is the Lego original, one is painted, and one is marker. As you can see, the one with the market smudged when it got wet. The painted one is fine. T-Shirt transfers work well if you are doing it in color as Imperial Scouts eluded too. The painted ones I did with a t-shirt iron on transfer in black and white and then painted one... but it would work okay if you just did it in color if you have a good scanner. At the time, I did not. One caution though, watch to see if you are getting a white t-shirt transfer kit or a colored one. White ones will have a see through paper while one designed for colored t-shits will have a white background. I would recommend cutting out any patter with an exto-knife if you are not printing on a white sail and do not want white in certain areas. As a side note. I didn't have time to do any work on the Arbiter, other than to clean her off a bit. I did retake a few shots though. If you are interested, the BS folder is... BrickShelf Arbiter A shot of the Arbiter and the Covenant together. This will give you some idea of the size difference. And a shot of the Arbiter passing through my Harbor.
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