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Everything posted by ZCerberus

  1. I would also like to build a big castle of some sort, but I have plans for other stuff right. I have finished, without photographing, Trian's house in Albion. I have started a watch tower build on a 24 x 24 base for Avalonia to fit the ones I took to Brickworld last year which were all 24 x 24 and the Avalonia one is on a 32 x 32 base right now. I have bases for 16 x 16 builds for all of the guilds, but nothing is on them yet. I am working on a special build that is not exactly related to the guilds. I am also planning to build another Evilon... errr... a Nocturnus build. So much stuff, so little time. Due to family obligations I, sadly, won't make it to Brickworld this year. rogue, you may have to take lead for us!
  2. Very nice. Maybe interiors are your thing, because this is really good! Much improved photography as well. Everything is in focus and the lighting seems soft and the colors look good. Keep it up!
  3. Okay, so I can sense a lot of dissappointment over these very small pictures, but let's not rush to judgment yet! I agree with some of the dissappointment. Here is what I don't like: 1. Color scheme... bad guys are red good guys are blue. A bit boring. I liked the dark green in the Kingdoms line or the dark blue in the fantasy era much better. 2. Set ideas... same old same old. We have a castle, a wall, a bad guy tiny hideout, a forest and a carriage 3. Looks more like the begining of the Fantasy Era with that logo. 4. Looks like good guys sigil is a blue and white lion instead of a red and white lion. Yawn. However, there are some things we should be pleased with. 1. LEGO is using the new horse and it appears they have bardings that will allow the horse to stand on its hindquarters with the barding on. Didn't we all want this? I think yes! 2. The "bad guys" look like they have black armor with silver trim. Love that combo from the CMF and Falcon knight from the joust set. Hooray. 3. The bad guys are probably sporting a new sigil. Can't tell what it is, but hopefully it will allow us to make some sweet new knights. 4. Fantasy Era wasn't as mature as some of the Kingdom's sets, but it produced some great figures and accessories. Who doesn't love the orcs and trolls? Seems there are fantasy elements here as well, so this seems more like bringing back Fantasy Era than the dreaded Knight's Kingdom. Let's reserve a little judgmenet for better pics.
  4. Please do not bump year old topics just to say "good work". There are a lot of fresh topics to discusss!
  5. This topic is only a month old, so bump so I can say I love the snow effects. Great work. It feels so natural. I am going to have to borrow this idea for sure.
  6. Guys- please stop quoting an entire long post just to say, "I agree". Only quote language you are responding directly to. It makes reading this thread annoying on a mobile device. Thank you.
  7. The jars in your head trophy room aren't airtight? Amateur.
  8. took the head but not the hair? what a dumb blue coat. Probably took the man's pig bride too. How rude!
  9. Those reds are tough! Still kicking even after having their limbs cut off! plus the blues taste so bad, no one would touch them. I think it is another redcoat win!
  10. it was the widest margin of victory for sure. Maybe Evilonia will come for you next time! That little guy seems spunky!
  11. Two judges, guild leaders never judge their guilds. That obviously means each guil leader scores two guilds' entries of the remaining three. Who scores which guild is rotated as well. I won't speak of the formula used to tally gold or who has scored who on a certain challenge though. I think it is a good system so a single leader's preference does not affect the scores too much. I will also say the scores from each leader tends to be fairly consistent with the other leader scoring. It suggests everything seems to be on the up and up.
  12. It doesn't matter, but the the winners would be by .5 points for two, 1.5 for the other and 40.5 for the last if I used the average. Saying Rod won by 81 sounds better than by 40.5.
  13. Well the scores of every person are averaged out of two scores of 50, so if Soccerkid got 40 from one judge and 42 from the other, his average would be 41 for tabulating gold, but his rawscore for determining individual guild winners would be 82. I won't tell anyone the raw score of someone else... though you could probably figure Dr. Rod's out...
  14. Nope. 81 points is right. No typos there. Maybe you can figure that one out if you try! You can ask for the feedback m'boy!
  15. Right in the baby makers. Good thing redcoats have balls of steel!
  16. I am working on "King of the Castle" and "Sheriff of Avalonia" right now.
  17. Challenge V results are in. Winning guild by 1 gold... AVALONIA! Gold won this round... Mitgardia- 488 Nocturnus- 415 Kalphlin- 467 Avalonia- 489 Seriously. 1 gold. 1. Individual winners... Mitgardia- Torgar by 1 point Nocturnus- Dr. Rod by 81 points Kalphlin- robuko by 3 points Avalonia- ZCerberus by 1 point, but because he slept with a judge, he was DQed from winning an individual prize this round and the Orc will go to the very deserving rogueang. Totals Mitgardia- 3,119 Nocturnus- 2,935 Kalphlin- 3,180 Avalonia- 3,292
  18. Okay- well challenge 6 discussions are advancing. Your guild leaders have unfortunately been marred in a serious of personal time eaters. As for CH5 well... go to the challenge thread to see the results! Or read below here since you can't really comment in that thread...
  19. The scores were entered the day of the server crash. I can tell you the top scoring guilds were separated by 1 gold!
  20. Best set for the money for sure. Some nice colors too. Get it now!
  21. Nocturnus does need more members! To GoH with you all!!
  22. Buy 10. Best set ever I think.
  23. You guys? I don't get it... isn't Evilonia just a Nocturnus guy? I mean he does seem to borrow thoroughly from other builders without really crediting them though (sorry to call you out buddy). For shame! MORE NOCTURNUS BUILDS!!!
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