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Walrus Admin
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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. Australia: Myer have the Eiffel Tower (List Price) and the UCS MF has been spotted in New Town K-Mart. (Tasmania) I've seen Dwarf Mining in Target, but the Troll boat is a Big W exclusive. The only special set Target seem to have is the Spongebob Moon Rocket set.
  2. I have un-hidden the unfinished index.
  3. I joined yesterday when I noticed your subtle new signature. I hope you don't EXILE me when I add my avatar; the administration appears to not like Fabuland... I hope you guys have fun.
  4. Yes. Don't revive an old topic just to say "Nice MOC mate"...
  5. Providing there is a reason there is nothing wrong with it. Other forums may have rules on this but we don't. Just keep in mind that if a MOC is old it may have been recycled, or the member may not even visit here anymore.
  6. Welcome to our new suggestion and complaint topic! Feel free to share any complaints or idea you have in regard to Eurobricks here. We do ask that you try to keep things as impersonal as possible (for example please don't post stuff like "Siegfried smells 'cos his mum told me" or "Why did you close my topic on testicles?") and don't endlessly debate points. We do listen to our members, but that doesn't mean that we can do whatever is asked. However, if everyone asks for something politely then there's a decent chance that it will happen.
  7. Supposedly you registered on 16th June and your first post was Jun 21.
  8. A new index will be up in the next day. It won't be finished but it will contain all from the old indexes. Please don't nag me at this stage to add your MOC/review until I have caught up. I plan to index all reviews and MOCs... even the bad ones.
  9. Don't worry; it will be recified in the new index...
  10. I'm making a new one now so I'll un-pin this.
  11. I'll be revealing my (unfinished) index soonish so I'll un-pin this.
  12. I completely missed this (too)! Very smart usage of that mask! I'll be looking out for an update.
  13. There seems to be a flood of "What should I buy" type topics lately. The problem with these topics is that if everyone made one over ever purchase the forum would become unreadable. Thus to solve this problem this topic has been created to be the new home for all such questions. Ask away!
  14. Wow! That's looking great. I missed this stage. Any progress?
  15. Sorry, I missed this! Maybe it was my fault with timing of the merge. All things considered I quite like it, the opening canopy and wingtip thrusters for roll and reverse are a very nice touch. (You still need some in the nose though... )
  16. I have no problem with that. To me the point of the "three pictures only" rule is so it doesn't take too long to load the page. If your entry is good enough for people to feel motivated to look at the other pictures then it probably deserves it! You are allowed to make a separate topic as well if you want. Do remember though that a lot of voters never go past the thumbnail...
  17. ...shhh! Don't tell anyone but we have a whole forum for this.
  18. Not a prob... but remember the search box is you friend. I merged the topics.
  19. Ouch! That's bad news for me as well...
  20. Thanks! I'll be looking for them when I go out on Thursday!
  21. Don't bother. I'm building a new index; ETA 2009!
  22. That's huge! Has the "Mission" changed from mining to war? Are you blaming us for your large pictures? What do you normally do? Stuff like this?
  23. I'm not sure, but it's OK for me and there have been no changes that I know of. Is your "Display Mode" in "Options" set to "Standard"? (Look below the "New Topic" button.)
  24. I've gotta buy myself a new one first; mine is about 7 years old...
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