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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by MKJoshA

  1. Sorry guys, my wife just had our first baby (a girl) last week and I'm still behind on my EU responsibilities. I'll get something official up in the next day or two!
  2. Looking good! I like the changes!
  3. My Cat. C entry!
  4. On board The Hornet, one of Kawashita's new battle cruisers, Ender meets up with Kirk to talk to the red-shirt who has been repairing the hull. They had had a run in with a small asteroid which has caused some loss on the hull integrity outside the airlock. The red-shirt was almost done repair the damage and would soon be returning inside to report on whether The Hornet was ready for any firefights. The safety features that could keep the most mischievous of children from making a mistake, The Hornet's airlock was designed to only open the inner doors when the decompression chamber was full of oxygen. And to only open the outer door when the chamber was fully sealed to prevent any unwanted loss of oxygen from the main ship.
  5. I love the look and feel of this bridge! Incredible work! The logos are amazing, the characters are great to see, the AG map photoshop'ed onto the screen is incredible, and the details (like the console being worked on) are stupendous!
  6. As we work on judging the next round of freebuilds, can you help clarify whether you want all 4 scenes judged together for this freebuild, or just the first one? If it's all 4, please update your first post as BEAVeR said.
  7. While I'm sure BEAVeR appreciates your appreciation of his MOC, please be more careful about "bumping" old topics. We want the newer topics to have their fair share of time at the top of the list. If you have a shorter comment, such as the one in this topic, it might be best to message BEAVeR rather than bumping an older topic.
  8. Please transfer 33 credits to NuckElBerg.
  9. Sorry! I've been behind in that task. He should be added later today or tomorrow.
  10. Congratulations Gunman! My wife and I are expecting our first (a girl too) any day now, so I'll soon be where you are! I just began my collection of Duplos in preparation
  11. Not any time soon You'll have to get your Star Wars contest fix from SoNE for now!
  12. I would have used more clips, but I ran out. One can only have so many orange clips
  13. Kindly transfer 33 credits to NuckElBerg.
  14. Location: C06 - Hyreal Tags: Vehicle, Land Vehicle, Exploration Ender was off across one of the islands of Hyreal. This one was known for it's black sand beaches. Something not found in many parts of the galaxy. But what this island was even better known for were it's orange trees. Ender wished he had more time to stop and admire, but his main task was to explore and see if there was anything more valuable than the water they already knew they could harvest from the planet.
  15. I know you're super busy Bob, but my latest build got scored, but not logged or rewarded.
  16. The voting has begun!
  17. Voting is now open! Each picture is a link to the original thread. Please go to each thread before voting as there are more pictures from the members that may help you make a better choice. Please vote for your favorite entry in each category by listing the category and then the number. For example: Only those who were members before the contest ended on August 2nd 2015 can vote. If you were not a member before August 2nd then you can't vote. This is to prevent accounts being created for voting. First place in Cat. A will win 75053 The Ghost First place in Cat. B will win 75046 Coruscant Police Gunship First place in Cat. C will win 75045 Republic AV-7 Anti-Vehicle Cannon As a member can only win one prize, if a member gets the most votes for more than one category they will be given the option of which prize they want and then the 2nd place person will win the other prize. You cannot vote for your own entry! Voting will close at the end of the day on the 16th of August. As long as it is still the 16th somewhere in the world, you can still vote. Votes cast after that hour will not be accepted. Cat. A: – 1. MstrOfPppts - Fight against Exar Kun - 2. Artizan - Rahn's Last Stand against the Dark Jedi – 3. Commander Beltar - The Truce At Bakura – 4. Ephseb - Tsoss Beacon Conference Cat. B: – 1. Ephseb - FreiTek E-Wing Starfighter – 2. naugem - I-7 Howlrunner – 3. Yfronts_brian - Spaceship – 4. keiththelegokid - Tie Ugly (Z-Cepter) – 5. Commander Beltar - Tinok-F Patrol Cloud Car Cat. C: – 1. Commander Beltar - Sh'tk'ith – 2. naugem - Ysalamir
  18. If you click the "SoNE Contest" tag at the top of the page, it will pull them all up.
  19. Your team's capitol ships will qualify for up to 5 xp. As for other ships or spacestations, right now they would have to be in close proximity to a team controlled planet to qualify for up to 5 xp, but let me take that to the rest of the team and see if we want to modify it.
  20. Ah, the old copy-and-paste-from-an-older-episode-error. Thanks for catching that, I've fixed it now.
  21. Whoops Thanks for catching that. I'll fix it later today.
  22. You can build on a planet not listed and get up to 4 XP for it. Which planet did you have in mind?
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