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Walrus Admin
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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. This review by Rapseflaps of the classic set 6983 Ice Station Odyssey, could be the most comprehensive review ever! But don't believe me; go look at it!
  2. I see it too... but it's a horrid photo!
  3. I didn't find the image; I was given it and I merely frontpaged it. I'm 99.99% sure that RC is dead.
  4. You're safe from me; I just didn't come here for laughs or for my personal life to be probed. Keep that in mind and we'll get on fine.
  5. It's been a long time since they've done one of those... Yeah! I'm not convinced it's a mono-rail, but it sure looks elevated. It could "just" be using the smaller tracks.... It's going to be a great year! Maybe we should have a contest to decide!
  6. Look to the top right of this video still... is that what I hope it is? One, maybe two new train sets? Discuss here!
  7. Here's a still... (She looks happy too!)
  8. I agree. Most stories are just that, but you need to listen to them all and try to pick out the consistent parts. Often there is some truth, it's just been lost in all the superstition.
  9. It's only 2 pages and don't stress. (It wasn't me.)
  10. Could you at least tell me if an eclipse is due any time soon? In my experience even if there is no harm from the eclipse itself, many people over-react when they happen, so it'd be handy to know, for my sake and the rest of the group.
  11. So there's no stories of any other types of danger? For example, monsters or evil spirits?
  12. You really are pushing my good nature here. You ask a question, I give an honest answer, you ask for more details. It's personal and we're not exactly best chums or anything so let's leave it at that for now. Thanks. *Pulls out feedback sheet and starts writing* Asks personal questions to people he doesn't know in the interest of crowd entertainment. *Puts back in pocket* What else do you know about Devils Island? What are we going to be shown?
  13. We'll that's sort-of what I'm here for...
  14. Yeah, I agree. I miss the old BASIC sets; one day I'll have to re-build 744.
  15. *Pulls out feedback sheet and starts writing* Makes lame offensive jokes. *Puts back in pocket* I'll be sending this to the head office. I doubt I can trust Chuckles. It was a tool, not a weapon. If you have trouble telling the difference, use a hand mirror on your face. Jaguars I can handle without my knife. Anything more than that I doubt a tranq gun will stop before your throat has been slashed. Honestly, do you have any experience or have you just been playing Tomb Raider? The average animal will take at least a minute or two to go under...
  16. *Takes out form and starts writing* Dear Management. The tour guide was late and thus was holding up this tour, and he then made light of my efforts to progress with the actual point of this tour. As I'm sure you know, time is money, so at the least he should be docked some pay. *Puts in pocket and starts muttering as she returns to her research* Hopefully his local knowledge is better than his social skills.
  17. Uncharted (1 and 2) is quite good. Orange Box (If you haven't already got it. It's the best game bargain ever... and I got mine at under half price!) Metal Gear Solid 4 Valkyria Chronicles (LBP is OK but we bought it for our kids most of all.)
  18. Fine. I'll think positive thoughts by ignoring you. *Continues research on her Pre and puts headphones on*
  19. Thanks for the review! I really like this set. I wanted the coast guard boat set... but I didn't want it in orange! This is my change to get it in a better colour as well as some of the new "hydraulic" parts. The suspension is a nice touch too. I'll be sure to pick this one up! (Anyone who thinks this is even close to model team should take a look at the old sets. Wheels twice the size, 12+ wide, working steering, way greater than minifig scale, believable detail... This isn't even close.)
  20. How am I supposed to catch my lunch now? Britain. Can we just skip the tour guide stuff and get on with the actual tour?
  21. OK, OK. I'll wait. I had some reading to do anyway. [Pulls out highly customised Palm Pre and starts reading. Heavy rock starts playing as well.]
  22. Oh, can we just move this along? I'm going on the bus, now!
  23. Security? I wasn't told about that? I'm my own security. If permits weren't so hard to get to this place I would have went myself. It's bad enough having to be stuck in a bus with you types. Next time I'll have to do that anyway....
  24. Well as I said, I know very little about LEGO Kids Inner Circle, so I can't say any more that I have. Was the text on Flickr too? Do you have a link; the pictures may be private as I couldn't find them.
  25. Ironically, this topic has become rather immature and un-funny, (funny immaturity is more tolerable ) and since the question has been answered...
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