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Everything posted by ZCerberus

  1. Yes, it does seem a bit under detailed, but I am glad to see anything in Nocturnus.
  2. Nice work Evil. Your biggest yet. Keep em coming Nocturnus!
  3. Nice. Should have killed a bigger tastier morsel though! Still- better than stinking Ork meat!
  4. What would you like in the poll?
  5. Like I said, the fact that you can't tell is disturbing. I guess you bluecoats never have checked the plumbing on a lady.
  6. Nice ship. I wonder if those black things on the sides are intended to be cannons. If so, maybe this thing should be in the pirates forum!
  7. LEGO pirate ships aren't anywhere near minifig scale, so I wouldn't stress about that.
  8. Very nice. Great eye for detail!
  9. Nice work. Great job with the roofs.
  10. This thing looks like it belongs in Nocturnus. You should join the guilds!
  11. Wow. What an azure a**hole. A citizen offers his purple-ish portly megablocks a bit of food and he orders the whole menu. Poor show, poor show! No wonder no one likes a blue boner.
  12. That's not a thingy, it's a dingy! Dumb Blues. Good plan guys!
  13. Anyone else worried that the blues can't tell the difference between a man and a woman? I suspected they were all virgins and lived in their parents' basement, but this is just strange.
  14. Nice. Lovely looking lady elves. Looks like your camera needs more light though. Was it a giant snow storm in Wisconsin like it was in Minnesota today?
  15. Beautiful. I so totally need to get on to building in this land. Hmmph. If only life would slow down a minute, right! Okay. Building this week has gone up the priority chain! Thanks for the inspiration Mikey!
  16. Though we are keeping the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, Lone Ranger is making its way to its proper home. The Licensed Themes forum! Hi-ho Silver! Take me to Lone Ranger! This topic will delete after everyone stops asking where to find Lone Ranger.
  17. Very DC-esque. Very nice.
  18. Thanks for the review Beerbeard. Do you have a favorite minifig in the group? Any super useful MOCing pieces? Also, I like your last comment that it left you salty. Sweet word choice.
  19. Who said they were rereleasing that set? Sounds like speculation to me. PURE speculation. I have sources too you know, and I have heard things that don't mesh with what we have here. Let's just remember NONE of this is confirmed! NONE of it.
  20. We will be keeping LotR and Lone Ranger if it ever comes up, much like Pirates kept PotC.
  21. Yes. The shield on that maiden is awesome. That will rock my face off!!
  22. daffodils? Awesome!
  23. Oh snap!! Poor pastry. Nice trunks though!
  24. You azure colored a**holes just don't get it! I don't see that at all. When I look at the picture I see: 1. Bees flocking to redcoat, who, despite his mainly heroics and hard day’s work, still smells as sweet as a rose. 2. Every man should be able to hold his liquor, and it appears this redcoat is doing so figuratively and literally. Bravo senior redcoat, bravo! 3. A redcoat with an obvious love of the game of "deck hockey". I'll bet he is the goalie and doesn't even wear a mask! How manly! 4. Awesome in a fight, and even better on the dance floor, look at that redcoat get his jig on! Wenches love a man who can boogie! 5. Well worn weapon with plenty of use. Plus it is clear he just used the thing to whoop a bluecoat’s pastry loving butt. And your description of that periwinkle pansy is even further off! When I look at the picture I see: 1. Constipated look from having a stick, musket or cutlass shoved very far up his plump rump. 2. Super clean uniform because bluecoat boob’s mother still washes it for him. 3. Hairy palms and permanently cramp hand for “doing that too much”. 4. Never used musket unless you count “that one time, at band camp…”. 5. Super tight pants useful for concealing bluecoat boners on sight of every old wench, shirtless pirate, masked islander or monkey. Bluecoat mother has to wash pants more than any other part of clothing to remove all of the odd, "I swear it is ice cream, mom!" stains.
  25. I didn't mess up the spelling yo. I just copied the title.
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