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Eurobricks Ladies
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Everything posted by smittyfan

  1. Me too! Unless theoretically, our good Doctor saved whoever the scum wanted to off. It's possible... It's unfortunate indeed that Ravi was an innocent Townie, but we cannot deny his suspicious behavior...
  2. Hey, what's a vacation without a garish Hawaiian print? It looks like someone else has a crush on themselves... Makes sense... Yay! Day 2!!
  3. Yep! my brother (Dan the Brickman) introduced me to Eurobricks a while back... don't worry though, we've both been secretive about our characters to each other, and we only know what's been posted in game or the discussion... don't want to spoil the fun of the game! What's funny is that you're the only girl that gets to be a girl!
  4. Yep! It's also easier to identify with the pictures as avatars. In the signature it feels more like a 'bragging rights' of mafia games you've been in... (I think that I have the cutest dude in this game.. and it's hilarious that my brother has the role of a girl...)
  5. Should be starting any day now....
  6. To each their own... Sometime soon, but I haven't heard an official date. It's rumored to be in the Town theme...
  7. Poor Booker Bear... he was so furry and cute... (Hey did anyone else notice that his arms didn't match?)
  8. yep! It's good to be alive! Yeah, I definitely wanna try out some other games afterwards as long as I have all this spare time on my hands...
  9. I think so... It's a little too 'coincidental' to not be the same person.
  10. that is awesome!!! and then the Shark tank is pretty neat too! I think i'm gonna give this raffle a try! It'll give me something to do between 'Days'.. Already got a cool idea...
  11. Agreed. Also since you aren't a player, I'm not going to take what you say as 'fact' until I see what happens on Day 2. You could be right, and you could be wrong... I'm not saying you're a liar, but due to the fact that you are 'new' and have limited access to profile information of yourself and others.
  12. i want about 50 total, but since i already have 1, i'll settle for 49 more... :D got plans for a cool MOC... :D

  13. Although some names like Darwin and Ennis for example have other things they are associated with (Charles Darwin, furniture store) that it was a little tougher to find their places of origin.
  14. Agreed. One should hear from all possible suspects before reaching any conclusions.
  15. uh oh, time to pull out the anti-biotics! Anyways, welcome to Eurobricks!
  16. hey, that's okay, glad to have you here!
  17. I'm just simply observing what's going on, and waiting for Raquel to make her appearance, and making a few notes of the day's happenings...
  18. True. She definitely has my suspicions, but I'll wait for more substantial evidence to arise before I make any formal accusations.
  19. (Actually i did start a topic a while back wondering the same thing) According to a guy at the LEGO store I went to a couple months ago, Belville is indeed leaving, and being 'replaced' by a new girly theme, which will be on the regular minifig scale. Belville was even my favorite series.. still is actually
  20. Hmm... I don't know. Maybe she managed to escape this island during the night. lucky her to have gotten away from the killers.
  21. According to my calculations, she is also the only one to have not made a single appearance today..
  22. Yeah, I think it's a great story.
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