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Eurobricks Ladies
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Everything posted by smittyfan

  1. yeah, i don't think Lego's gonna go for that... unless maybe there's a kind soul out there who'd be nice...
  2. naw, i'm okay with my brother borrowing a piece or two from me. i got some parts that he doesn't.... he's pretty good about taking care of Legos, and also good about retuning stuff when he's done. but, yeah, hard to believe that between us, there no red crab... too bad... i need to get some of the old beach type Belville sets... aww... you're so sweet!
  3. hey, don't be stealin' my Legos! or i'll have to unlease my super secret electic hair dryer of doom! oops... so much for a 'secret weapon' but i got others... don't worry.... i could hide an arsenal under my skirt! yeah, unfortunately i don't got any Lego crabs of any kind... too bad... Broiled Red Crab Stew, sounds mighty hearty... never been in any of the wars, so i'll just be the 'Neutral, not-so-innocent-bystander-that-sides-with-the-Blue-guys.'
  4. yeah, otherwise you might find that avatar of yours becoming a reality...
  5. aww.... ice-skating isn't on all the time, you know... i'm kinda excited for the rock star guy, cuz of the cool guitar... i so wanna get one or two of them guitars... it's seriously hard to make a guitar out of Legos that doesn't look stupid... then my Lego band can be complete!! (well almost... i'm still using a plastic bottle cap wrapped in paper for a drum....) then the surfer girl and ice-skater are definitely my other favorites here!
  6. okay this has gotta be one of my favorite Lego videos...
  7. naw, more like 'whoa, my brother's got some of those!' and that the solid colored ones with planets printed on the front make for good Star Trek figures...
  8. smittyfan


    From the album: Profile

  9. those are some pretty cool puzzles!
  10. ^cute! i like yours, Tobbe! working on one of my own, but having some issues with my computer...
  11. LOL! yep.. i got one, and her legs broke... even the clear duct tape couldn't fix 'em right... although i admit i grew up with both Legos and Megablocks... my parents couldn't tell the difference... but guess which ones are still around today? actually i still have them both, but the Megablocks are a little worse for wear... (they kinda had a way of multiplying... i currently have twice as many pieces as the set originally came with...) now, i only buy Legos...
  12. that's a great idea!! i second the motion!
  13. thanks! :D now i can check out the official Ladies Lounge that i just discovered! :D

  14. cool! i seriously need to check that out!
  15. welcome Xinlo! hope you enjoy it here!
  16. welcome Isaac! yeah, of course they allow Amercans here! if not, i woulda been kicked outa here my first day...
  17. hmmm... fascinating.... i wonder if my brother knows about it... i could seriously see him buying a couple of them...
  18. really?? that'd be pretty awesome!!! although Belville wouldn't be the same if went to minifigure scale... i like the figures and the pretty skirts! (plastic printed brick skirts aren't the same...)
  19. LOL! that's awesome!!
  20. welcome! oh, hey here's something i ran across a while back, that might interest you! http://gizmodo.com/5372213/knitted-lego-minifig-will-replace-my-teddy-bear btw, if Dan there really does decide to tie you up, then i'll just take away his Lego Pirate ship...
  21. welcome to forum!! and yeah, emoticons ROCK!!!
  22. yeah, some days i wonder how he can live in a room so crowded with Legos... the floor's pretty covered in bricks most of the time, and boxes and bins of Legos stacked up all over the place... it's like a massive Lego explosion... but anyways.... back to the topic... i think it'd be cool to get some of those special Lego bins. i like the stacked up ones in the shelf unit... one of those would suit my meager Lego collection for a while... for now, i mostly keep my special Belville pieces in their original boxes stacked up on top my bookcase. then a few of my standard bricks are in a pink Lego brick bin (with Legos included of course!) i got for Christmas last year.. along with a small Tupperware bin, and a few Ziplock baggies...
  23. cool commercials! although the first one is definitely better..
  24. great review!! i so want that set!!! (even before i read your review)
  25. it seriously looks like the guy got shot up... i didn't even realize it was sposed to be oil stains at first...
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