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Everything posted by MKJoshA

  1. Very nice! Where are the stripped white and grey legs, and the blue Hawaiian shirt from?
  2. As long as no one else from your team protests, then yes, this is fine.
  3. I've noticed the variance in price on the same piece but in different colors is almost always related to how new a color is. If the color just came out, Lego charges more for it because they know it's in higher demand. After that color has been out for a year and most people have acquired it through buying sets, they lower the price to a more standard price structure for the piece.
  4. Wow! @Vedauwoo that's amazing so far! By "extend down," do you mean lower, towards the ruder? Or something else? If you have it sticking out that far I would just lengthen your support braces. Right now you just have the brown arches, but then it free-hangs a good 8 studs beyond the reach of the arch. Maybe if you added plates or bricks on top of the arches to give the cabin more to it's foundation instead of 1 plate.
  5. There is already a discussion about Bricks & Pieces here. You might find it more valuable.
  6. Not really But I think I figured it out. I licensed more ships than I remembered in Dec which brought my numbers down further than expected.
  7. Updates! The Empire is on a Plains and Forest square. They also obtained the bonus on O19 giving them 5 extra movement points. That brings their total to 10 movements for this coming week. Use them well! The Rebels are on a Plains, Forest, and Shoreline square. Let me know if you all think the game is dragging on too long. A couple of the team-only bonuses are going to add some spice to the game pretty soon. But I don't want anyone to get bored in the meantime.
  8. Chill. Appreciate the info we are getting. Don't attack other members. SVL has proved himself to be a reliable leaker. But he also has a life outside of sharing info with us all.
  9. Here's my series of 18 figs: 1. Fisherman of Aikapu: Fishing is an important occupation on the Island of Aok. This fisherman prides himself in being the best. Though, if all his stories were true then he would have speared more fish than could fill the Island from north to south! Front: Back: 2. Canoe Maker: The people of Aikapu may not be as technologically advanced as the rest of the Island of Aok, but what skills they do have they do well. This carpenter works hard to improve his design with each new canoe he makes. Front: Back: 3. Medicine Woman: Knowing what herbs to use when someone is hurt is this minifigure’s specialty. She may look mad, but that’s just because she’s tired of having to constantly deal with the people of Aikapu accidentally stepping on small, sharp edged objects! Front: Back: 4. Cocidius: A powerful creature born of fire and wrath. He is the self-proclaimed god/ruler of the island though he has a hard time getting the people of Aok to follow him. He has many agents in each area of the island and rules through fear. Front: Back: 5. Luigi the Green: This fearsome warrior is a veteran of a thousand battles. He fights to defend the honor of the Noble Green Family, one of four families inhabiting the land of Mimsy. He and his troops ride giant praying mantises into battle against the forces of evil. Front: Back: 6. Jamie the Yellow: The land of Mimsy is known for its oversized plant and insect life, but is it big enough for Jamie’s ego? He always has a broad grin stretching across his face and is constantly sweeping back his hair to make sure he looks his best. Front: Back: 7. Boris the Blue: The Noble Blue Family has a rich history of being one of the most stable of the families in Mimsy. Boris upholds this tradition by never taking an extreme position. However, even he recognizes that Hathor’s decision to side with Cocidius is a foolish one and he fights against her along with the other families. Front: Back: 8. Hathor the Red: Leader of the Noble Red Family, she has decided to throw her lot in with Cocidius. Her troops rush into battle on giant wasp steeds. She sometimes gets tired of carrying her staff around and will relegate the task to her least favorite lackey. Front: Back: 9. Blacksmith: Nadindel is home to many races, none of them human, and they all know a good weapon when they see one. This blacksmith is one of the best in the land and takes great pride in her work. Her blades are the sharpest, almost as sharp as her wit. Front: Back: 10. Nadindel Elder: The Elder had served Nadindel faithfully for many years. He sought to keep the various races living in harmony, which was no easy task! The heavy load of leadership had brought lines of age to his face, but also wisdom and knowledge. Front: Back: 11. Cartographer Faun: Living on an island, there was only so much land for cartographers to map. But what they lacked in area they made up for in detail. This faun’s maps were best known for perfectly charting every turn in every river as well as the best fishing holes! Front: Back: 12. Red Goblin Emissary: One of the craftier races on Aok, the red goblins were known for their wiles. Most of them had sided with Cocidius. This emissary served to relate Cocidius’ wishes with the land of Nadindel. He does so with no mercy in voice. Front: Back: 13. Wukong: Sometimes called “The Monkey King” because of his primate like features, Wukong serves to protect any who wish to be free from Cocidius’ wrath. Wukong has traveled the known world and has served in many different roles. But for now he is content to live in Keyama. Front: Back: 14. Palace Guard: Many have pledged their loyalty to Wukong. Some of them have been assigned to guard the palace. Many of Cocidius’ followers would like nothing better than to infiltrate the palace and it’s this man’s job to keep them out. And sometimes he has to break up the ghosts if they get too unruly. Front: Back: 15. Keyama Ghost: Keyama is home to a number of tribes of ghosts. They were once noble families who just never left even after death. They carry with them all the memories of their past lives which can lead to some old family squabbles coming up again from time to time. Front: Back: 16. Nervous Curator: Wukong has a great collection of books and artifacts. Some of them are rare because of their age, some because of their value. The curator has been employed in their protection for many years now, but that doesn’t stop him from being worried that something may happen one day. Front: Back: 17. Leander Explorer: The Leander race is known for its cat-like features. This includes a heightened awareness of one’s surroundings which makes them perfect for the task of exploration. In addition to being ready to explore, this Leander is also ready to defend his party against any would be attackers. Front: Back: 18. Xehanort the Heartless: A foul creature that inhabits the seas around Aok, Xehanort seeks to destroy all travelers in her path. No one quite knows her origins and no one has lived long enough to ask her. But many believe she was once a beautiful fairy whose love was spurned causing her to begin a life of vengeance. Now all she knows is destruction. Front: Back: The Complete Series:
  10. Built for Cat. A: No Limitations After the effects of the Civil War, a number of Guildsmen set sail. This is their story: With uncertainty in the Guilds, many travelers took to the seas seeking a safe refuge. One such group was Charlemagne of Kaliphlin, Constance of Mitgardia and those who had fought beside them during the civil war. Unfortunately, trouble befell them on seas and their ship was dashed to pieces. But fortune had not abandoned these travelers completely for they were near an island. The travelers washed up on the northern shore in the region of Aok Island known as the Aikapu region. When they woke up they were met by the villagers. The local mer-people had seen the travelers floundering in the seas and had carried them to the shore. The villagers of Aikapu and the mer-people both warned the travelers that the island was terrorized by a powerful person called Cocidius and that he did not approve of outsiders on the island. They urged the travelers to flee further inland to find the one safe refuge from Cocidius. Before the villagers could finish telling Constance and the rest where this refuge was, the local medicine woman arrived and told them that Cocidius was approaching and that they must flee now or never at all. They set off quickly, and just in time. The travelers made their way south, around the northern mountain range and entered the Land of Mimsy. As they traveled, other events were unfolding in Mimsy as three of the Noble Families met at Barnaby’s Mushroom House. They met to discuss what to do about Hathor, of the Noble Red Family. She had allied herself with Cocidius and was now a threat to their land. These three factions agreed to mount an attack against Hathor, beginning with the Noble Green Family’s assault on Hathor’s forces. The Mantis Squad attacked Hathor’s Wasp Squad and won a small victory, though Hathor herself escaped. Luigi the Green was reporting his success to Barnaby when Constance stumbled into the clearing. It took only a glance for Luigi and Barnaby to realize Constance and her crew were not native to the island of Aok. After some introductions, Barnaby was able to explain that the refuge they sought was hidden in the mountains. The way too, was hidden, but the Elves of Nadindel knew the route. In Nadindel, the local blacksmith was an elf. Which wasn’t all that strange when you considered that almost all the inhabitants of Nadindel were non-human. She was hard at work crafting one of her blades when Constance and the other travelers arrived at her village. In a short amount of time the blacksmith was able to figure out that they needed to talk to the village elder. He, along with a faun cartographer, met with Constance and shared that they were happy to help point the way to the hidden refuge they sought. They were no friends of Cocidius and would gladly help the travelers escape his clutches. He did apologize and clarified that while they would help give them directions, they could not allow the travelers to stay in his village. The village did not like Cocidius and his hate of outsiders, but neither did they want to incur his wrath by harboring fugitives. The travelers headed further south into the southern mountains. Meanwhile, an emissary of Cocidius arrived at the elvish village. He was told by the elder that they did not hold the fugitives Cocidius sought. Once again, Constance and Charlemagne had escaped his grasp. This time, the travelers ended up in Keyama. This was a country with a rich history. The leader, Wukong, emphasized honor and tradition. Wukong himself was of the monkey race, but many humans and a tribe of ghosts made Keyama their home. Two of these ghosts were having an honor battle in front of Wukong’s palace when the travelers arrived. Wukong welcomed them in and invited them to share their story. At long last! The weary travelers had found a safe haven! No longer did they need to worry about the civil wars back home. And no longer did they need to fear Cocidius’ wrath. Now they could rest in Wukong’s palace and reflect on their future paths. - OoC: A final shot of all 4 smaller builds:
  11. I'm disappointed we don't have more nexo-shield colors available yet (22385). Or the hexagonal windscreen in new colors besides dark blue (27262). If anyone sees those pieces in new colors let me know!
  12. You can actually still see it called MCRA here:
  13. My guess is that when they were building the set that no one thought there would eventually be fans dedicated enough to find their errors and contradictions. They just tried to make it work with the budget they had.
  14. @Phred I see 603 DBs being removed this month from my account for active ships. But I don't see my MCRA income. Is that because the MCRA income hasn't been added yet, or is the Active Ship fee already being applied for the next MCRA?
  15. Message received! Sinbad is on his way to stand trial.
  16. If anyone's interested, here's my MCRA result build.
  17. Previously: Chapter 1 Chapter 2: Sinbad the Pirate Hang The Rules Rescued Shipwright Shipwright's Office The Komodo Dragon "Because They're Pirates!" Fish Market The Trial of Sinbad The Trial of Sinbad part 2 The Trial of Sinbad part 3 The Trial of Sinbad part 4 The Trial of Sinbad part 5 A short time before ships sailed last month... Hamilton, it's time for our next scheme. Send the letter to The Peregrine (@Kwatchi) as we discussed. Very good sir. A short time after the results of the MCRA... Sinbad? Who's asking? The nation of Eslandola wishes to inform Bastion that we have detained the Sea Rat vessels which sailed into the port of Fuerte Unido. I was told you were the best person to inform seeing as the Sea Rats have no formal government. And why would you do that? Please sir! I'm just the messenger! The message gives you all the facts! Very well, be gone. Hamilton, it appears our scheme is working. Sea Rat ships fired on ESL vessels shortly before sailing into an ESL harbor. Eslandola is demanding an explanation. Shall we prepare our legal case? Way ahead of you sir. Let's go win another court battle.
  18. Updates! The Rebels were redirected from their desired path by a mountain range. They are on a Mountain and Forest square. The Empire collected the bonus on I21 which gives them 3 extra XP and 3 more movement points. They are on a Plains square.
  19. Movement: We would like to move up 7 spaces with our preferred movement being up and right. "Don't fall behind!" shouted the Nemoidian in the lead. "But I'm so sleepy" replied one of the troops. "I think there's something in the grass that's effecting us" shouted another trooper. "That would explain why I keep thinking I see a green citadel in front of us" answered yet another. "Let's get out of this poppygrass as fast as possible!" commanded MKJoshA.
  20. Wow! If someone could get a degree in Star Wars locations, this would be a great start! I love all the research you've presented and I look forward to your progress.
  21. Updates! The Rebels collected a bonus and get 5 extra team XP for the end game score. They landed on a Forest and Plains square. The Empire is on a forest square.
  22. Updates! The Rebels are on a Forest and Desert square and seem to have hit a force field. They will have to find a way to turn it off or bypass it if they want to get to the shield generator. The Empire is on a Lake and Forest square (there is just enough land for their team to land on!). They revealed a Red Bonus Star so let me take this moment to remind you all that Purple Bonus Stars can be collected by either team. Red can only be collected by Rebels and White by Imperials.
  23. Movement: We would like to move 4 to the right with the preference being Right and Down. The Empire had turned its eye to a number of evils happening across the galaxy. Slavery was one of those evils. But to see it happening on an Imperial occupied moon meant that the Empire was more than just turning a blind eye to it, in this case they were sanctioning it! MKJoshA had worked as an Alliance Intelligence agent for a number of years and had an inkling as to why this may be the case. He had run across a file from the Emperor himself rewarding the capture or death of any Zabrak male. Apparently he had some reason to hate the species. Maybe a power play by one he used to know sometime in the past? Maybe they could do something to prevent the Trandoshans from enslaving these Zabrak and thwart the Emperor at the same time...
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