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Everything posted by VBBN

  1. I will caution against such a thread as we do generally discourage for IDEAS projects to be presented in such a way, we prefer for the focus to be on the MOC itself and not the promotion of the project. And so I would encourage that anyone who has a Bionicle IDEAS project to present it as a MOC here on the forums, with a simple link to the project, as the guidelines suggest. However, Bionicle now being allowed on IDEAS is a topic worth discussing, and I can see some value in using this thread to discuss ideas of what kinds of projects people would like to see. Plus, with the activity levels as they are in the constraction community, it's doubtful any of these projects will get much exposure unless we as a Bionicle community work to share them around. Personally, I think if anything under the Bionicle trademark could legitimately win, it would likely have to be primarily system based. I would assume there isn't much in the way of Bionicle parts left in production, and any IDEAS set that relies on constraction parts isn't really possible given the constraints of IDEAS sets in general.
  2. I can take a photo later, currently I have it on top of an IKEA Detolf shelf. The top of the shelf is plenty large enough to handle the stand, the challenging part is that you can't put the shelf right up against a wall as the ship overhangs like crazy.
  3. Are you viewing on mobile? Seems like through mobile the site is stretching them in an odd way
  4. It's a bird, it's a plane, it's the extremely large, extremely gray, and extremely impressive 75252 Imperial Star Destroyer! How does this set stack up against it's predecessor and the current reigning champ, the UCS Millennium Falcon? Be sure to check out my review and share your thoughts on the next landmark Lego Star Wars set!
  5. Name: 75252 Imperial Star Destroyer Theme: Star Wars UCS Year: 2019 Pieces: 4784 Price: US $699.99 – CA $849.99 – DE €699.99 – UK £649.99 – FR €699.99 – DK 5299DKK --$1099.99 AUD Resources: Lego.com | Bricklink | Brickset Hello everyone and welcome to another review! This time around, I'll be stretching the limits of what my photo setup is capable of with one of the largest Lego sets ever, the UCS Star Destroyer 2.0! Following on the heels of the monumental UCS Falcon 2.0, Lego once again gives us a massive UCS set that breaks everyone's display space and wallets alike. I think many will agree that the Falcon is a crowning achievement of Lego, it's a massive set with a parts count to back it, and an unreal level of detail. Does the Star Destroyer follow in the Falcon's footsteps? Does it improve upon it's lineage in the Lego Star Wars brand? Let's find out. And before we begin, a massive thank you to The Lego Company for sending this our way to review. While the set was provided, I all opinions are of course, my own, and I will do my best to view this from the "is this worth $700 angle." The Box Front Similar to the Falcon, we are presented with a massive square box to contain the ~13 pounds of plastic hidden inside. The front is very simple, with a nice, clean banner depicting the UCS brand and a striking photo of the Destroyer itself. Usually when I get these review copies of sets they are the European packaging, and I have not seen this set in store yet here in the US, so I am not sure what additional details or warnings may be on the US one Back The rear showcases other angles of the ship, showing the rear, the top, bridge, and small hangar underneath. Again, very little in the way of warnings or anything, just a slew of nice photos of the set. Side 1 I won't show every side of the box since they get a little repetitive, but this side shows a nice shot of the underside of the star destroyer, something I really don;'t have a great way of doing in this review. Also note the the tape on the box indicates NOT to cut on this side. We will see why shortly. Side 2 Here's the side that should be opened, which showcases a neat outlined version of the ship, a size comparison to the Tantive IV, and the included minifigures. Opening the box As I said a moment before, the tape indicated which side of the box to open- doing so presents us with another sketch style image of the ship, this is the box containing the massive manual. People who experienced the UCS falcon will be familiar with this for sure. Inner boxes Removing the instructions box reveals the four smaller boxes, in typical large-set fashion, all filled the the brim with parts. The boxes aren't numbered, rather you go by the profession of the sketchy on the boxes- the topmost part of the ship is the first box, for example. However.... that doesn't really matter. The bags inside the boxes are numbered 1-19, but at random points in the build you'll need to use some extra large plates that are in unnumbered bags in boxes 3 and 4. So during the first few step of the build, you'll need to get parts from three of the boxes. Minifigures I'll talk about the part count and whatnot later on in this review, but here's the first point of conflict with this set- the mini figures. In the past, many UCS sets including the original Star Destroyer did not come with minifigures. Now however, we are getting figures in sets like this and the UCS falcon. This presents two issues. This is a $700 set, and including cool, exclusive mini figures in the set could make it worth it to the people buying the set. But, people who are interested in the figures but not the set, are stuck behind a $700 price wall. On the flip side, if the mini figures in the set are relatively uninteresting, then the people not interested in the set aren't missing out, but people buying the set may feel ripped off. This set... falls in the middle. it certainly has less figures than the UCS falcon, and while they are new and exclusive, they aren't exactly the most exciting figures, and they are more of troop builders, "battle pack" material as many have said. So people who wish to troop build these figures are stuck behind that price wall, and people who buy the set certainly aren't getting a slew of figures unlike the Falcon. A lose-lose situation, perhaps. The figures themselves look good enough, but personally I would have enjoyed some "filler" - Stormtroopers, A Vader with red eyes, etc. Omitting a Vader figure was probably the biggest shock I had with this set honestly. The Manual Before we get to the actual set, let's take a quick moment to talk about the manual. Its massive, equally as massive as the Falcon's manual. It's spiral bound, it's almost as wide as the box when closed, and similar to many large scale sets and IDEAS sets, there are numerous pages at the start of the manual that talk about the design, lore and history of the set. One page that I found pretty fun was the one photographed above, a feature on many of the previous incarnations of Star Destroyers, starting with the original UCS set that this one replaces. Sticker Sheet Just one sticker for the set, the infographic that is standard for UCS sets. Tantive IV The small Tantive IV included in the set is pretty good, I would say "par for the course" when it comes to polybag-sized builds. The shaping is done well, and I'd say it about as nice as the old one included with the original Star Destroyer, maybe a little better in certain areas. It's a fun extra to get. The Build: Phase 1: Stand First we build a simple stand that displays the infographic and minifigures. It's.. alright. It's definitely nothing special, and honestly it's hard to see this stuff once the SD is built due to how much more the ship overhangs over the stand. But it holds the ship up perfectly well. Do note however that it's bolted in to the technic frame, you cannot simply remove the ship from the stand- the larger pieces on top of the ship can be removed and allow you access to the inside to remove the axles and take the ship off the stand, but it's not the simplest process. The Build: Phase 2: Frame Now we begin the most critical part of this set, it's frame. This is an interesting process, you can see it's essentially a T-shaped frame surrounded by a triangle. Unlike the UCS Falcon though, this frame doesn't feel very sturdy at first. The more you add on the the build, the more the frame pulls together and strengthens under the weight of the set. We will see more of this later, but here's the perk- due to the relatively unobtrusive frame, the interior of the ship is damn near hollow, and that provides plenty of opportunity for interior work if you so desire. I know I'll certainly be doing such enhancements to my own copy. Note that you also start some greeble work on the sides- it's the same thing on both sides mirrored. The Build: Phase 3: Bottom Panels https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/48721109467_765b6c8e4b_c.jpg[/img Okay so here's the part of the review where I say "get ready to do this, a lot." From here on out, a god portion of the build involves a lot of gray panels, colorful pieces to hold them together, and a variety of greebles, especially roller-skate pieces, cheese slopes, and 2x1 grills. Connecting The original UCS SD utilized magnets to achieve the angled shape of the ship. But, those have not held up well over time. This time around the connections are two fold. First, there are small mixes-sized ball joints that connect the flat edge of the panels to the outermost edges of the frame. Second, you mount the bottom of the panels to technic axles, as you can see in this photo. The overall structure is definitely better than the magnets, but not without its issues. Shield Array / Docking bay Here we have some further constructs for the underside of the ship. Nice in design, though very difficult to see with the display base Lego provided. I do really love that simple TIE Fighter build. The Build: Phase 4: Rear Next we build up the rear of the ship. Gone are the days of the large gray tires; this time around we use barrels and the large cockpit halves that originated with the Falcon. I'm okay with this choice, they aren't as obtrusive as pictures made them seem. The one issue is the three "flaps" on each one- the two angled flaps on each are very loosely connected. Bottom half done Here we have the bottom panels and rear of the ship done. As I said earlier, you can see here just how hollow the inside of the ship is allowing for plenty of creative changes later on. Also, while the ship is built at an angle, the front set of panels and the rear set all line up perfectly. What does this mean? Well, on it's own, there is more give to the bottom panels than I would like, but it' easy enough to add additional support to keep all of these large panels together. The Build: Phase 5: Top Panels Next we start the top panels. There's a few differences here, especially with the nice rotating turrets you construct but there's a lot of similar techniques at play as the bottom of the ship. One interesting this is that the panels do not utilize all of the balljoint sockets along the frame unlike the bottom. Why did lego have us put them there? Why not use them for more stability? The Build: Phase 6: Bridge Next up we start on the bridge which uses some interesting techniques, though ultimately its a frame that you add a bunch of angled gray plates with greebles onto, similar to the rest of the set. Another important thing to note here is this is the final stage of pieces really locking in to the frame. Everything beyond this point is only loosely connected, to allow you to easily remove the pieces so you can carry the set by its frame. The advantage here is this allows easy access to removing it from its stand, and also for you to work on an interior if you desire. Final constructs Heres a few shots of the last thing you build. Notable things here are the greeble work and the interesting angles they used. Completed set Once you place that last piece In place, you have to just sit back and take in how massive this set truly is. And then you remember you need to find a place to display this monster, and you quickly realize the space you had planned out isn't large enough. Profile Shot I'm letting photos do most of the talking, and I'll talk in full at the end of this review. But one major improvement over the previous Star Destroyer is the proportions, from the profile shot here we can see just how well the shaping has been captured. Rear I do love the detailing back here. I think this area has the most issues with proportions, the area between the edges of the big thrusters and the outermost part of the ship should be longer, but it's not a critical issue. Top Down View Size Comparison Here's a size comp with the only other "UCS" set I have, the Tumbler. Yeah, this thing is gigantic in comparison. Random Detail Shots (Note that the array can be angled up or don on top) Conclusion $700 is a big price tag for any Lego set, It’s more than double most of the previous Star Destroyer sets, and sits only $100 below the UCS Falcon. At only 4.7k parts, it’s also significantly lighter in parts and minifigure count to that Falcon. But the parts it does come with include a variety of large plates, and it’s completed size and weight are very comparable to its slightly more expensive rival. But we have to look at this set in many other angles to truly understand it’s value I have seen countless comparisons to both the original UCS SD, as well as the more recent UCS Falcon 2.0. In truth, there are many ways that this set is a better value, and many ways that it is a worse value. In my opinion, the target audience for this set has already been carved out. In fact, I almost question the value in a review of this set being posted because, well, I think you’ll make up your mind pretty quickly on this one. If you are buying this set, then you are a huge fan of Lego Star Wars and specifically this ship. It’s not a casual set you’ll pick up for the building experience like a UCS Slave II or Sand Crawler, and it’s not the flagship set title that the Falcon has laid claim to. It’s a massive wedge with engines. It’s gray. VERY gray. The building experience is, unique and fun, but at points it can definitely feel repetitive. Other than techniques used to achieve the bizarre angles of the set and a few neat techniques in the bridge and engine, the building experience is rather straightforward. Compared to the original UCS SD, this set feels more stable, and not relying on magnets will be beneficial in the long term. It’s a more accurate shape and silhouette than that original set, and of course takes up a larger footprint, if that is your thing. If you have the original SD, do I recommend this one? While I do not have that set in hand now, I will say it has held up remarkably well design wise. While not quite as accurate as this one nor as large, it’s still a really good set, and unless you can pull a big profit in selling that one to fund this one, I have a hard time recommending making the switch. It’s bigger it’s slightly more accurate. It’s likely a little more sturdy than that old model. But has enough changes occurred since that old model? Eh, I’d say that old set is still very good and still very competitive to this one, if you already have it or somehow snipe it at a great price I would say the upgrade from the Falcon 1.0 to the 2.0 is a more worthy upgrade than the SD 1.0 to SD 2.0, for whatever that’s worth. But, if you do not have that previous set, there is a lot of fun to be had here. I’ve never built a set this large before, and everyone who has seen it completed so far has been wow’d at its massive size. If I had shelled out the $700 for this, I think the biggest value for me comes from it’s display value and that wow factor it draws in. Here’s the thing- it has some fun bits in its build, but had this set been 30% smaller, I anticipate it would still have largely the same techniques. The size does not offer much to the build, but rather the size itself is where the value comes from. There is a sense of satisfaction to this set, it feels like you own a prop of this ship used in the film almost. But it’s not without its flaws- for $700, the minifigures are questionable. The interior is hollow, and I feel this space either could have been used for an interior, or for further support to the set. Luckily, this space will allow you to mod to your hearts content. Plus, there are a LOT of studded surfaces, and to some this may make the set feel unfinished when compared to the Falcon or some of the great MOCs posted here on the boards. It’s understandable, since tiling over all of these plates would prove almost impossible given the way it was constructed, and I can only image the price if they had tried to smooth the surface out. And in real life, the gray studded surfaces look smoother than in the harsh lighting of CGI and photos. To summize, a lot of the issues that you may have with the set are either easily fixable or aren’t necessarily such a big deal. I plan to make many mods to this set, but even without them, I think the finished product is fitting of its price tag when I look at the other elements of this set beyond its part and minifigure count. If you have the previous incarnation of the set, I don’t know that it’s worth upgrading to this set, but rather taking steps to mod and update your old copy. If you are simply looking for a massive, fun Lego experience, I would personally say the Falcon is a more enriching experience and carries a more unique color scheme to boot, whereas this ship is for an even more diehard audience. But if you love Star Destroyers, love collecting massive sets, or simply want to find something that will challenge your display space, this set is the one for you. Again, a massive thank you to LEGO for providing this. I was very young back in the early 2000s and sets like the UCS SD were something I dreamt of owning. It has been a fantastic experience to build this set and it looks ridiculously awesome on display. I can’t wait to see what everyone does with this set, and what LEGO does next to further push the limits. Thanks for reading! Please be sure to leave your comments below and vote in the poll, we share this valuable feedback with LEGO and this is a great chance for your thoughts to be relayed.
  6. Lego has unveiled another massive flagship Star Wars set, 75252 Imperial Star Destroyer! Head over to the Press Release to learn about the pricing, release date, and to see more photos and details!
  7. My main skepticism lies in the order in which these events happened. If this post was the first thing we had seen, and then we saw the listing for 14 'Leaf" sets and Faber posting Bionicle related things, then I would be more inclined to think something is going on here. But this sounds more like someone making up a convincing story based on those circumstances. Of course, it's a weird way to troll, so there is a very minuscule glimmer of hope there. "I have seen many storms in my life. Most storms have caught me by surprise, so I had to learn very quickly to look further and understand that I am not capable of controlling the weather, to exercise the art of patience and to respect the fury of nature."
  8. My wife and I are both mid 90s kids and absolutely loved this show, this is a day 1 pickup for me. Not as bad of a price as I was expecting! And the set looks fantastic. Though, I do really wish we had gotten the apartment instead- but now that we've gotten the mini figures, I'm sure I can MOC something up. Now bring on The Office and Parks & Rec
  9. A proper backdrop, lighting, camera and editing are all crucial to the best photos. If you have any interest in doing a few reviews, our reviewer academy has tutorials on creating a crisp white backdrop and we’ll help you improve your current photo abilities-
  10. I remember we went through a phase once where floods of digital poorly built CCBS MOCs were flooding the action figure forum, that was enough to make anyone boycott digital builds I like digital designs. Every form of MOCing has things that make it unique- some people keep it to a small scale, like an alternate build for a set, and it’s fascinating to see what they can do with such constraints. Others can afford mass quantities of bricks, and it’s truly impressive to see so many pieces together. Digitally building is equally as interesting, because you aren’t limited to only the pieces you have in your collection, and if you go outside of the Lego color palette that already exists, digital builds can be a great “what if” scenario. I seriously need to learn how to render though, so I don’t have crappy LDD screenshots. Point is, every style of MOCing is different, digital included, and I think the lack of responses is just because of how the LEGO community is now with MOCs in general, as many have said. But, we all do our part. As a digital MOCist, you are keeping that community alive. Personally I try to always be inclusive of digital MOCs in contests when applicable or give opportunities to such MOCists, and I’ve been trying some digital work myself behind the scenes. Keep doing what you do, and don’t get discouraged from a lack of comments- your biggest critic is yourself, and you should do what makes you happy. But definitely do not let that lack of comments stop you from sharing your work here, we love to have it.
  11. US $199.99 – CA $269.99 – DE €199.99 – UK £179.99 – FR €199.99 – DK 1799DKK –AUS $279.99 Not to mention a portion of the parts are for the autumn switch-out. One thing I find strange is there is quite a lack of recognition for the original model/designer here... this was an IDEAS set, after all, but the focus is clearly on the sustainable pieces.
  12. LEGO has revealed their latest IDEAS Set, 21318 LEGO® Ideas Tree House! This set features an abundance of their new sustainable materials in the form of the botanical elements. Be sure to check out more images and discuss after the jump! 21318 LEGO® Ideas Tree House Ages 16+. 3036 pieces US $199.99 – CA $269.99 – DE €199.99 – UK £179.99 – FR €199.99 – DK 1799DKK –AUS $279.99 *Euro pricing varies by country. Please visit shop.LEGO.com for regional pricing. Detailed Tree House model to challenge LEGO® builders and inspire endless play! Build, display and play with this intricately detailed, 3,036-piece LEGO® Ideas 21318 Tree House playset. A complex build for experienced LEGO builders that all the family will love to play with, it features a landscape base and 3 LEGO tree house cabins—a main bedroom, bathroom and kids’ room. The tree has interchangeable sets of green summer leaf elements and yellow and brown fall leaf elements—these and various plant elements on the base are all made from sustainable-plant-based polyethylene plastic—and the treetop and cabin roofs are removable to allow easy access. The model is packed with play-inspiring features including a buildable picnic table and seats, swing, bonfire, treasure map and hidden gem element to play out a treasure hunt, and a wind-up crane on the balcony of the bedroom cabin. A great birthday gift, this unique creative toy comes with mom, dad and kids minifigures, plus a bird figure, to role-play fun family scenes. It also includes a booklet with building instructions and information about this LEGO Ideas set’s fan creator and LEGO designer.
  13. 21318 LEGO® Ideas Tree House Ages 16+. 3036 pieces US $199.99 – CA $269.99 – DE €199.99 – UK £179.99 – FR €199.99 – DK 1799DKK –AUS $279.99 *Euro pricing varies by country. Please visit shop.LEGO.com for regional pricing. Detailed Tree House model to challenge LEGO® builders and inspire endless play! Build, display and play with this intricately detailed, 3,036-piece LEGO® Ideas 21318 Tree House playset. A complex build for experienced LEGO builders that all the family will love to play with, it features a landscape base and 3 LEGO tree house cabins—a main bedroom, bathroom and kids’ room. The tree has interchangeable sets of green summer leaf elements and yellow and brown fall leaf elements—these and various plant elements on the base are all made from sustainable-plant-based polyethylene plastic—and the treetop and cabin roofs are removable to allow easy access. The model is packed with play-inspiring features including a buildable picnic table and seats, swing, bonfire, treasure map and hidden gem element to play out a treasure hunt, and a wind-up crane on the balcony of the bedroom cabin. A great birthday gift, this unique creative toy comes with mom, dad and kids minifigures, plus a bird figure, to role-play fun family scenes. It also includes a booklet with building instructions and information about this LEGO Ideas set’s fan creator and LEGO designer. This LEGO® Ideas set includes 4 minifigures: mom, dad and 2 children, plus a bird figure. This challenging, 3,036-piece building toy features a landscape base, tree with interchangeable sets of green (summer) leaves and yellow and brown (fall) leaves, and a LEGO® Tree House with 3 cabins—main bedroom, bathroom and kids’ room. The treetop and cabin roofs are removable for easy access and play. Landscape base features a buildable picnic table with 4 minifigure seats and assorted elements to create a picnic, plus a buildable stream, swing (hanging from the tree), bonfire, hidden gem element, plant and bush elements, and a ladder to the cabins. Tree foliage features over 180 botanical elements made from plant-based polyethylene plastic using sustainably sourced sugarcane. Assorted plant elements around the tree are also made from this plant-based plastic. This is the first milestone in LEGO® Group’s ambitious commitment to make products using sustainable materials by 2030. Main bedroom cabin features a buildable bed, and assorted elements including hidden scissors (as a reference to the fan creator’s day job as a hairdresser), ship in a bottle, compass, clock plus a balcony with a hand-operated, wind-up crane to lift items up to the cabin. Bathroom features a buildable bathtub, toilet and sink. Kids’ room features bunk beds and assorted elements such as a book and treasure map. This LEGO® Ideas creative toy comes with a booklet with building instructions and information about this awesome set’s fan creator and LEGO designer. Measures over 14” (37cm) high, 10” (27cm) wide and 9” (24cm) deep. Available directly from LEGO Stores & shop.LEGO.com from 24th July, 2019 LEGO, the LEGO logo and the Minifigure are trademarks of the LEGO Group. ©2019 The LEGO Group. All rights reserved.
  14. Based on simple observation, it's easy to see that Constraction garnered a unique audience. We don't have the facts to really say anything for certain- but a common assumption is that during the era of Bionicle, most people tended to either fall into "System fans" or "Bionicle fans." A huge part of the Bionicle community grew up loving the toys, many of which were only interested in Lego for that brand. Bionicle wasn't targeting the same competition that standard system sets from City, Castle, Pirates etc were- they were action figures. There is pretty solid evidence that Lego struggled to marry people interested in system with people interested in Bionicle. The playsets, the invasion from below sets, even the gradual switch to using more system in their builds, all of these things were attempts to get these communities more conjoined. We see the ball and socket system continuing on in a rare set here and there, and of course the Mixels system is doing what CCBS never could when it comes to system accessibility. My point is, I think there was always some hostility among people because when you have two different groups with different interests, you tend to form biases against the other group for whatever reason. Bionicle was very far removed from System. And Bionicle spent a lot on marketing, from comics to books to films- but what of the system fans? Why couldn't they get similar treatment? (That's rhetorical, I'm just making a random example of an argument that could have existed.) As someone who has always been a fan of both sides of Lego, (Technic included), and has been around Lego communities for many years, I never really saw too much hostility, but rather a general acceptance that the other systems exist. The difficulty was in getting fans of Bionicle to appreciate the art of system, and vice versa Now that CCBS is toast with no replacement in sight? Declining forum activity both on these constraction boards here and of course on the Bionicle megasites like BZP show that a large chunk of fans were here for constraction, and constraction only, further showing this disparity between two groups. And make no mistake, I am not saying the community is dead- there are still many active constraction fans out there, especially at conventions.
  15. Found this at Home Depot yesterday for 30$, it's a cool solution if you want your organizers to be more mobile- The individual bins can be removed, it's obviously not a great tabletop solution, but certainly has its uses. Also found these for $5 each-
  16. Welcome to the boards! I see you also have some interest in Bionicle too
  17. Welcome to Eurobricks!
  18. In many ways, this set reminds me of the "UCS" Hulkbuster set. A majority of the negative feedback comes from the disappointment of the set - and not even from the fact that it's not the visitor center, but rather that this is a display piece, and not really something you can use with your JW sets collection. That's the issue with "D2C" or special releases like this- the sets are always varied in scope. You could have a Microscale Helicarrier or Hogwarts, a large scale Creator car, or a minifigure scale set like Joker/Wayne manor, Cloud City or the City Rollercoaster. I like the variety, but that leads to false expectations. Many people hoped for this to be a set that would encompass a great deal of the JP films in minifig scale. Instead they got a display model that can't really be incorporated with the existing sets well. And that's where the comparison to the Hulkbuster comes from. It's a display piece, and took up a slot that many would rather have seen filled by a more interactive minifig-scaled set. Like the Hulkbuster, the audience here is for people who want a buildable display piece (emphasis on "buildable", because this of course is not the most definitive display piece from JP out there. I guess, to me, the issue is this set doesn't have enough "cool factor." It's certainly a step up from the old 4507 Prehistoric Creatures set... but we've had plenty of Lego T-Rex's, big and small
  19. LEGO has revealed their latest D2C Set, 75936 Jurassic Park: T. rex Rampage! Head over to the Press Release topic to view more photos and to leave your thoughts on this set
  20. Thanks for the great review! A fantastically unique set, a definite purchase for me at some point, I want to support this magnificent idea. I agree with others though, Jonathan, Nancy and Steve being MIA is quite disappointing. It's doubtful we will see much more from Stranger Things, so I'm not sure how else we will get them in an official capacity.
  21. Thanks, and very cool looking roof design! Yes I have definitely seen this technique used in some MOCs over the years, I guess at the time my comment was more in reference to LEGO's own techniques that their builders have done; unless I am mistaken, this is one one of few (if not the first) use of those shovel pieces as something other than shovels in an official set. This set uses a lot of parts in fun and interesting ways that we normally see with excellent MOCs, but not quite as commonly in regular LEGO sets themselves.
  22. Well, preorders for Endgame tickets have been an absolute shitshow today AMC as far as I know has been completely down, and people have been waiting hours to try to get tickets through Fandango. Luckily I have a high-end local theater chain, Emagine (actually owned by one of my distant cousin's husband, fun fact) which was functioning and I was able to snag some awesome tickets. (also snagged a preorder for the Endgame Thanos that was revealed by Hot Toys today)
  23. I really like these, they remind me a lot of the original Lego batman sets back in 2006. Might grab some for nostalgia sake, which is not something I was expecting to say with a new 2019 run of sets.
  24. There was a shift in the perspective of this site a long ways back. If I remember right the subtitle at the top banner used to be "The European Lego Fan Community" or something like that, though non-European members were not discouraged from joining (hence when I joined), but was eventually changed to "Uniting LEGO fans around the world." As far as I know, the "Euro" today stands moreso for the origin of the Lego brick, being Europe. Plus, Eurobricks sounds cooler. (though some may remember a certain April Fools joke where the site became Ameribricks...)
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