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Everything posted by MKJoshA

  1. Yes! Flashbacks are a very normal occurrence for freebuilds.
  2. All SoNE related builds should be posted here in the Nar Eurbrikka forum including this contest. It used to be that contests would be posted in Watto's Junkyard, but we changed that when we got our own sub-forum. I tried to change all the verbiage, did I miss somewhere that still says to post it there not here?
  3. Rule Update! Please note this will take effect on any future freebuilds. The current freebuilds yet to be judged will all be judged on the 5 point scale. If you have a freebuild you were about to post, please send me a message and I'll add your freebuild to the exception list. Also note that no planets are "up-for-grabs" with the current contest. If you have any questions please let us know here on the forum or via message.
  4. Rule Update! Please note this will take effect on any future freebuilds. The current freebuilds yet to be judged will all be judged on the 5 point scale. If you have a freebuild you were about to post, please send me a message and I'll add your freebuild to the exception list. Also note that no planets are "up-for-grabs" with the current contest. If you have any questions please let us know here on the forum or via message.
  5. Thank you all for entering the contes! The contest is now closed to new entries. I'll try to have a judging topic up later this week.
  6. Excellent entry! I think you've captured the feel of this creature very well!
  7. Used most recently to haul gold back from Guinevere, the Armored Transport could also be fitted as a prisoner transport. Ender was used to driving vehicles or operating mechs, but he was trained to operate certain spaceships too.
  8. Location: A04 - Mynderis Tags: Vehicle, Land Vehicle, Exploration Ender had taken the new Mag-Bike out across the barren landscape of Mynderis. He had been warned that he might run across some hostile Mantis'. What Mantis weren't hostile? But with the speed capabilities of the bike, Ender wasn't worried even if he across some hostiles.
  9. Love the reference!
  10. Yeah, we call them dormer windows in English.
  11. First, I've extended the deadline just 1 more day. This gives you all of Sunday to build so hopefully that's enough. I don't like extended it too far because some people worked hard to get there's in on time and it's not fair to them to extend too far. Both your entries are good.
  12. And the winners are: Cat. A: Captain Nemo with his build Slave Leia vs MODOK Cat. B: Graham Gidman with his build A Different Universe Please message me with your name, address, county, and phone number. Thanks to everyone who participated!
  13. And the winners are: Cat. A: Captain Nemo with his build Slave Leia vs MODOK Cat. B: Graham Gidman with his build A Different Universe Please message me with your name, address, county, and phone number. Thanks to everyone who participated!
  14. It's from the T-6 Jedi Shuttle. Arguably one of the best Clone Wars sets ever produced.
  15. I've gone out on a limb and listed the prizes on the first page. I haven't been told "yes" to those being supplied by TLG, but I also haven't been told "no." When the winners are announced, please be patient with me as I try to track down the prizes. Also, I know it is very un-orthodox to list the prizes one day before the contest is over. Please know that was never my intention. I've learned a lot in hosting this contest about how TLG sponsored prizes work, but it's been a learning curve. That said, could I get everyone's opinion about whether you think we should extend the contest another 4 days or not?
  16. You find yourself on Nar Eurbrikka, one of the moons orbiting Nal Hutta, and home to some of the scum of the galaxy. Not to say that there aren't nice parts of Nar Eurbrikka, this just isn't one of them. You walk around glancing at the bars and shops when all of a sudden you hear a voice yelling at you... “Hey, you! Yeah you, with the eyeballs! Interested in making some easy credits? I need a bounty hunter and you look like you have the skills I require. All you have to do is take care of a little problem for me, and I’ll pay you handsomely. Take a look at my ‘shopping list’ and come back and see me when you’ve retrieved one of the ‘items.’" Mission List For builders with more than 0 XP: Rodian on Tatooine Geonosian on Ord Mantell For builders with more than 10 XP you have all the previous missions and: Wookiee on Endor Lasat on Lothal Weequay on Geonosia Talz on Hoth For builders with more than 25 XP you have all the previous missions and: Twi’lek on Corellia Mon Calamari on Fondor Zabrak on Felucia Gungan on Coruscant Gamorrean on Nar Eurbrikka For builders with more than 50 XP you have all the previous missions and: Neimoidian on Dantooine Bith on Bothawui Gran on Mon Cal Dug on Corellia Sullustan on Tatooine Tusken on Naboo For builders with more than 100 XP you have all the previous missions and: Kel Dor on Nal Hutta Trandoshan on Kashyyyk Duros on Endor Ewok on Naboo Ithorian on Dantooine Jawa on Lothal For builders with more than 125 XP you have all the previous missions and: Togruta on Felucia Vurk on Geonoisia Cerean on Commenor Mirialan on Kuat Toydarian on Fondor Kyuzo on Ord Mantell Nautolan on Naboo Besalisk on Sullust For builders with more than 150 XP you have all the previous missions and: Hutt on Hapes Umbaran on Endor Clawdite (Skin Changer) on Lothal "I know it can be difficult to get 'items' of this nature through spaceport security, so if your cargo gets detained, just bring me a holoimage. I still need to know it was you who got the item! For example, see that Trandosian? Bossk has been working for me for years. If you want to learn how to do this job, you should learn from his example. For instance, he never asks questions about why someone is on the list. He just does his job and receives the credits. He also doesn't leave any room for questions about whether he's done his job right or not. I always know he's gotten the right 'item.' On the other hand, I had a bounty hunter named Greedo who used to work for me and he had no clue how to do his job well.'" "See this holoimage? It's so blurry I can't even tell if that's Greedo or one of his cousins! And he claims that skeleton was the Sullustan he was supposed to take care of on Tatooine, but how was I to know he was telling the truth?" "And in this holoimage Greedo claimed he was on Endor, but it looks more like he was in one of the parks on Coruscant! He said he had used a flame-thrower on his Duros target, but there wasn't enough left to know if it was a Duros or barbecued Bantha!" "Now Bossk, he knows how to convince a guy! He was picking up a Wookie for me on Kashyyyk. His holoimage of him flying through the Wroshyr trees with that mass of fur hanging off the back of his speeder showed he had gotten the right 'item.'" "And here, even though I can't see the whole body, I know there was only one Gungan crazy enough to be in that back alley on Coruscant so I know he got his guy!" What is this? The Bounty Hunter Missions are a way for SoNE builders to expand their building skills and stories outside of just the normal troopers. With each rank you earn, more missions become available for you to complete. Show your bounty hunter collecting each of the different aliens to unlock a special tag as well as removal of the XP restriction on freebuilds for your normal SoNE character. Rules For these bounty hunter missions you get to create a new character to use as a bounty hunter. The bounty hunter you create can be human or alien regardless of whether you are part of the Rebels or the Empire, but you must use the same bounty hunter for every mission. You can have your current sig-fig help with the mission if you so choose, but you must also have your bounty hunter included. Your bounty hunter does not count towards any number of allowed character(s) for the episodes and freebuilds. While your bounty hunter may show up in any other SoNE builds (episodes or freebuilds), he/she should not be the main protagonist of any of these builds. Each build must show your bounty hunter capturing their target either alive or dead. You can write a backstory explaining why the target needed to be taken out, or you can just build. Each build must show specific details of the planet the target is located on. Information on the planets can be found here or on Wookiepedia. Your posts should be titled with a header following these guidelines [BH alien]. I.E. [BH - Rodian]. Each build has a minimum size limit of 512 square studs (or the equivalent of 16x32 baseplate). That means your build has to equal 512 square studs or larger. Builds with non-square bases that are another size are acceptable as long as it equals 512 total studs. These builds are not meant to be quick, they are meant to show skill. How much XP you’ve earned shows what Bounty Hunter Missions you’ve unlocked. As you gain more XP, more missions open up. As you gain the next level of XP, you still have access to all previous missions. As not everyone has a collection of every Star Wars minifigure, you are not required to use a full alien minifigure in your build. You can use creative methods to show your target without having to reveal that it’s not the official minifigure. Examples, such as those seen above, would be just an arm showing from inside a dumpster or "fur" showing through a net. To make up for the lack of minifigure, you should compensate by putting more detail into the surrounding showing what planet your target is on. The rule of thumb is that if you don't use the official minifigure, make up for it in creativity! If you don't have an Ewok minifigure and just show a pair of legs, make up a story for why your bounty hunter has to track him down on Naboo. The more creative the better! Your bounty hunter builds do not count towards your 4 freebuild limit per episode. There is no limit to how many bounty hunter builds you can enter per episode. Your entry will be judged by at least 3 judges with a pass/fail vote. If it is not up to the standards shown in these rules, you will be asked to try again. If your build does not pass the first time, you must wait until the next episode starts before trying that mission again. Not passing one mission does not prevent you from trying another mission during that episode. Results for the pass/fail will be posted by the SoNE Admin account. If the build fails, an explanation will be given for what needs to improve for it to pass. A special thanks to Bricklink for the use of their images for the Mission List. If you want to grow your Star Wars minifigure collection, trying looking on Bricklink.com for a good deal! For each Bounty Hunter Mission you complete, you will earn 5XP. If you complete all the Bounty Hunter Missions, you will unlock this tag: Unlocking this tag will grant you the ability to build freebuilds on any planet without any team-control XP restrictions. You can have this tag in addition to another SoNE tag.
  17. I don't want to speak for everyone, so let me get back to you on that one. Consider them still no allowed except for your sig-fig for now. And yes, hurray for the EU!
  18. Not likely, as this has already been extended far longer than intended. But I'd really like to see you be able to enter! Try to get it in if you can!
  19. For all of you who have been waiting to know what the prizes are, if that's what's holding you back from participating please message me so I can let you know the intended prizes. I'm still waiting on some final information on funding for the prizes.
  20. Very cool! I really like the color choice, it fits well with Nal Hutta.
  21. For those of you who haven't noticed. NuckElBerg has been very faithful about posting at the last allowed second. It's almost safe to set your week by his post
  22. Excellent work! You've done a good job capturing the details of the scene!
  23. Just in case there was any confusion, yes, you have been added to the Player Index Yes, but part of the SoNE rules are that your character must have the same name as your screenname. So you are in the Index under Lego Fett. You have been added to the Index! Great minifig and welcome to the best team! Yes, I went through the Index awhile ago and cleared out people who had 0XP and hadn't been active on this forum in awhile. Welcome back! I've added you back to the Index. If you have a link to your sig-fig I can update your photo too. Well, I wish you were on my team, but I've added you anyway!
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