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Walrus Admin
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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. Are you balmy? What kind of guide are you? Who cares about the blooming eclipse right now? *I want to go back in and look for the missing people*
  2. Sorry everyone. I was looking for Jack Baxter and I was worried that he might have got lost or something. So I went looking for him... and I may of, but I came back as I might need some help. I heard fighting back in the Grand Chamber but I didn't have the time to see who was involved... Anyone care to help me?
  3. My order is Ep5, Ep4, Ep2, Ep6, Ep1, Ep3 Yeah, I actually like Ep2! Very true. It also give you more insight into the character of Anakin, which is one of my major complaints of 3; his character changes too fast. I fast forward all the Padme/Anakin scenes, and I feel the same way about Ep 3. Sets George! Build some sets! You've got the money! It's not a problem. Very true!
  4. A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi... then the new ones. Remember that regardless of numbers, 1-3 were originally never going to be made, and thus they are true prequels in that there is some assumed knowledge and it works better if you know it. Just don't watch the The Star Wars Holiday Special. It's more about the movies so it belongs in Culture and Multimedia... so... Sith Walrus? Ep 3 is the only one that I really dislike. Ep 1 is quite good in parts and I think Ep 2 is the third best out of them all.
  5. Great MOC! It's a shame that trains aren't a strong enough line; official themed trains like this would be cool! I do have one question though. In some photos the under belly tank is visible... ...in others it is not. Am I going crazy?
  6. I'd be happy with that. The problem with MOCs is that often the parts range over about 20 years and thus they aren't buidable by just anyone. The ideas books for the most part just combined a few sets. (Many of the Technic ones were different though!) Yes.
  7. Happy Birthday! May all your S@H orders come at once.
  8. I was going to quote Ralph_S, but I couldn't pick what part! In short though, I'm happy with how things are. I don't think kids need too many ideas to "Just Imagine". If anything, I wish TLG would make another Ideas Book. (I'm moving this to general.) My votes were; I don't think TLC should bring back alternate builds, bottom line. The instructions only! I honestly don't care either way.
  9. Thanks for the review. These sets don't interest me... at all. They are way too specialised and I hope that this is going to be a one wave theme. Done! Yeah, that confused me too! I was expecting a compete rejection of the semi-organic look...
  10. I was semi-wrong on this one. Apple has promised a external dongle that will allow USB and SD access for cameras. (I doubt that it'll be usable for much else.) It'll probably support all cameras that don't need drivers. (My last two didn't.) It does improve the usefulness of the device... but at the same time it highlights one of the many things that annoy me about Apple; lack of expandability. Apple obviously don't want people to be able to expand on-board memory with a SD card, so they went for this solution. Lame. In summary; simple is good. While it is true for many people, it does kind of paint the Apple audience as being computer illiterate.
  11. Gee I feel like a dolt. I just realised that you said "I'm sure someone will be nice enough to merge this for me!" in the post I quoted... I need a holiday...
  12. Do you mind if I merge them? Otherwise we'll get more and more people posting quotes from that topic!
  13. I'll move this... Aside from being rude, that post was tolerable... ...but this one makes you sound like a 12 year old writing a SMS. Please note that we don't tolerate l33t sp34k or "texting language" on Eurobricks.
  14. Siegfried


    Please don't advertise rubbish sites like this.
  15. Sort of. English is one the dominant language of the net so it makes sense. In any case, this is a really old topic so...
  16. I know; I've seen the speech. But being binary compatible has nothing to do with ergonomics.
  17. Interesting combination. So you want mature but fresh posts from adults creatively playing with LEGO? I like the Clone Wars more than RotS. Send me a PM.
  18. Nice collection. So who plays with it more?
  19. But that's not the definition of widescreen; by that definition every TV is widescreen as they are 4:3 (1.33:1). According to me, widescreen is a minimum of 16:9 (1.78:1), or a resolution of something like 1366×768 (1.77:1). (Technically my Netbook is sorta widescreen as it's 1024×600 / 1.70:1... )
  20. Thanks... but it's not wide screen (1024x768) and on screen keyboards sux. For one they are not the same as a physical one... and secondly they waste screen space! I'm cool with small keyboards (I still use my Treo 600 for various reasons) but I've never liked virtual ones. I wish they did bring back the Newton. I loved Apple then....
  21. I'm not so sure. While there were many who were wrong and underestimated the iPod when it first come out (me included) I think people expect more of a device in this category. For this reason the media have been very divided on this. A device that goes in your pocket that has limited functionality is to be expected, but one of this size is a different matter. To me, the iPad does nothing especially well. Video? Not enough storage with no external expansion, it's not wide screen, and the speaker is mono. Books? No digital ink screen. Work? Limited software and no keyboard. Presentations? No video out. Internet? No flash no choice of browser. Music? Waaaay to big and only mono speaker. Limited to supported codecs. EMail? Most people have their own preferred software and thus it'll only be good for temporary usage. Photos? Lack of external media makes it impractical. Communications? Lack of a camera is an odd choice considering how cheap they are now. Some software isn't available 'cos Apple don't want you to have it. Games? Time will tell, but the common interface style of the iTouch/iPhone games (tilting and/or edge buttons) won't work as well due to size/weigh/bezel width. I can't see developers prioritising for the iPad at this stage. In many ways the iPhone/iTouch is superior. But chances are I am wrong. I thought at the time (and still do) that the iPod was overrated and overpriced, and while the price has improved I still wouldn't buy one. For years I've dreamed of having a computer that I can run standard software on and take it everywhere and I have that now. The iPad is a toy. A pretty one yes, but why someone would choose this over a iTouch or Netbook/iMac is quite beyond me.
  22. 8455 backhoe. While not as hard as I heard it was, all the horror stories made me extra careful! You beat me to it! LEGO Wargames and Mafia Games did seem a bit wrong...
  23. Yeah, SPR does have that effect on people. Very impressive MOC! It is, but it's an easy mistake. LEGO Action Themes is for official themes only...
  24. Thanks! I felt inspired by this topic and I made it yesterday.
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