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Everything posted by VBBN

  1. VBBN


    From the album: MOC Index

  2. VBBN


    From the album: MOC Index

  3. VBBN


    From the album: MOC Index

  4. VBBN


    From the album: MOC Index

  5. Convoy was the name of the character in Diaclone before it was adapted to the Transformers toyline. Technically Optimus Prime was the name change, not Convoy. That aside, Something else I'd like to see in 2016- More dual purpose tools.
  6. And in any case, I have come to associate Bionicle characters as having names like Kulta. To change the naming scheme is like renaming Optimus Prime into "Truck Prime" or something- I get that they want to make the names easier for kids (or the way I see it, easier on the parents buying the things for their kids) and I doubt it'll change since it likely worked with HF, but it makes me salty.
  7. Which is exactly my point of why it doesn't make any sense, skull is not describing grinder, it is the opposite. Had the set been named the "Grinder Skull" I associate the character as being a skull being that grinds, not as a being that grinds skulls- tying in to your stated examples. (Although with that said, I don't think that's the best grammar scheme to use to create a character's name, whilst with something like the examples you posted it fits better.) And I think people went from calling them combination models to combo models to combiners without knowing that combiner doesn't mean the same thing. Traditionally in Transformers each component is a combiner and the completed figure is a gestalt, which makes far more sense of course I agree.
  8. If lego insists on giving less specialized species names, at least make them sensible. The beasts, while uninspiring, had names that made sense- what type of beast they were was the prefix. But Skull Grinder? Skull Basher? Aren't these guys skulls? Why are they grinding and bashing themselves? They could have just dropped the needless skull part and it would have made more sense, I guess then they'd sound too much like hero factory villains and they didn't want to go as far as the bionicle names
  9. This is dependent on screen size- screens with larger resolution sizes will all compensate for the size of the skin differently. With mine the banner actually starts to repeat because the overall size of the banner is too small for my screen size, however in this case the search bar is nowhere near the fisherman's heads. As a result it is quite difficult to make a skin that is going to be completely visible by all screen sizes.
  10. Yeah I'm having an issue with Kopaka's gearbox, for some reason none of the pin holes will hold the friction/pin in that the small gear is attached to, two swings and the gear is completely useless in stabilizing the weight of Kopaka's arm. I just rebuilt the design with a different type of connection using an axle with a stopper, but still it's annoying.
  11. Personally I've always preferred a hero wave and a villain wave instead of two waves of mixed hero and villain, but it's personal preference. With that said, I don't really care what order said waves are released in a year, but I will say that i would be much more open to getting another wave of villains- I don't particularly like much at all of the 2015 villains and I already adore the designs of the current Toa, I'm not sure I'm quite ready to have a rehash thrown in my face just yet.
  12. Like many, missing out on the UCS Falcon. Maybe I'll Bricklink it one day when I can justify the price of doing so and actually have the patience to look for all of those parts.
  13. Some cool choices for the weapons on all of these designs. I don't know, I'm not seeing how the beast head is supposed to look like a G2 Bohrok head...
  14. While I'm not against jokes, your "joke" did not add to the discussion and derailed the thread- please refrain from doing that again.
  15. Disturbed is back!
  16. Those who follow my Flickr have seen me posting these the last few days, I've been messing around with some combo models lately and ended up creating three creatures as follows; Boulder Mite: Pohatu+ Protector of Stone Tikki Bird: Lewa+ Protector of Jungle Uutah Crab: Onua + Protector of Earth As of this moment I haven't been happy with the results of the other three respective elements. Boulder Mite Tikki Bird Uutah Crab More photos can be found here, The Boulder Mite's tail can swing side to side via gears, and the Tikki Bird's wings move like a traditional Toa's arms (Creating a "banking" maneuver)
  17. VBBN


    From the album: MOC Index

  18. VBBN


    From the album: MOC Index

  19. VBBN


    From the album: MOC Index

  20. VBBN


    From the album: MOC Index

  21. VBBN


    From the album: MOC Index

  22. VBBN


    From the album: MOC Index

  23. VBBN


    From the album: MOC Index

  24. VBBN


    From the album: MOC Index

  25. VBBN


    From the album: MOC Index

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