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Walrus Admin
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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. True. I'll just go for the test ride then.
  2. I would guess that the drivers are for 9x only.
  3. How hot does that beastie run?
  4. This is great! A crane 90% like this is a planned project of mine. I love the 7249 crane, but I eventually broke mine as it was just too big. I was considering making mine 10 wide, but this works well at 8. The only area I don't like is the crane cab, but room is tight!
  5. Happy Birthday! I'd pick the girl. Her curves are good looking and functional, unlike that bike! However, it's hard to be sure without going for a ride.
  6. "Bionicle and Friends"
  7. I'm glad you did. Any of the 9x OSes (95, 98, 98 SE, ME) are horrid to use today and support is waning. With XP you should have decent support for at least another year or two, and it's an OK OS. (ME was never good though. It was lipstick on a pig, and that's being harsh to pigs. I bought a computer with ME back in 2000 and formatted it the same day...)
  8. There have been no changes. It seems to be a glitch at your end... and one that I've never encountered.
  9. Very nice! It's very recognisable, especially the wing shape. I must confess that I don't like your cockpit solution though.
  10. As a guess the drivers are compatible. What OS are you using? (I'll move this to the comic/movie forum.)
  11. Very good photography! (I'll move this to the comic forum.)
  12. Very nice! Good way to turn a lack of inspiration into inspiration itself! (I never have Builders Block; I just don't have enough time blocks!)
  13. Maybe you should be asking them for help! It sounds like a cookie issue to me. Delete the sites cookie and it should correct. Firerfox, by their own admission, is a memory hungry beast. JCC has an old computer. No. If you like Vista (I do) there's little reason to upgrade. Windows 7 is just like XP was to Win2K. Extra fluff and tweaks. No. I don't trust externals. I've lost data and I'm tired of the incompatibilities. But I do understand the need for one (I need one for my PS3 backups) so I use a Hard Drive dock instead. Similar in most ways, but it's easier to upgrade and transfer inside a computer if needed. Many externals have their own file format and it's hard to be sure until you get them home. I've returned 2 over this issue... If you must buy one most drives that claim Mac compatibility are OK. (To do Mac compatibility it's too hard to use custom drivers and formats.) Nice, especially the RAM! This is waaayy in excess of mine and as a reformed PC-gamer I've been too long out of the loop to give good advice here. I'd be happy with yours!
  14. Control panel for what?
  15. Well since I'm the only staff member who has answered you listen to me! To be clear; all Technic Action Figures (Slizers, Roboriders, Bionicle, Hero Factory) belong in what is currently known as Bionicle. Yeah I know, but they lost the gears early on and they for the most part didn't come back. That's what I'm leaning towards.
  16. Hint noted and obeyed, O Admiral one.
  17. Next door? Boy about the same age? I think this story might me more personal that you trying to make us believe...
  18. Yes I agree there too. Lime has been used in some rather odd places lately!
  19. I think it's just a case of TLG using what is on hand. For example lime has been used more as a filler part recently because of Power Miners. As I said when I (correctly ) predicted the return of pirates, TLG seem to have a low run of parts in a lead up to a big run. For this reason you'll see seemingly odd parts and colours sometimes. But overall I think TLG try to use less parts unless they are trying to meet a certain price point, and that Assassin Droids Battle Pack is probably a good example of it. (It does need to match the other set after all.) For example more and more there are combination pieces (like the new tile pieces) that save parts. Your post says pretty much what I think! That's what I get for starting a post and getting distracted half way through!
  20. I think anything with "Technic" in the name would be confusing...
  21. Have you considered using this? Yeah, that would make sense too. I've never seen the point in a wish list.
  22. Actually Slizers already belong there, as do RoboRiders. As for a re-name the staff have been discussing that and it will happen. Feel free to post any ideas!
  23. I've already said that I stand corrected. Pressing the point is just mean.
  24. Cafe Corner: Fruit in bin Green Grocer: American style Fire hydrant to the right Fire Station: Woman with purse Grand Emporium: Postbox to right Post Office: ?
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