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Walrus Admin
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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. You don't mean LSculpt by the same person? That's the only one that I know of.
  2. Yes, and I was planning to do so but I was busy at the time. Thanks for finding the topic for me!
  3. We cross edited... but it's OK because yours was funnier! She can make all the ads she wants now while she is in the Chamber... which won't be very long.
  4. Yes, sadly it seems you have answered your own question. I was surprised that Lego added this feature.
  5. We have over 600 opinions here. Until new sets appear or the actual sets are released I can't see any need for a new topic on the same subject.
  6. To avoid a new topic for every country I merged the two topics. Shame about the price though. I may end up buying just the small set.
  7. Great work, as always. I think this could be the first Predator MOC too! One question; your Super Cobra cockpit is more to my liking. Any reason for making it this way, or are you just a born-again purist?
  8. Happy Birthday! You're only one! You make some good MOCs for someone so young. (Batman: The Animated Series volume 2; is that the Australian release? I needed to import mine...)
  9. I got some skillz. $50 an hour, plus expenses.
  10. Well as it turns out I was in the navy too, but all we did was change our formal and ceremonial uniform. However, that was to save costs as it then made the junior sailors wear almost the same uniform as the rest... which made the whole thing confusing to everyone! I still don't think it makes much sense though... but I'll shut up here as this is waaaaaaaaaaay off topic. Well the facts fit!
  11. Cool! I wish my wife had a better collection; all I scored was two 90% complete space sets. I have one, and a bike as well...
  12. ...er seriously, do you want any help? You do plan to finish it sometime don't you?
  13. Australians don't seem to be included. What a surprise...
  14. Yes, as Batbrick said, this was done recently and you may not find much interest. I'd advise either waiting or picking another subject.
  15. Great review Alex! Well that's a surprise. I wonder why they tweaked/change the mould so fast... Thanks for the photo!
  16. Number three works best for me.
  17. Yes, I realise that, but do you really think that an army would change an expensive uniform like that so often? Not a chance. Re-issuing 1 million or so uniforms to every trooper at once (I don't recall seeing any in the old uniform) while having them all look battle warn makes Leia being Lukes sister look believable. Yes I know that the official reason is something to do with the old ones having a heat problem, but that's just George-speak for "I want to sell more action-figures"
  18. That's easy. Due to some silly decision the Droids talk like 80s educational toys, and Clones sound like Temuera Morrison. There really is no need to discuss which one sounds cooler. Having said that, I personally don't like the Episode 3 clones. The design is a clear attempt to bridge the Ep2 Clones with the Stormtroopers which never made much sense to me.
  19. Yes. Thus I merged them. Errr.... what? I believe they are bricks made from bricks. The assembly pictures are pretty cool!
  20. I know enough Star Wars stuff to get by. I believe so. From what I have heard it's based on a scene in Clone Wars.
  21. He means that you can make more and link them together. Notice the pins?
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