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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. It's a shame you can't wait a few more months! Anyway, this is (was ) in the wrong forum....
  2. What's a "sidewalk"? Is that like how in Prince of Persia the hero can walk on walls, or is it how kids wear out shoes by walking badly?
  3. I only buy S@H sets that are on sale or are exclusives, and I try to do at least $200 AUD each order so the postage is not as bad. The new pirate sets have been a temptation for me, but I've managed to resist... so far. I did however sucumb and buy the cheapest Power Miners set a few months back...
  4. 50% off.... but I must admit that aside from the green-goo-guys, the lack of good mini-figs and oh-too-many trans-orange canopies I liked the line. Like Exo-Force it was reasonably priced with a good part variety. I suspect that the Space-Police sets will not be priced so well...
  5. Actually I had the same thought! Yeah, I read that review of the Republic Attack Shuttle ( ) and glossed over that point as he mentioned cloaks as well. I think I assumed he meant string... Indeed. Thanks, it's very appreciated! <OffTopic> Here's that box! That's exactly how it was when it arrived; I wonder who taped it! One set had a crushed box, but I've found no part damage. Other sets included Star Justice, Custom Car Garage (that was the crushed one), ETX Alien Infiltrator, Chameleon Hunter, Yoda Magnet Set.... and two ice cube trays; the BELVILLE one and a blue one! </OffTopic> I'll have to get some next time; I've been putting of BL orders though due to the exchange rate...
  6. Happy Birthday dear Fellows! EB wouldn't be the same without either of you. I hope it's a good one!
  7. I'm assembling 7644 Hypersonic Operations Aircraft and I just got to bag two and I just had the shock of my life... No! Not the cute little Rock Monsters! They just helped me in exchange for a shiny pebble. I'm talking about the rubber band cardboard pouch. Some people might know that this... ...is one of my favourite parts as while it's just LEGO rubbish it is also useful for parts. I recently accumulated enough to be able to use them for something... ...and I was looking forward to finding more uses, but it looks like I'm going to need to go to BrickLink in future. Anyone else notice this in 7644 or other sets? Conversely, anyone notice the old holder in a new set? Looking at Peeron 2008 had a few sets with it still, so hopefully this isn't the end. (Or am I just weird? )
  8. I bought Thunder Driller from Target yesterday... My S@H order arrived today (rather bashed up) so I'll be having trouble persuading the wife to take advantage of this sale!
  9. Actually there's been loads of Town contests on EB... and we plan to do one soonish. However two contests are running at the moment already. Post any ideas you have here and we'll take them into consideration.
  10. I've never had any problems, but I only use them when I wish to avoid using my nails... I'm curious! Could you please expand?
  11. Yes, I've actually go two more on order! There is a great site here with images on how to use it. Here's an example...
  12. Happy Birthday! I hope it's a great one!
  13. Wonderful! I just love the slide out sections. After looking at the truck I was going to say that it looks more like a big pick-up than a truck... but after seeing the real one it seems it's realistic! Great work!
  14. Well I didn't see this one coming; another Classic site! I better go and register Classic-Walrus.com. It looks good! Good luck. I'll add it to my RSS reader. (By the way, it's CopMike, not compike!... )
  15. I'd actually be for that, but we kinda missed the boat...
  16. If anything it should be Space Police month...
  17. It's a cropped Knit Cap, like most of the others are wearing. (I do understand your confusion though; at first I kept thinking it was a wig! )
  18. That's why I added my clarification point. Yes. Aside from time, that was one of the big reasons why I've been slack on the space index.
  19. To clarify the question, please take into account that these indexes take time to maintain. Do you think the staff should spend time on other issues, or are the indexes an important part of the Pirate forum?
  20. This guy must be stronger than CGH.
  21. It never was a Christmas banner; it was a Winter banner. (Yes, I know the files are called Christmas.)
  22. You say the nicest things!
  23. Captain green hair made a great one....
  24. Actually it's pretty darn good for 30 minutes, but I think you've missed the point; Shadows wanted to see destruction!
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