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Everything posted by MKJoshA

  1. I like your story a lot! And your build is great too. Parts of it look a little unfinished, but the speeders make up for it.
  2. Those are both incredible! The amount of detail you've created on Han is stunning.
  3. Your builds are stunning, but your story is the best!
  4. I've got two builds I'm finishing up and hope to have photographed sometime next week.
  5. Location: E11 Fascini Cluster Tags: Vehicle, Land Vehicle Last time, in Ender's story: A Space Saga Begins Is it Mine Mine? After Octan had finally agreed to continue expanding like parasites on a different set of asteroids, and after M.A.N.T.I.S. had been thrown down the mine shaft (the only way to keep her from killing everyone in sight), Ender headed out after the alien craft he had seen. Being a part of a super-secret branch of the Kawashita company had it's privaledges. He was able to call in an airdrop of one of the new bikes one of the Okami scientists had come up with.
  6. Your creativity knows no bounds. I love how unique your mind is.
  7. I can answer the first question. The commander is based on rank, not XP. That had me confused for awhile too. Anyone who is the same rank as Lucas could actually be the commander and Lucas could be under him/her.
  8. I know the Rebels are going to keep using their old one. Why re-invent the wheel right?
  9. The commander job is open for nominees and volunteers. The team will have to work together to decide. Have you been invited to your group PM thread yet?
  10. So it's the Kawashita line that's messed up then. It should be B08 to B09.
  11. I was going to fix it, but someone already beat me to it! Should be good now.
  12. Mantis' fleet was already on A08, did you mean to switch those?
  13. Location: E11 Fascini Cluster Tags: Vehicle, Land Vehicle, Civil Last time, in Ender's story: A Space Saga Begins Hiro had been working the winch at one of Kawashita's mines on one of the larger asteroids in the Fascini Cluster when he was "approached" by an Octan employee. "Excuse me," Octan said, "I'll be claiming this asteroid for Octan now, you need to leave." "Sorry Octan," answered Hiro, "You've been in-system for too long. It's our turn to be here now." "No, no, no," Octan continued, "That's not how we work at Octan. Once we've expanded to a planet or asteroid belt, we never go back. So you can leave, or you can join Octan. We are always hiring" he said with a smile. Another voice broke in, "You both need to drop your weapons and leave!" "I'm here to claim this asteroid in the name of M.A.N.T.I.S." the newcomer continued. "You don't understand!" shouted Hiro. "Octan is the enemy here, not Kawashita! Octan is the one who controls half the galaxy!" "I don't care" answered M.A.N.T.I.S. "Do I look like I care about strategy? All I care about is killing you both!" Meanwhile, the winch had finished bringing Ender up from the bottom of the shaft. "Um, guys? Do you think we could figure this out so I can stop hanging here?" Things seemed to be at a standstill when they all heard an odd engine noise approaching. The strange spacecraft was flying low over the asteroid's surface. Really low! Everyond threw themselves on the ground, except for Ender who could only hang and watch. Ender had never seen a spacecraft like that one before. Maybe this was the alien race that had been causing Kawashita so much trouble. He was going to have to do some more investigation... right after he helped Hiro regain control of their asteroid! OoC: I am not happy with the alien craft, but I didn't have time to design something better. It looked a lot better in my head! Nevertheless, here is another picture of it if you're interested:
  14. I've been really bad at keeping up with how many credits I have, but please give all of them (246 if the sigfig generator is to be believed) to NuckElBerg.
  15. Thanks Big Sal. I didn't realize those changes had happened. I've added the correct tag and I'll be careful about tagging from now on.
  16. Location: B06 Sorn Tags: Spaceship, Driver, Vehicle, Land Vehicle Within Kawashita there are many branches that make up the larger whole of the company. Some of them are publicly known and act as the face for Kawashita, selling robotics, space ships, and other technological goodies. Other branches are only known within the company because they handle tedious paperwork or other menial jobs. But there are other branches that most people, even those of Kawashita, don't know about. One of these companies is Shinra. After his last mission, Ender found himself summonded to one of Shinra's command ships currently located in the space around Sorn. On board The Limit Break Ender entered the conference room to find Cloud standing against the wall and two Kawashita executives staring at him. "I hope I have not done anything to dishonor the company" began Ender. Since he had never heard of them before, and did not know if Shinra was the branch that handled quite, permanent dismisals from Kawashita, Ender thought it best to play it safe when meeting with them for the first time. "Not at all Ender" began the man, "Quite to the contrary. Cloud has told us of your many skills." "Including single-handedly stopping M.A.N.T.I.S. in the Hamilton Belt recently" chimed in the woman "We need people of your caliber." The man jumped back in, "That's why we want you to become a part of the Okami Force." "I am honored by your offer, but I've never heard of them before" stated Ender. "That is good" said the woman, "for else we would not have done our jobs properly. You see, we act in secret whenever the good of the company needs to be done, but perhaps would not be publicly accepted. Those who call themselves Okami are in every sector of Kawashita. We all have different talents and levels of skill, but we are all dedicated to the good of the company above our own personal glory." "Your present duties or assignments would not change" stated the man. "You would just need to be ready to be called upon when needed. Specifically, we have been facing a threat from a certain Alien race found on many of the planets under our control. They have been causing almost as much trouble as M.A.N.T.I.S., but we have been keeping it from reaching any of the press. We have no target as of yet, but when you are needed we would call for you. Can we count on you?" Ender bowed deeply and said, "For the good of the company, yes." "Excellent," the man continued, "Cloud will show you to your quarters and brief you more on Shinra. We will drop you off at your next assignment. While we travel you will find plenty to occupy yourself with in the labs." Ender turned to go but was interrupted. "And one more thing, we ask that you recruit anyone else you think would be helpful to our cause. Just send us a message after making initial contact and we will run the usual background tests. That is all." On the way to Ender's quarters Cloud had given him the rest of the facts about Okami Force. It was a branch to be reckoned with for sure, Ender concluded. It gave him much to think about as he traveled on The Limit Break. He spent the rest of the time working on a new mech he called the Banshee. Working on it gave him time to think about who of his friends he would try to recruit first. OoC: I counted this as a "Driver" build since Ender is "driving" the mech. If that's too much of a stretch, feel free to remove it.
  17. The Player Index is up-to-date! Please let me know if anything is missing. We've had several people advance in rank, which is going to be more important in the not-too-faraway-future!
  18. The Player Index is up-to-date! Please let me know if anything is missing. We've had several people advance in rank, which is going to be more important in the not-too-faraway-future!
  19. I forgot to ask you both for a square avatar picture.
  20. I love seeing the hanger in full! Great work and wonderful ship too!
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