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Walrus Admin
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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. LEGO trains are an important aspect of the hobby for many AFOLs, and in many ways they surpass the traditional Town link that's often made. For example you can make a Sci-Fi or a Western themed train. Partially for this reason we've decided to separate the two forums. Enjoy!
  2. I read it twice, and I could swear you actually agree with me! I don't see it happening in five years either; that's why I said at least. I especially agree that S@H needs a local warehouse. It's insane that they send out sets from Europe when they often have the same sets here already!
  3. I completely disagree! I loved the model (so much I got a second) but the way they join is lame. For one it's wrong, two it's picky, but most of all it should have a trigger drop. Now that would have been cool... and I want to make it! I think we have a winner. I was going to go for the V-19 wings, but I think those bombs are better. It's a pure smarty-pants design that needs no special parts but works wonderfully.
  4. Give me a break. You can argue with mods/admins all you want on non-site issues. I'm a big boy, and I know when I'm right. Cut loose on me. Why do you think they are greedy? Do you really think they'd sell more at S@H if they had more sales? I doubt it. The average parent (which is where TLG make the most money) haven't even heard about S@H so what would be the point?
  5. We already had a topic like this so I've merged them! Carry on!
  6. I'm gonna tell KimT that you're messing with his forum.
  7. I'm disappointed in you DarthSion. I've always seen it as rather obvious. S@H tries to not compete with other retailers. They charge an inflated RRP which allow other stores to go under it, and they almost only have sales for clearance purposes. If S@H competed with retailers many would not stock LEGO, and that would be to the detriment of TLG. In time I can see S@H being the best place to buy LEGO... but it'll be at least another 5 years. Do you agree with my logic or do you think I'm wrong? (I have no proof.)
  8. No, and I apologise for any offence or implications. I'm just jealous and all things considered I might start following your lead...
  9. I'll be giving that a look myself! Yeah. The only Star Wars sets that I'm seeing as compelling are the Turbo Tank and the Wampa. I want the Slave 1 but I have the last one and chances are I can make it from what I have. When I see the prices I'll probably skip the lot! At the moment I have a lot of LEGO. Not as much as I want, but I have enough that I can wait out sales. The thing is I want to have ooodles of LEGO, and I'll never have that if I pay top dollar. I noticed the Tantive IV yesterday, but not the Fire Brigade. I must admit I've been ignoring both sets as while I like them both, I consider them overpriced. I suspect Tantive IV will appear at K-Mart soon... We do it all the time! I noticed that yesterday as well and I don't get it. But as it had a lot of things that I wanted TLG had me there by the short and curlies so I got that months ago...
  10. Not by itself, but it could be a good way to get more blind wheels if you want to make a 4-8-4 like this; I'd be rather expensive though!
  11. He's just being a show-off.
  12. 'cos it's designed to be a December thing. I'll tweak it soon so it's set as always on like last years.
  13. ...and it comes in blind and flanged variants. Do you have Emerald Night? The wheels in that set are arguably too small and look bigger because of the surrounds.
  14. Aren't they the same as the ones in Emerald Night?
  15. What I do is check every store in the next few weeks after I've made a LEGO purchase just to increase the chance of me finding it cheaper and feeling guilty/stupid. I'm kinky like that.
  16. I think you win the prize of "funniest entry"! The story is great as always and the MOC is wonderful. Thanks for finding the time (and inspiration) to do an entry. The Apple Tree house part is a very nice contrast to the rest of the ship... and yeah, those pieces are just begging to be used as lilly pads! Was this a second or did you break it?
  17. Just don't be calling it "Luvly"; that's reserved! Even so, I can't wait for mine! I assume you will be abstaining due to Brickworld?
  18. It's country dependant. For me it was $90. ...and it's a free Sharkman given when I was doing an order anyway! How couldn't it be a good deal?
  19. I could move it after the contest. In any case, if I update it I'll make a new post in Sci-Fi. I'm glad you liked it. Most of my stories I make up while I'm building; sometimes I even change a MOC to suit the story! In this case I needed to have a rich person as a custom ship (space or otherwise) is an expensive undertaking and I needed to give him a reason why he made one. Once I decided on these I just started writing it. Some details (such as Talemi) come from my existing story (this ship will feature in Pt 2 and Pt 3), others (such as the bread angle) we made up on the spot and the story largely just flowed out based on the established facts and how I wanted it to end. I like telling/writing stories and I think story telling goes hand-in-hand with many MOCs. My personal favourite is the Dwarf one.
  20. S@H sell loads...
  21. Yeah, I got a similar deal this morning. ...but this is about sale, so it belongs in BSTF.
  22. Well this isn't what I expected! (What did I expect? Not sure, but it wasn't this! ) Very nicely done scene and well photographed too! It's a shame though that there aren't more Aztec styled figs. It'll be the Island of the Dogs soon...
  23. Wrong forum... and old news. Read this topic...and I'll move this to the Train forum.
  24. Errr... please don't. If you really want to argue I suggest you go here. **Writes Sveltes name on "Naughty" list**
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