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Walrus Admin
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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. Excellent review! You've actually convinced me to prioritise the Bucket Wheel Excavator though....
  2. While you're right he's talking about something else. In any case Jelo probably shouldn't bump 4 year dead topics...
  3. This is the appropriate answer. Sure you could give the wrong name and address and it should work out. If people want to do that then it's their choice. But we'll be putting fingers in our ears and humming really loud.... ...I fixed a few of them so there's now some recent ones to compare to. Enjoy... and good luck!
  4. I said earlier; it's a bug in the code caused by last years bonus hack being triggered by... actually I'm not sure exactly. In any case I modded the code so it won't happen. I'll look into the data tonight. THERE IS NO BONUS. Now. There might be, But it won't happen. Probably.
  5. Sorry! The "bonus" was hacked in at the last minute last year so it's got some smarty pants detection code which is tripping. However it could happen this year too... I doubt it... but it could.
  6. EB time. The bonus is a bug; I'll fix it tonight.
  7. There's some minor issue with the calendar that is preventing it being moved. One of the templates probably. I need to fix that then I can link the old calendars. The problem is I'm always busy this time of year and I then have higher priority jobs in January....
  8. Yes. If you look in the FAQ there's a dynamic line that goes something like.. This calendar is automatic; prizes are revealed according to EB time, which was 17:28:48 01-12-2015 at the time this page was generated. Use that to align your expectations!
  9. Excellent review and very cool photos! They are going to my wallpaper collection!
  10. Got mine a few days ago. Thanks CopMike!
  11. OK. I'm going to continue re-enabling ad partners before we go broke. Please report suspects here ASAP so I can try to narrow down the naughty ones...
  12. ....which is the concern as I don't see ANY of these issues. (Some of the staff do,) Thus the chance of the site being hacked as the cause is pretty unlikely in my book... What's your OS and browser?
  13. We've blocked ALL partners that don't start with "A" and most of those too. As a result our income is currently below our expenditures... so blocking them all together isn't an option. So if people can give me a name beginning with "A" I can look into if it's being naughty and probably ban it in the short term. The target link is irrelevant, I need the add partner and it should be shown. I don't see these nasty ads so from my point of view the problem isn't there... so I need more info to solve this. Do realise though that it is possible that you may just have an infected machine. I'm decently sure that stuff like highlights in the page actually aren't possible with the current ad system. (Popups are though.)
  14. I was hoping to improve that photo but I ran out of time... and by the time I'll have the time you won't be able to see much! But I love those huskies!
  15. It's a place holder. CopMike is still waiting on parts. Yes, as MAB said it's there. But you got me worried! (I actually wanted to widen the page but as you so kindly proved the world probably isn't ready yet.)
  16. First winners are up.... Look here!
  17. ...and a time machine. Sorry you're too late. We need a few days to prepare so it isn't possible to allow late entries. Generally no. These parts are not sourced from sets and thus are just the figs.
  18. I want more time.... and Domo hugs! Now I better get back to working on the calendar!
  19. I've sent them an EMail but there isn't much I can do other than that. Personally I find services like that useless; if it reports you know it might be a false positive, if it doesn't you wonder if it's a new threat... which means you still need to use common sense.
  20. Cool review! Thanks, this is my new set priority!
  21. Wow. That's nice artwork, I'm not sure if I can ban that....
  22. It looks like a stolen image from Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball.... How dare they! I personally don't see it as offensive... but if you give me a target URL i can ban it. Images, while nice to look at, aren't much help for blocking.
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