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Everything posted by VBBN

  1. Star Wars Celebration begins Thursday, and the Wall Street Journal has brought us images of two more Star Wars buildable action figures, including the much anticipated General Grevious! Be sure to hop over to our Action Figures forum to discuss the new images here! Now we just have yet to see Jango Fett and Commander Cody, who should be revealed soon!
  2. If we ignore the parts in the set, I hated Karzahni. Awkward proportions, some really ugly surfaces (the vakama mas+mantax feet+piraka shins...why). I get that he was mutated by the pit, but trying to pass off an awful design as "mutated" has never been one of my preferred marketing tactics.
  3. I've never had any issues with CCBS parts becoming that loose. They loose some friction after a while, but nothing that affects structural integrity of a figure. Although throwing figures across the room probably doesn't help anything.
  4. VBBN

    Car Talk

    Basically screwed myself with the focus lease, I have an awesome deal to get an orange 2015 Mustang new at a good price and I really want to take it, but then i'll be stuck with this focus for another year and have two vehicles.. I guess I'll have it as a winter car for another winter, but the insurance on that thing just sitting there will kill me.
  5. Knew the other gold masks would start being brought into the forefront soon. Oh what I would give for that MoCr..
  6. Welcome to the Action Figures forum! Action Figure Forum Discussion For questions, Suggestions and News about the forum Action Figure Review Index All reviews for LEGO Constraction Figures in one place! Action Figure MOC Index Interested in browsing your fellow member's Action Figure creations? Look no further! Action Figure Creative Index (Coming soon!) From artwork to fanfics, this index has it all! Forum Leaders VBBN | | Leewan | | TheOneVeyronian | |
  7. Mine came the other day Oh...wait hold on that's not right
  8. The previous members who continued to argue in this thread are currently facing administrative action. Im not sure why hostile arguments continue to be an issue in this thread, but if I have to close it down while people cool down then I will have no choice. The argument ends here, and I suggest everyone read over the site guidelines- becoming hostile, disrespecting others opinions, or going off topic are not recommended. Thanks
  9. In my opinion, sealed Bionicle sets would be completely useless. I get that a "MISB vintage" set might be worth something to people who want to buy it and resell it at a higher price, but unlike most themes where people collect MISB toys (DC Universe classics, Transformers, Marvel legends, etc) you can't actually see the toy in it's packaging, and even you could it would be just a pile of pieces. The only reason I'd ever buy a sealed set is if I wanted to experience opening an old Bionicle set like it was new again.. I see people listing sealed Bionicle sets for pretty high prices on ebay, and they usually never sell unless it's like a really old Rahi or something. (200$ accessory tub anyone?) But maybe there's a bigger market for it than I realize... either way, if you never owned an 07 set and you really want to check it out, then I don't see why you shouldn't open it.
  10. Good review Leewan, Not too long yet until i can grab one of these for myself. Stars of the pack look to be the mask and the map for sure, and I'm certainly wont argue with another skull spider- I've found them to be quite versatile.
  11. Regardless of how much you dislike the way others judge sets, that is their own opinion and way of criticizing them, and there is no need for hostility. This discussion ends here.
  12. Knockoff discussion goes in community. If you wish to further discuss such topic, please do so there.
  13. Tool Lateralus (Album) Tool is without a doubt my favorite band. I'd have to say Lateralus is also my favorite album, followed by Aenema.
  14. Thanks everyone, glad you all like him! Here is his head construct There are likely a lot of superior ways to do this, the teeth look strange from some angles. But I really like the two-toned eye effect. Gunmetal. Since I used the gunmetal chest armor and back armor, I decided to use the gunmetal head so it didn't stand out so much.
  15. So anyway Vezon. Decided to revamp Vezon into the CCBS style for BBC69, Tried to keep his size closer to that of the Toa, as Vezon himself was never a "titan", just a canister sized villain. I didn't build Fenrakk, though if I end up with a bunch more dark red CCBS one day, then I might.
  16. This is a completely pointless topic to argue about. Either way, let's keep any religious talk out of the subject, we do not allow any such discussion on EB. Thanks
  17. The truth behind how the little protectors grow has been revealed In regards to the earlier discussion about the Skull villains personalities, i wouldn't be too disappointed if these villains are kinda dry personality wise, as long as somewhere down the line we get Piraka-styled crazy awesome and dark personalities. It kinda raises the stakes when villains become more sentient. Assuming we stick with the Toa Nuva for three years, I'd want the villains to become more dangerous as the years go on. I'd rather not start off with a really awesome set of villains, and then bounce back to some disappointing horde-style villains again next year.
  18. The original photo is over 4000px, it's definitely trans dark green, and definitely a bootleg. If by some reason it is a prototype part, judging by the massive crack in the socket I'd say it's as good as ruined now, however. With that said, I'm having a hard time really seeing rhyme or reason to the design of this MOC. I would expect a Toa of Trash to be more like a collector, putting random findings all over his body. In your case, I would have made him look more like a proper Toa Nuva, with random bits of armor slung on. This Toa looks more like a mutilated Rahkshi. I like the placement of Gresh's mask, but...did you cut that chunk out of the side specifically for that purpose?
  19. Believe me, we know every aspect of the forums and what themes are placed where. There are always exceptions and special cases that have to be dealt with to make the most sense to the community. It seems we have reached an agreement to make Action Figures the home of the Star Wars CCBS sets. Really all that means right now is that this thread will stay open and remain to be separate of the Star Wars 2015 rumors thread. When the sets are revealed and we are for sure sticking this decision, I'll make a quick announcement in the AF forum discussion thread to let you know exactly what things will belong here.
  20. System Other MilAgro Combot by The Mugbearer. Posted October 17, 2010 Soundwave by The Mugbearer. Posted October 17, 2010 Red Mech by The Mugbearer. Posted November 22, 2010 Anatomy Skeleton by DLuders. Posted May 24, 2011 Macrofigures by The Mugbearer. Posted June 7, 2011 Steampunk Costume by -Zond-. Posted August 21, 2014 John Silver's Flash by CIDDi. Posted September 25, 2014 Mini Transformer by viracocha. Posted September 6, 2014 Steampunk Mech by Flea. Posted September 7, 2014 Maxifigures by -Zond-. Posted August 13, 2014 Creeps from the Deep by -Zond-. Posted June 4, 2014 Macrofigure Enderman by The Mugbearer. Posted October 4, 2011 Nasus, Curator of the Sands by The Mugbearer. Posted November 16, 2011 Stormer 3.1 SC by LDeaD. Posted January 2, 2012 Rocka SXXL by LDeaD. Posted January 1, 2012 Alina by Pate-keetongu. Posted November 29, 2014 Warhawk by ZORK64. Posted October 28, 2014 The Diver by Pate-keetongu. Posted October 31, 2014 Job Bots by WetWired. Posted February 24, 2012 Great King of Evil - Ganondorf by TooMuchCaffeine. Posted December 16, 2012 Saeko Busujima by Lego Junkie. Posted October 30, 2013 Halloween by CIDDi. Posted November 2, 2013 Avde by Pate-keetongu. Posted February 18, 2014 Medical Robot by Diamond_Sun. Posted March 4, 2014 Wretched Stare and his Computer Desk by 3rdeye88. Posted March 20, 2014 Kick Buttowski by guilhermelimait. Posted May 2, 2014 South Park - Kenny by guilhermelimait. Posted May 2, 2014 Toa Tawa by Pate-keetongu. Posted December 12, 2014 Mata Nui by Pate-keetongu. Posted September 11, 2009 Hero Factory Racers by optimus99. Posted January 30, 2012 Midnight Resistance by JINZONINGEN73. Posted February 15, 2009 Wheels by Bfahome Posted February 9, 2012 Falusch by GeluNumber1. Posted February 11, 2012 CCBS Rock Band by TheOneVeyronian. Posted February 15, 2015 Imp King by CIDDi. Posted July 28, 2013 Voodoo Head Heads by Logan McOwen. Posted April 24, 2015 Sable by WARHEAD. Posted May 20, 2014 Nintendo Donkey Kong by Vincent Q. Posted March 16, 2017 A.Karpov vs G.Kasparov, 1984-1985 by The Chosen One. Posted March 18, 2017 Meet Leonid by The Chosen One. Posted March 29, 2017 Skeleton Dragon by Takanuinuva. Posted March 26, 2016 Toa of Gunz! by xboxtravis7992. Posted April 21, 2016 Hat Man by brunoctoday. Posted November 8, 2016 Overwatch Winston by jerryyao. Posted December 2, 2016 Swampert by _shaddow_. PostedSeptember 23, 2015 Marowak by _shaddow_. Posted September 24, 2015
  21. Just so everyone knows, there is a chance that discussion of these sets may be moved to the Star Wars forum, given that up until this point, basically everything Star Wars has been located in that forum. I would rather the discussion, MOCs, etc be kept here, but this is a matter that is being discussed.
  22. Ideally I want two of the packs for myself (Just because I like to have two of every piece, so a second trans Hau, but I could make due with snatching one off BL...don't have much use for the rest of the stuff a second go around) Please keep all sales offers to the B/S/T forum.
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