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Everything posted by VBBN

  1. Thanks for the nifty review,Queen of Clone Peppermint Brands...or something like that... Funny, though the shade of gray is terrible on that bridge,it kinda makes it look, "mossy." More lifelike methinks. -VBBN
  2. VBBN


    Aye, the map stated a 16x32, not 16x16. That is what I went by(and thus the reason for the useless rock fomation on the MOC, spacefiller)
  3. Looks like after a few days, the figures are beginning to settle into Michigan just fine.. (Super rainy and dark out,pleaseexcuse the low quality of the photo )
  4. VBBN


    Creativity struck when I looked over at my Bionicle Vorox container and saw the lid was perfect for a neat roof for the market. A sleeping quarters and..whats beneath? Roof attatchment I know it's not my best work, but when you get sick for a month it really takes a lot out of you. In any case, theres my contributuon to the community build.
  5. #6- The Market So for the market I went with what I felt would be a market back in the pirate days,as there really wasnt much to go from. Creativity struck when I looked over at my Bionicle Vorox container and saw the lid was perfect for a neat roof for the market. A sleeping quarters and..whats beneath? Roof attatchemnet I know it's not my best work, but when you get sick for a month it really takes a lot out of you. In any case, theres my contributuon to the community build.
  6. My Haves... (30$) (Ask for more pictures, I modded the interior) (holiday train) Parts(ask formorepics) PM me, best offers accepted. My Wants... -Cash -Any Transformers
  7. Done with themarket,I'll be getting pics tomorrow.
  8. ...Disregard what I said. Guess what showed up in the mail today? Lookie here... vvv Thanks so much!
  9. Glad to hear people are getting theirs. Im not anticipating them yet, it took till may to get my prize last year. X]
  10. Thats the thing, I live in the US, so its the US that s getting gyped of it.
  11. It's as good as any, I've gotten some stuff from there before.
  12. Cmdstore has HF sets for preorder. http://www.cmdstore.com/herofactory.html
  13. Complete with box & instructions. I'm taking offers on it,let me know. It was build once and put on display. Buy within the month of march and get a set of $20 value free.
  14. The toys look pretty nifty for it as well. And all I can say is that Omega Supreme OWNED that decepticon.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLS9W0s2DMM...feature=related "It's the eye of the tiger, It's the thriil of the fight..."
  16. Almost done with mine, I just need to put all the seperate chunks into place.
  17. Interesting, did yours include the Bionicle comic? Lego seems to be mixing around certan content with these magazines.
  18. -Link removed, ignore
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TifsBKC9tpI...feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGvKX2mC-qs...feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaef2NgwqHY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2O_MyhdjY4 And they say I dont have taste in music!
  20. Ahaha I didnt feel like reading your whole message, I was more focused on the vid where that dancing spartan got falcon punched to da max.
  21. The bulk of my parts are color coded, I also have technic parts sorted, trans pieces,minifig parts,etc.
  22. THe Jan-Feb catalogue had a 3D atlantis comic but the comic in this magazine is not 3D.
  23. Did you get the magazine with the 3D glasses and that Lego universe thing(looked like the lego game dice)? Thats the magazine mine came with.
  24. There is an atlantis comic but alas it's not 3-D, but it does say to go to the atlantis website on lego.com as it has some 3-D material.
  25. Welcome to Eurobricks, ask if you have any questions. -VBBN
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